Vet in Congress; President’s “politics of war” must not continue
Jeff Bridenstine, a Navy pilot in Iraq and Afghanistan, now in Congress, writes in Breitbart, that we cannot allow the Obama policies in Iraq to continue in Afghanistan. Bridenstine lays our failures in Iraq, what with al Qaeda occupying the hard-won cities of Fallujah and Ramadi, at the feet of Joe Biden, who was delegated by the president to conduct negotiations with the Iraqi government for continued American engagement with insurgents there after the majority of troops were scheduled to leave, and, of course, Biden failed in that endeavor, and Iraq is reaping the fruits of that failure. Bridenstine writes that Obama should take his his own advice;
President Obama’s predisposition to place political convenience above sound judgment weakens our relationships with our partners and allies and emboldens our adversaries and enemies. As we are seeing now, doing whatever it took to secure the SOFA and keep a residual presence in Iraq during the transition would have been the right position. I wish the President would give up trying to follow currently fashionable opinion and remember that he once observed: “The lesson of Iraq is that when we are making decisions about matters as a grave as war, we need a policy rooted in reason and facts, not ideology and politics.” The President should heed his own advice in Afghanistan.
Obama has a tendency to half-ass his war policy by finding a compromise between the realities of war and his flaky stank-ass hippie base, but there is no compromise in war – it is what it is. When he half-asses war, the troops pay with their blood. In fact, CNS reports that 74% of the casualties in Afghanistan have happened since this President took office;
n the more than twelve years that have passed since U.S. troops first entered Afghanistan with the aim of removing al Qaeda from its sanctuary there, 2,162 U.S. service personnel have given their lives in and around Afghanistan in support of U.S. military activities in that country.
1,593 of those 2,162 U.S. casualties—or 73.7 percent—have occurred since Feb. 17, 2009, when Obama announced the first of his multiple increases in U.S. military personnel deployed to Afghanistan.
And, oh, yeah, by the way, head Taliban commander in Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, is planning to release 72 more prisoners from Afghan prisons so they can take up arms against the country when Karzai cashes in his IRA as he leaves the country. Some estimates put his retirement savings at more than $4 billion. So, if Obama sends Biden to Afghanistan to negotiate an agreement with Karzai, well, that’s a recipe for failure.
Category: Terror War
All wars are political, unfortunately it has become the norm to make battlefield decisions from the White House based on the ideology of the sitting President.
His half assing as Jonn so eloquently put it though is what makes it even worse. You either pull out or go all in. This President has chosen a path of whatever will be will be, and is just biding his time, and really could care less as he has received no real criticism of his lackluster performance as CiC until now… His “I killed Bin Laden” mantra won’t help him now. I hope…
In the meantime thousands of young men and woman are still being tossed into the meat grinder, being killed or scarred for life daily because he is such a pussy. That is an absolute disgrace!! Man up Mr. President and pull all the troops out right frigging now! Stop pretending you are working towards anything else but leaving there and just do it. Grow a pair of balls, or at least ask Valerie Jarret if you can have your old ones back for a day…
Send John F-ing Kerry (did you know he served in Vietnam?) to the rescue!! Yeah, that’s the ticket.
I would seriously love for our next President to be a bona fide war-fighter. Someone with actual military experience who has spent time as a trigger-puller. Then, the military might get a little bit of love and perhaps, just perhaps, be allowed to WIN wars.
Jonn et. al,
Don’t you remember this guy?
The good LCDR/Representative Bridenstien is the same prick who last month was acting as a uniformed “beard” for the Republican “David Chu” types in Congress, helping them push through the retirement COLA cut:
This is his attempt to win us back and shore up his defense creds. Don’t let the pudgy little twit get by with it.
This guy needs to lose in the primary, to any Republican capable of dressing himself unassisted. He will be a splendid object lesson.
Of course, no thought whatsoever to BushCo’s half-assed
justificationrationale for going to Iraq in the first place … “Axis of Eevill and mushroom clouds” and whatnot …“I would seriously love for our next President to be a bona fide war-fighter. Someone with actual military experience who has spent time as a trigger-puller. Then, the military might get a little bit of love and perhaps, just perhaps, be allowed to WIN wars.”
No argument here.
“A little bit of love” in the form of a firm commitment to use the troops for national defense rather than regime change/nation building.
And being “allowed to WIN wars” for when that happens.
@ 5
Different argument, which I would be happy to have, but completely moot since Bush is not in office and cannot affect events in the Middle East any more.
Is mr republican randy “duke” cunningham out of jail yet?