Still coming for your healthcare
A few days ago, we saw how the Obama Administration planned to hike your out-of-pocket Tricare costs so that you’d be forced into the Obamacare program, or whatever they’re calling it today., in a link sent to us by Chief Tango, reports how they plan on doing just that;
The Pentagon proposed an annual enrollment fee based on a percentage of retired pay for Medicare-eligible retirees in the Tricare For Life Program. Working age retirees in the Tricare Standard and Tricare Extra programs also would face new annual enrollment fees phased in over five years.
The White House also proposed an increase to the current enrollment fee for working age retirees in the Tricare Prime program phased in over the next four years.
As for co-pays, the White House has proposed increasing Tricare Prime co-pays for retirees and their beneficiaries by $4 for medical visits not related to mental health.
Congress was successful earlier this year in resisting hikes to your Tricare costs, but the fate of the plans of this administration rests on the election in November. Can you imagine the outcry that would arise over hikes to out-of-pocket costs to Medicaid or Medicare? While this administration makes noise about lowering Americans’ healthcare costs, they raising veterans’.
It’s time for the VSOs to do a march-in to the Oval Office again.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Veteran Health Care
Let’s see. They forced us out of TRICARE Prime and into Standard and now they are going to try and implement an annual enrollment fee for Standard? F them SOBs in the White House and the Pentagon….just F them all.
What’s the old saying? ‘Pay you a hundred dollars, and take back ninety-nine’?
Seems like that’s the only part the government understands.
Great, 1st I get kicked off of Tricare Prime in to a worse plan, Tricare Standard, then I find out that my children under 26 are not covered under tricare like advertized for everyone, now they want to raise my rates. Feels like I am being punished for my service.
This is all part of the plan to get all retirees and veterans off of Tricare and into the Obamacare disaster of a program.
@3 Indeed it’s as though these people are saying “f#ck you, f#ck you very much”
So once again the promises made are broken, to those who deserve much better from their government…
Nicely done Mr. President you legacy grows by leaps and bounds each day.
Obamacare is like leprosy to B. Hussein 0bama’s legacy, I’m laughing while he and the left panic!!
The one group that the government should be protecting and serving, the military and our veterans, they spend the most time fucking over. Priceless. And unfortunately, it has nothing to do with political party and everything to do with political expediency. Promises broken and punished for serving this country. Very proud day for our government.
Well, the comments section after that article is a total cesspool.
What did y’all expect from this administration? Truth, honesty, keeping their word?? Bwahahahahahaha! They be lyin’ to everyone else; so why wouldn’t they lie to Veterans/retirees, too? I know, I know; Obumbles said they wouldn’t balance the budget on the backs of Veterans, back in 2011 at the Legion National Convention, but he, also, told the American people that if they like their healthcare plan and they liked their doctor, they could keep them.
So; should we be mad at Obumbles, or ourselves, since he was reelected after making both of those statements?
“Teh Most Transparent Administration Eveh” (copyright 2007, Barack Husain O’Bumbles)
Medicaid patient stiff us all the time for the $2.00 (yes, TWO dollar) copay
Yes, the logic of this administration:
Make veterans who EARN their benefits pay more.
Welfare recipients is up 49% since Obama took office (
Give people who do NOTHING more free shit.