Timothy Flaherty; telling tales to stay out of jail

| January 27, 2014

Chris sends us a article from the Pocono Record Writer in which they tell the tale of Timothy Flaherty who was facing several counts of DUI and used a story of his injuries in Afghanistan as an excuse for his behavior. So the judge got a hold of his records to sort it all out.

Flaherty told the court initially that he was the lone survivor of a 4-man vehicle crew which hit a roadside bomb. Flaherty tells quite frequently around town, according to the article, that he was dead until a helicopter-bourne medic revived him and he was evacuated. Well, the real story is a little different;

In May 2006, Flaherty, then a staff sergeant, was on duty, standing guard outside a residence in which a U.S. Army colonel and a local Afghan official were meeting.

He suddenly became ill and passed out.

Flaherty’s tongue was blocking his breathing, so a medic and a physician’s assistant performed a tracheotomy on him to restore his breathing.

Once he was stabilized, he was sent back to the United States.

That is according to a signed affidavit from Mathew Novak, a 20-year veteran who held the rank of sergeant first class at the time, and was present when it happened.

“The incident was non-hostile in nature, Mr. Flaherty was not in a Humvee, nor was he involved in any incident involving an I.E.D. at the time, nor were any fellow service members killed or hurt during the incident,” Novak wrote.

Flaherty took a few months to recover and returned to Afghanistan.

The article continues that Flaherty was reduced in rank from [either staff sergeant or sergeant depending on how you read the article] to private E-1 for alcohol- and cocaine-related offenses as well as AWOL and discipline offenses until he was finally honorably discharged. The record also says that he was screened for TBI and PTS and the doctors found nothing.

So basically, he thought he could get away anything and then hide behind his spotty military record with some heart-wrenching phony stories. The judge had given him several chances to redeem himself, of which Flaherty didn’t take advantage. It looks like the Army gave him a couple chances, too, but he didn’t avail himself. So the next time a veteran is front of that judge, the ghost of Flaherty will be in the court room. Thanks, buddy, from all of us.

Category: Veterans Issues

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A Proud Infidel

Dirtbags will be dirtbags…


Bag, Douche. 1ea. Size large. Expendable.

Just An Old Dog

Whenever a douche canoe like this tries to pull this crap I hope the judge lays into him on record about what a lying SOS he is and its part of the court papers. Forver.

A Proud Infidel

This fucknozzle needs to have the book thrown at him, and let Bubba & Thor straighten his ass out while he’s in prison!!

2/17 Air Cav

Drugs + Booze = Honorable discharge. Okay, where do I sign?


And this turd wonders why legit vets won’t seek the help they need.

Curb-stomp this shitbag.


Ho hum article about another dirtbag until I caught the same thing that 2/17 Air Cav did:

“The article continues that Flaherty was reduced in rank from [either staff sergeant or sergeant depending on how you read the article] to private E-1 for alcohol- and cocaine-related offenses as well as AWOL and discipline offenses until he was finally honorably discharged. ”

WTF? Honorable Discharge???

Joe Williams

I was in front of the judge for 2 counts of assults with injuries in Texas. I did not use my PTSD or Service connected injuries as an excuse. I told my side of it and letr the Judge decide. I was sentenced to 1 yr unsupised probration. After the year the charge was dropped. Joe

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress, aka. The Phildo, would be proud!


@7 if you go to the linked article youwill see a photo of him in his greens wearing E-6 Rank. Not sure which brigade he was in in the 82d. Douchebag.


hit enter to soon… Someone did him a huge favor by giving him an honorable discharge, otherwise he would have lost all VA benefits.

2/17 Air Cav

The favor is called enabling, in the parlance of addictions counselors. He may straighten himself out but he never will w/o severe consequences. And that’s usually the best help a drunk or drug-addicted person can receive: negative consequences. They are always lying, always being weasels. The judge caught him and, as Jonn says, this guy Flaherty did a public service in serving up a lie and getting caught at it by a judge who didn’t just roll along with the bullshit.

Pineywoods NCO

# 2.

I think that large-size bag is too small…need more like 3XL at least and then a small plastic bag that can hold a single pill…you know, to collect what few brain cells are working on this dumbass.

Cat turd.