Marines burning corpses?

| January 15, 2014

I heard about this earlier today, but the only link was at TMZ, and screw them. But now Stars & Stripes has picked up some of the story about photos of Marines burning corpses supposedly in Fallujah in 2004;

The pictures show Marines pouring accelerant on and burning what appear to be Iraqi corpses; at least one shows a Marine looking at the camera in what could be a posed photograph.

Stars and Stripes was unable to determine the Marines’ intent or any other context, and will not run the photos until more can be learned.

Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren told Stars and Stripes that he has seen the photos, confirmed that they appear to show U.S. servicemembers, and alerted U.S. Central Command, which had not seen the photos.

The U.S. Marine Corps is investigating, Warren said.

Of course, the media’s interest is piqued because it has some of the magic formula for reporting on the troops “Marines” and “corpses”. You have to scroll pretty far down the story to read;

“On the burning, you know, it’s hard to tell [whether it’s a violation],” Warren said. “While we don’t routinely burn human remains, there are circumstances when that might be necessary for hygiene, health — things like that.”

Yeah, so let’s all jump to conclusions and get General Amos all riled up again so he starts throwing people under the bus like he did last time.

Yeah, delete those photos if you haven’t already. And for those of you over there, put your cameras away. Like I said, this is TMZ-the same folks who tried to defend Tim Poe against TSO, then stole TSO’s research and called it their “exclusive” story. If they told me water is wet, I’d go take a shower to make sure.

Category: Marine Corps

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Photos of something supposedly that happened 10 years ago? Photoshop?

Just An Old Dog

I can see how you can confuse burning shit with burning a terrorist.


Here we go again…


Old Dog, there’s a difference. Shit is the end result of something that served a purpose, like nutrition. A terrorist served no purpose. Both are still waste products.

SSG Medzyk

Or….they found burning bodies (like the assholes never did THAT to civilian contractors hanging from bridges…), and were photo’ed pouring water on them, changed the narrative, and went for sensation instead of truth.

SSG Medzyk

Just looked at the pics. Most of the bodies had been dead long enough to rot to skeletons. Nothing more than sanitizing the area of disease.


Someone over at Stars & Stripes had a good one: ‘In the words of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “At this point what does it matter?”‘


Not allowed to piss on dead terrorist, but OK to Behead Americans. Our fore fathers are spinning in their graves. God Help Us!!!


Yawn…..this is me not giving a shit. Fuck the media.


This is my shocked face… at TMZ. 😉


This is news?

Marines set terrorists on fire as SOP during Phantom Fury. Squads were equipped with demo because houses had propane in them and the fighters would take the upper levels to defend. Instead of clearing the houses they’d blow the tanks engulfing the house in flames. Usually the fighters would run out on fire, get shot up, and still be a threat cause they were pumped up on drugs.

I got the brief from higher and got the tips from the heroes themselves when I was deployed to Fallujah.

What is the problem again?

This is war, America.


Every dog deserves a hot meal!


@11 I dunno man. I was at on the FOB behind the hospital (the fire station) and most of the bad guys bodies from out in town came to the morgue next to the hospital so that the intel guys could have a look. Marines even had to bury them in accordance with Muslim traditions.

We had to go a couple of time to the bunker next to the station because they found another one with a booby trap on them. There was a non-combat unit (a motor t unit or something like that) that went into town everyday during and right after the battle to recover the bodies. I $hit you not, they were called the body snatchers.

I can’t see the pics where I am now–but I am pretty sure they are either out of context or just plain phony.

NR Pax

Personally, I wish we had a Commandant who would look at things like this and say to reporters “What’s your point?” He could follow it up with beheading a hippie.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Ohh, those poor Muslim terrorists. Where’s the humanity?


ive never understood the point of taking pictures while deployed. to the best of my knowledge, i am not in a single picture in iraq, and i know for a fact i never took one of anything. i did see plenty of burning bodies there, but they were usually on fire and hung from street lights or bridges by guys that dont speak english long before we ever got there. unless someone is going to step up and say “i lit the bodies on fire for X reason” im going to figure its either fake or were already burning before the Americans got there


Get ready warriors. The wars are ending. The press and liberal media is already preparing the narrative on these two wars that will linger for the next 20 years. Be prepared for plenty of atrocity stories (fuck, this happened 9 years ago and is just now coming out?)

We all know war is bad, but the left wants everyone to think we are bad too, for waging war. Bad and sick and violent. Before this is over, every one of us who served over there is going to have PTSD, TBI and probably HIV thrown in for good measure. It was done to Vietnam vets, we are in for it too.

If corpses were in fact being burned over there, they were doing it for hygienic purposes, not to disrespect the enemy.


@14….you’re goddam right!!

Mattis for President…”Because Fuck You, That’s Why!!”

NR Pax

@18: Exactly. I would love having someone in power actually talk down to the reporters on this one. Heck, what do we have to lose at this point?

A Proud Infidel

All the media wants is liberal propaganda. the vast majority always have and always will ignore us Grunts who’ve been there, done that, but they’ll run right to the Jesse MacBeths, then broadcast and print their shit before it or their source is even vetted! Hell, I’m “Preaching to the choir” again.


Our military will be held hostage to the whims of the enemy loving left for so long as the left is allowed to exist.

To be a soldier now, in the US military, is to risk prosecution in civilian court if some leftists get loud about some ridiculous or even wholly manufactured issue which the left decides to claim as illegal.

There’s another case, involving a US Marine sniper, who was given a description of an Iraqi water delivery truck that was in the process of being outfitted to become a truck bomb of rather large proportions, and the designated driver of said truck.

He found it and did what he was supposed to do. He was also, iirc, brought up on charges in Riverside court.

Couldn’t find a link to that one though.

Mario Ortega

War cannot be sanitized. I heard one say that war was to kill, maim, and destroy. I served with the 11th ACR in Vietnam (1969) and 124th Cav in Iraq (2004). There are many of us who will take things to the grave.