Active shooter at The Mall in Columbia (Maryland)
So, there’s stuff flying around about an active shooter at The Mall in Columbia, Howard County, Maryland. The Howard County Police report three have died. There aren’t many details yet, but, it has to be a false story, because Governor O’Malley just rammed through new gun control legislation which was supposed to solve the gun problem in Maryland. They got accolades from the Brady Bunch.
“We’re among the top tier of states that are doing the most a state can do,” said Vincent DeMarco, Marylanders to Prevent Gun violence.
So, you see how I might be concerned that this story was planted by the far right wing because Maryland is absolutely safe from gun violence. Either that, or O’Malley was just pissing in the wind.
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The Baltimore Sun is reporting that one of three dead was found with a gun and ammo beside him. Other news outlets are reporting that this was the shooter. In any event, it appears that the Olympic Games are safer for Americans than Columbia Mall.
Reported to be a lovers quarrel, the shooter shot himself.
Some of the comments at the story are the usual clap trap about “another nut with a gun” or that there has already been a school shooting and now this mall shooting to start out 2014, as though by banning all guns will take care of this happening.
Did Wickre finally snap?
Why doesn’t anyone propose banning people? Natural disasters aside, I don’t know of any bad thing that happens in this world in which people aren’t responsible. Hmmm. I suppose you could argue that it’s bad when a shark eats someone, but that’s only from your perspective. From the shark’s perspective, it is a good thing.
I think it would be better to ban those giant shopping malls.
They attract all the wrong elements of society, like snotty people who look around to see who is watching them enter a particular store.
And zombies, too. Every time there’s a zombie uprising, they straight for the malls.
HUH? HEY, WAIT, Maryland just passed a bunch of Criminal Emboldening Laws (*OOPS!* Gun Control Laws) so the criminals were SUPPOSED to turn theirs in too, weren’t they? *TSK!*
Is it just me, or does it seem like every time a violent crime is committed in a public place the news media now wants to scream “ACTIVE SHOOTER!”
Then they suddenly change the subject when it turns out to be a mugging, gang hit, payback against Sancho tapping somebody’s wife, or even…an incident that didn’t even involve a firearm! Seriously, it seems like the Active Shooter is the new fad in the news media.
How much would anybody care to bet that this was a crime with a specific target(s) in mind, and not just another armed socialist on a rampage?
So much for the invisible anti-gun force field generated by “Gun Free Zone” signs. I mean, that’s how it works, right? 😐
Yeah, R-1775, look at how well the “Gun-Free Zone” signs around Virginia Tech worked!!
So, you see how I might be concerned that this story was planted by the far right wing because Maryland is absolutely safe from gun violence. Either that, or O’Malley was just pissing in the wind.
I’ll take “pissing in the wind” for $1000, Jonn. (smile)
#5 Well, the sharks wouldn’t eat people if people didn’t go out into the natural habitat of sharks and disrupt their lives and screw with the natural order of things. So you’re right, people cause everything.
Been skiing all day!
Let me get this staight.
“Lovers quarrel”.
Then one of them shoots self!
OMG … She must have been hell of a BITCH for the guy to do that to himself!
The term ‘active shooter’ was made up for one story on something somewhere,and once the media nitwits get that into their vocabulary, they chew on it until there’s not much left of it. Then they come up with a new catch phrase.
The Washington Post has an article “What we know and what we don’t know” on the shooting. It’s about ten minutes old as of the time of this comment.
@#14, Ex, “active shooter” was used by LE for years. A reporter, or reporterette heard it used on a scanner, or over heard it used one day, and it became part of the story. I guess the folks in the media don’t see that an “inactive shooter” wouldn’t be much of a story.
The first report I heard today was that the shooter was upstairs in the mall, overlooking the food court, and had opened fire on diners below him. I just wish the “need” to say something would go away and the morons who “report” news would shut their pie holes until they actually know the facts.
@16 You mean you expect such paragons of integrity as CNN and CBS to be honest and responsible?
@16: The first reports were the media using what the cops said i.e active shooter, so that the cops had time to get dressed up in all their tacticool glory for their close ups to be run on the evening news and in the newspapers.
As for the comments from the ignorant at the first story I read; I wonder if they will retract their stupidity or just let it fade away as though they never typed it?? I say they will go with plan B and ignore that they ever said it. The anti-gunners are like the media in that hey have these wet dreams of mass shootings involving high capacity “clips” and some rightwing nutter shooting up a bunch of innocent people for no apparent reason other than the nutter is an angry white rightwing extremist. They immediately use that mindset as their default at the beginning of any shooting situation. When the truth finally comes out, they act like they never thought anything else and never were sitting in the corner masturbating to the thought that it was a rightwinger in a tower with a automatic assault rifle and 30 round clip magazines loaded with high powered capacity clip bullets and shit.