America’s New Millions of Uninsureds
As more and more Americans go online to report their experiences with Obamacare, there’s an undeniable truth emerging: the Obama administration and the Democrat party have created a federal program to insure their famously promoted forty million uninsured Americans by uninsuring untold millions of previously contentedly insured Americans. There are endless negative accounts out there from middle class Americans who had been making their way through their lives, many of them self-employed entrepreneurs, who while not perfectly satisfied with their health insurance premiums and their policy limitations, nevertheless found them acceptable and affordable. And what do they say?
They are stunned by what their federal government has done to them with a legislative mandate that, according to one of the three most powerful Democrats in the land at that time, had to be passed before we could see what is in it. These affected Americans are now seeing what is in it and there is nothing there they would have approved had they been given the reasonable, democratic opportunity to do what their congress should have allowed them instead of cramming down the nation’s throat in a totally partisan vote.
The entire process of enacting Obamacare was driven by the Democrat’s drummed-up urgent need to insure thirty to forty million Americans who had no health coverage. Totally ignored was the reality that many millions of these uninsured were young people who traditionally have avoided the expensive burden of health care insurance until they married and started families or until they reached an age where the odds became less in their favor to remain uninsured. Also in that cohort of uninsured were millions of people who were in this country illegally, yet availing themselves of our health care systems through hospital emergency rooms that would not and could not turn them away. To fill out that apocryphal 30 to 40 million figure the Democrats and their complicit mainstream media kept throwing at us, add in the millions of people who simply participate in our society at such a disinterested, minimal level as to never make any attempt to obtain any form of health care, except like the illegals, through the emergency room.
So who are these new uninsured? They’re the folks posting all over the Internet about their health insurance premiums doubling or tripling all while their deductibles have also increased to the point where virtually none of their previously covered routine medical needs are now covered. Think about that: In order to insure the uninsured young, illegals and irresponsibles, these responsible Americans have effectively lost their own coverage all while being victimized by this federal knockout. Lost their insurance? They’ve lost their insurance because the new, higher deductibles mean that virtually all of their routine medical coverage is now their responsibility, not their insurers.
For millions of them, their previously acceptable health care insurance has been converted without their consent, or even any opportunity to express their concerns, into a catastrophic insurance policy that would have, prior to Obamacare’s passage, been available to them at a fraction of the premiums they will now have to pay. The hard, cold actuality is that Barack Obama took health care away from these folks to give it to those he favors. The bitter, cruel reality is that these previously satisfactorily insured Americans have been de-insured by this legislative craziness imposed on this country by the Socialist Democrat party. These newly dispossessed citizens should found an activist organization and call it:
America’s New Uninsured…
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Health Care debate
The WH knew it was a lie but purposefully maintained the charade. This isn’t speculation on my part, it is fact. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi got a 2,000 bill passed without anyone reading it and, for Reid’s part, with dubious procedural tactics. Every single SOB who voted for that monster ought to be pilloried. And as the guy on the commercial says, “But wait! There’s more!” Now we are again facing the budget and the filibuster is DOA. The company line is, ‘It’s not all we want but it’s something, a positive step.’ Bullshit. Manchin is supporting it. Ryan is an architect of it. The Emperor is applauding it–and that’s all you need to know. I am sorry that some of you would be inconvenienced but I’d be ecstatic if the government were shut down for as long as it took to get a real budget, with real cuts.
ANYTIME you want rampant waste, irresponsibility, incompetence, hypocrisy, and inaction, just get politicians and Government bureaucracy involved!!
“More Government is not the answer, too much Government is the problem.” -Ronald Reagan
obamao to America: Hey, I WON, the rest of you can go FUCK OFF!
@3 No, it’s worse than that. They won, and now they’re going to break the paying half down to powerless servants and force us to serve the half who have taken power. We aren’t citizens anymore — we’re serfs.
And if you thinks we still have any power through the voting box, you are sadly mistaken. The districts have been carefully redrawn and the illegals now have the vote, and they support Uncle Sugar. We’re done.
@4, don’t forget, in many areas, the dems control the companies who maintain the voting machines, and those who count the altered results. We are well and truly screwed.
As I posted in a few different places my insurance in NC will go from the $750 I pay now to over $3,000 for a higher deductible which I can’t pay so I will also drop my insurance.
“The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” Plato
As evidenced by the continuing re-election of Pelosi, Boxer, Reid etc.
Wait for it… that everyone is forced to buy health insurance the insurance companies will start posting record profits. This would be Democrats fault of course but it will give them something to scream about for more votes to “punish” evil insurance companies that they helped to high profits…and sadly, they’ll get away with it from a press all to willing to help them…
The insurance companies helped develop Obamacare, and they also fund the Democratic Party. If you’re looking for some kind of bridle on that runaway, there isn’t one.
The best part about this, which all of you are forgetting, is that the licensed insurance agents, who have made careers out of selling health insurance to long-term clients, are being stiffed out of commissions when they try to help their clients get health insurance.
If they go to the obamacare site to find out if their clients are eligible for a subsidy, they are bounced out of the process and the clients are no longer theirs. They are also being told to stop sending in paperwork.
If this isn’t business interruption, I don’t know what it is.
But I do know that it sucks.
Our “leaders” have lost their way. It’s more party and job security than it is about country.
Vote em all out. EVERY ONE.
Time to “blow it up and start over.” Metaphorically speaking.
@11. Yeah, you know I could support that metaphor’s intent. We have the Constitution. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. So, hypothetically speaking, don’t you know, we could erase, oh, most everything we don’t like after we are rid of those who like what we don’t. It’s rather like dreaming about what one would do if he hit the lottery for gazillions. Ah, the thoughts are sweet.
I’m sure there are more scandals yet to come.
I read yesterday that congressional staffers are being told not to assume that they actually have health insurance just because the exchange tells them they do.
I can only hope that enough congressional staffers lose their health insurance for next year, have to pay a tax penalty for not having health insurance, and are victimized by identity theft to illustrate to Congress just how bad an idea this is.
And if one particular congressional staffer and her husband suffer these effects of Obamacare, well, karma’s a bitch.
“Do you love it, do you hate it, here it is, the way you made it.” Frank Zappa
Now go read “Atlas Shrugged” and try to tell me with a straight face that we aren’t in the last third of the book.
@14. Yeah, except for the senior staffer who was arrested earlier this week for production of child porn.
2/17 Air Cav: news reports say he’s now a former senior staffer.
“Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.”
“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
“Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”
“Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”
Ronald Reagan
Those words ring just as true today as they did then, I wonder if the RINOS in DC can be weaned OFF of the DC Kool-Aid, and can be rehabilitated afterward? Probably not, we have seen time and time again how liberal Kool-Aid causes brain damage!!
Proud Infidel: actually, I think the much-maligned Gerald Ford put it best:
“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”
— Gerald R. Ford, address to Joint Session of Congress, 12 August 1974
I keep wondering what the next big stupid trick will be.
Seriously, bodaprez is on a ROLL, people. Let’s not get in his way. In fact, we should all watch and applaud as the sewage flow downhill increases exponentially.
Just don’t cross the streams.