Obama threatens to take ball, go home

| February 26, 2014

Ex-PH2 sends us a link to the Associated Press which reports that President Obama called the Taliban’s chief propagandist, Hamid Karzai, for the first time since last summer and threatened to pull all US troops out of Afghanistan if the nation doesn’t sign the agreement that the two parties had negotiated last year for a continued presence of Americans there;

“We will leave open the possibility of concluding a (security agreement) with Afghanistan later this year,” the White House said in a statement following the call. “However, the longer we go without a (deal), the more challenging it will be to plan and execute any U.S. mission.”

Obama’s attempt to minimize Karzai’s importance to U.S. decision-making underscores how fractured the relationship between the two leaders has become. Tuesday’s phone call was the first direct contact between Obama and Karzai since last June. The Afghan leader has deeply irritated Washington with anti-American rhetoric, as well as with his decision this month to release 65 prisoners over the objections of U.S. officials.

The White House insists it won’t keep any American troops in Afghanistan after December without a security agreement giving the military a legal basis for staying in the country.

So, who is surprised that setting an arbitrary withdrawal date to force Afghanistan to take responsibility for their own security is causing all of these problems? I mean, it was Joe Bite Me’s idea, so why isn’t it working?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Dear Lord, save us from these fools and the idiots who reelected them …


Isn’t it wonderful, having the amateurs in charge?


OT: SITREP on Sparks?


Ah! Another red line. I’m sure Karzai is shaking in his boots.

Actually, though, Obama stumbled on to the right solution. We should get the hell out now. Not one more American life ruined or lost because of that craphole.

A Proud Infidel

As I see it, it’s simple, B. Hussein 0bama & Company as they see it, get to make it all look like a failure, blame Bush, and spit on us Vets and what we’ve done in any and every way they can!!


He planned on withdrawing all along, why not do it right now? He was never comitted to “winning” anything there… not sure he even had a plan for success.


When the US leaves, Karzai will also flee the country.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. In this case, the president is right, we should GTFO now. The only purpose that US or NATO troops will serve after this is to (a) provide targets for Taliban-directed attacks and (b) to support the local economy.

And as for (b), hell, send them a check every month and get the troops out. Our mission there is done, there’s no point in wasting any more lives in that place.

I may be one of the few Afghanistan vets who actually liked it there, but then again, I was there in 2003, when it was a pretty laid back war.

Or, to steal a line from the Vietnam vets out there “Hey, we were winning when I left.” 😀


I think Dear Leader’s plan all along has been to completely bug out. More American loss of face, prestige and respect, which suits Dear Leader fine.


1st post nails it…..