Oh, for crying out loud

| January 17, 2014

Yes, the Pentagon is still wringing their hands over the pictures that appeared on the gossip website, TMZ that showed Marines burning the bodies of their dead enemies. I think that we can all agree that the incident probably happened because of hygiene and for the welfare of US troops in the area. But, apparently, the perfumed princes are concerned that marines may have actually smiled while in the vicinity of the smoldering enemies’ bodies, according to Fox News;

Navy Rear Admiral John Kirby, however, said that even if burning the corpses was permissible, one of the photos, which depicts a grinning Marine kneeling over a skull, could raise separate problems.

“Aside from the burning, there were other images in that collection which are troubling for other reasons,” Kirby told Fox News, adding that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is “deeply troubled” by the images.

This is a low-point for the politically correct Pentagon. Why are they even spending a moment’s thought on this incident? Now, I wasn’t in Fallujah, I was living in downtown DC at the time. But maybe one of you could tell me of the general order which addressed smiling while near dead insurgents. Or any other policy the Marine Corps had at the time about being amused in the presence of dead bodies.

Troubling? I’ll tell what’s troubling – a rear admiral who won’t tell the media to find a real story instead of worrying about the public discovering the fact that war is grisly and messy and sometimes our Marines try to lighten up the mood in amongst all of that nasty shit.

Category: Marine Corps, Military issues

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Well it is a good thing that the good Admiral has not served in a ground combat role, his sensitivities would be all twisted up in a bunch…. As to Chuckie… HE IS A COMBAT INFANTRYMAN turned pansy ass politician who has forgotten that war is a brutal thing, and things that happen cannot be judged by those not there. Someone get them both a new sanitary napkin and could someone please pull our troops out of that shithole in Afghanistan.

This country is seriously heading down the wrong path.

Old Trooper

I guess the rumors are true; that you have to check your nutsack at the door before entering the Pentagon.


“Low Life’s All” no further comment.


What nutsack? That man most likely was not issued one by Mother Green. lmao!


Uh oh, Chucky is “deeply troubled”. Where were his emotions when the Pentagon budget was being slashed while our servicemembers are still dying in combat?


This is no surprise.

When a Brit newspaper published a couple photos of the burned out vehicles that followed the escape route of Saddam Hussein’s fleeing army, a couple of those photos included images of a burned skull, the result of an exploding gas tank in a vehicle. It raised an outcry, of course, and howls from the public. No one wants to see that in the morning paper, you know.

So who is shooting this stuff now? And why is it being released to the media? I’m not saying ‘Hide it’, but for pete’s sake, use some common sense about it because it creates a backlash that has the Pantygone guys covering their laps with their hands.


Warning…don’t read the comments on the pictures unless you’ve taken your blood pressure medication


I was there and handled some of the bodies.

First reaction and analysis of the photos:

Marine is not wearing combat load, he is wearing rubber gloves. (probably during clean-up operations vice combat operations)

A separate picture shows a Marine next to a skull, but not touching it…..and assuming a proper tactical position.

Body is lying on back with feet bent under (indicative of being shot from the front, while kneeling…..consistant with AQI murdering of families/torture cells found in the city)
Bodies have gleaming white bones (not fresh remains; probably picked clean by the dog and cats that flourished in the city after the November offensive)
Search of the body was actually a search of the clothing (standard intel gathering technique, we do it to “alive” people as well/many bodies were boobytrapped, so also a good idea for declaring a home “clear”)
At this time, there were no civilians in the city (the entire city was declared hostile) so no remains identification was possible.
When remains could be identified, they were transported outside the city to drop-off point.

Rest of the pictures were puppies eating people, etc. (neuter your pets so they can’t multiply…..?)

Very happy that the Pentagon is more concerned about the mishandling of remains while in combat than the mishandling of service member remains within our own cemetaries (and not during combat operations).


Well said Doc… S/F


Today Marine sniper Lance Corporal Joe Smith was recommended for a bronze Star for his actions in Afghanistan for the killing of Blubbha Dullubah, a suspected Al Qaida high value target. Lance Corporal dispatched Blubbha Dullubah with one shot at approximately 700 meters. In related news Lance Corporal Smith was brought up on charges of desecrating the body Blubbha Dullabah for firing a second shot just to make sure.


@10 this is satire for all those who cant tell.


Chucky Hagel, Drama Queen.


Some folks handle stress by laughing or smiling. Burning bodies would be a terrible task and maybe the only way for them to deal with it is for them to laugh.

God bless them for being willing to do a terrible job.

2/17 Air Cav

I just looked at the WARNING!WARNING!GRAPHIC IMAGES! pics of what this hubbub is all about. I say, and you can quote me, piffle. I just had lunh, a big lunch of ham/swiss, pickle, chips, soda, grapes (don’t ask) and someting else….oh yeah, some kind of dip. Anyway, I went through the pics, waiting for the shock and the Marines doing the bone dance. Nothing. If anything happens to one of those Marines–STOP, It aleady has happened. There’s a full-scale inestigation. Guys are nervous and wondering, “are they gonna hang me out to dry, too?” F the Hagel.


OK, I looked at the photos, and I can tell you that I have seen things far worse than cremating remains that may be infectious.

There is nothing abnormal about cremating unidentified remains for disease prevention. It’s the reason the Roman’s had funeral pyres instead of burials. When a corpse begins to decay, after the corpse gases are released by a puncture, such as an animal bite, the process of decay creates vapors that attract scavengers.

If that pussypants Hagel ever took the time to watch a few episodes of African vultures going after a carcass, he’d know and state that destroying unburied remains is the only way to avoid the spread of diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhus.

The job of scavenger animals is cleaning up carcasses. IF there are no scavengers to do that, and only humans to dispose of unidentified remains, the only safe solution is cremation, i.e., burning the remains.

What those Marines were doing is correct and in keeping with safety.

And Chuck Hagel is a wimpy shit with a teeny weeny dick that he couldn’t find with a magnifying glass, a pair of tweezers and a can of pepper.


I’m guessing that any pics of me “crossing the line” or any given visit to Subic Bay would likely get me court-martialed these days.


If you haven’t been around a three-day-old corpse, I will tell you right now that the smell will make you vomit. And you will never forget it, either, any more than you will forget the smell of a pierced large intestine spilling into someone’s abdomen in the middle of major surgery.

I think Hagel is more worried about looking like a lawsuit victim himself than he is about doing the right thing, which is corpse disposal.

I would like to know who the hell sent those photos to TMZ. That should never be allowed. Period.

I am getting REAL tired of these whimpering bits of crap coming out of the DoD nowadays.


Those are extremely graphic pictures???!!! Really??!! Please. I looked at the one photo showing a face and I can’t, nor can anyone else say if the Marine was smiling for the camera or about the situation. No one knows the intent of his heart at the time. If it were at the situation, so the F— what! War is ugly and awful, plain and simple. It cannot be sanitized into the Peace Corps for heaven’s sake. I never saw a camera I didn’t smile for when I served. If that is the sum and substance of what they are “deeply troubled” about. I have some news and history for them to take a look at.

Remember the Somalis who were laughing, cheering, dancing and generally having a party over the dead Americans in Mogadishu. I would have killed every one of those sons of bitches for treating a dead American troop that way! AND, I would have had a smile on my face doing it! The Pentagon has gone absolutely retarded, brain dead. Plus, when did the Pentagon become a media whore? Why are they even pandering to this bull shit? No f’in’ wonder the military is going to hell in a hand cart.

Ex said it correctly. If the a-holes have never been around dead, ripe corpses then they need to get out into the real world of of a combat zone where the shit is actually happening and wake up and smell the awful smells that come with war.


WTF. Has anyone put a FOIA in on Chuck Hagel? There is now way this clown was an Infantrymen in Viet effing Nam. NO WAY!

As if vets aren’t prone to enough mental health issues these sorry fuckers want them to bottle up all emotions while they kill, in gruesome ways, the filthy bastards who have been trying to maim and murder them and their friends for months. God for bid they crack a smile or cope with all that evil by throwing an off color joke around. How has the pentagon been completely overrun by this PC shit in the course of 5 short years? And how have these shmucks served through 12 years of war and still not have any inclination what it is about. Its at least excusable for civilians to be clueless, but these assholes are supposed to have lived it.

2/17 Air Cav

@19. well, I can understand your doubt but there’s an old saying that goes, “The higher you go, the stupider you get.” He is proof positive of that. What I would very much like to know is how The Emperor sits down with all those legs dangling from his skinny ass.


This is a war crime. War crime designations no longer have anything to do with actual law, tradition or necessity.

They only have to do with the oh so sensitive sensibilities of the destructionists of the left.

Anything that offends such must, therefore, be a crime.


Grimmy, it’s hardly a war crime if they were already dead and rotting.


If anything, the Marines went out of their way to ensure that cultural sensitivities were observed. Bodies were recovered and taken on to Camp Fallujah to the morgue where the Intel guys looked them over. They were then turned over to Iraqi authorities and buried in accordance with Muslim tradition. This I saw with my own two eyes. Far better than they deserved, as pointed out, there were primarily combatants in the city during the November/December push.

I am sure these pictures are out of context. More knee-jerk from the folks who remained safe in the “Battle Square” at CF.


@8–I remember the order to “remove” the cats and dogs during this time since it was so bad and causing disease concerns.

Booby-trap search was done at the morgue too–had to go to the bunker a bunch of times while EOD did their thing.



I was commenting on the situation as it now stands. Not as it should be in a functional, competent society.


Grimmy, I understand that, but it can be taken out of context the way you said it.



Yeah. That’s the trouble with sarcasm these days. Life is The Onion, with so many layers of stupid, it’s hard to know where the making fun and serious pissed off starts and stops.


I wasn’t actually being sarcastic.

What I stated in @21 is the actual rule in place now.

Law, tradition and common sense have no place anymore. Whatever offends a leftist is a punishable offense.

That is the current rule under which we all must operate.