SEALs; treated poorly by Obama Administration

| November 18, 2013

We all know how the SEALs helped to get Obama reelected since it was the elite Navy organization that enabled him to use their accomplishments for half of his campaign slogan – the part about “bin Laden is dead”. However, some members of that group aren’t pleased about the way they’ve been treated by their political masters, according to Washington Times’ Rowan Scarborough;

A book by Billy Vaughn, father of a SEAL killed in the Aug. 6, 2011, shootdown of a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan, blames the administration for leaking too much information about his son’s unit.

Another book by two former SEALs tells the “shameful ordeal” they endured based on allegations of prisoner abuse by one unreliable sailor and one determined terrorist. Instead of issuing gratitude for nabbing the “butcher of Fallujah” in Iraq in 2009, U.S. Central Command court-martialed the SEALs on felony charges.

The two authors and a third SEAL were acquitted by military juries when the prosecution’s case fall apart.

One of those former SEALs, Matthew McCabe, said in an interview that the ordeal encouraged him to leave the Navy last year rather than try out for Team 6 as he had planned.

The article goes on to mention that another SEAL is under the gun for publishing a book without getting authorization from the Pentagon about the bin Laden raid, but that the administration shared classified details with the makers of a movie about the raid, leading some folks to believe that the Obama Administration values more their relationship with Hollywood than their relationship with their warriors.

The article discusses the shoot down of the conventional helicopter and the court martial of three SEALs for the unfounded accusation of abuse of a detainee which we’ve discussed at length here. Scarborough goes on for three pages, so you should click over and read the whole thing rather than me C&Ping the whole thing. I’d add that the treatment of the “urination incident” Marines by the Pentagon should be thrown into the whole discussion.

But the take away is that the current administration is unappreciative of the job the troops are doing for the politicos’ reputations.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Navy

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OIF '06-'07-'08

I began my freshman year in high school the year President Ronald Regan became President. Damn, I miss those days.


Nothing new here.

This pattern glared brightly with Clinton, who didn’t like the military at all, and continues with the current admin. It goes back even further than those two administrations, back to the early 20th century.

It’s simply more noticeable with bodaprez, because he loves the spotlight… unless something goes wrong in those daydreams.


The administration is afraid of the military, at the most fundamental level. Part of that is ignorance, and part of that is the fact that, forced to make a choice, the military will defend the constitution rather than the perfumed princes who think they are the power in this country.


“(L)eading some folks to believe that the Obama Administration values more their relationship with Hollywood than their relationship with their warriors.” What took “some folks” so long to catch on?
@2, EX, Barrycade has solved the ACA problems, this morning on FOX, I saw that he’s appointed a new spokesman for the ACA, so, everything is roses and unicorn farts now.

A Proud Infidel

Hell, just last week, one of B. Hussein 0bama’s Secret Service Agents, one from his protection detail resigned and came out talking about B-HO’s attitude and demeanor, he treats his job, perks, and power like a spoiled child does toys, and uses whatever means he sees fit to ruin anyone that dissents with him. It’s no secret that he places a much higher value on welfare flunkies and dropouts, we Vets don’t vote for him en masse like they do! I remember reading a poll before the 2000 Presidential Election, and it was by genre. In it, Al Gore Jr. outpolled GW Bush by 3 to 1 among high school dropouts, any surprise there?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Did they think they would be treated any differently than the rest of us subjects, err I mean citizens?

That’s the problem with being all cozy with the ruling elite, that ruling class thinks that all the rest of us exist to continue making their lives as wonderful as possible and we should all be grateful for the opportunity to serve regardless of the elite treat us….

Time to wake up SEALs and recognize that these 4ssholes in the administration figure you guys for nothing more than extra punch when they need it, and people to be ignored or discarded when they don’t….

The rest of the nation understands what you guys do, and the risks you take, and we are eternally grateful…but it should come as no surprise that the current occupants of the WH have no such understanding. An inexperienced junior senator with no legislative experience, no executive experience, no military experience, and no actual negotiating skill in business or foreign policy elected because he was cool is hardly going to be a worldly wise diplomat domestically or in foreign relations. Nor will such a person have any idea how to properly utilize and protect a valuable personnel asset like SEALs or humintel assets….recent events have underlined exactly what happens when such inexperience meets real world events. The result has been far from pretty.


” ‘We gave a lot to be in this position. And for the minor allegation we’re being accused of, for you to turn your back on us that quick, I’m not going to give any more,’”

IMO, the money quote of the day.

Perhaps it is that I’m not a very good disciple of the Lover of my soul, but a quick, brutal reality check upon capture for individuals like the Butcher, seems not only a non-issue, but a necessary first step in the breaking process.


What? They show no respect for the military much less the most elite units in the military?


Why would anyone expect anything else?


Every single “person” we detained to have been abused. EVERY SINGLE ONE. It is in the AQ playbook. Thank goodness none of us were brought up on charges like these SEALS. We did have a health and welfare once because a detainee said we stole one of his illegal pistols though.

Disclaimer; we never abused detainees, just got accused of it.


Oh, it isn’t just the special forces people who are viewed as disposable toys, if they aren’t immediately needed for a photo op.

The Washington, DC, insurance commissioner was fired for his remarks critical of the ACA goings-on.

Note that he was fired the day AFTER he made those remarks. Pure coincidence, say those in charge.

Sure. And I have a unicorn grazing on my front lawn. His name is Bubbles.

Common Sense

@6 – They are awake, that’s why there is now the Special Operations for America blog. They’re out there fighting for the Benghazi 4 as well as freedom for all Americans. They’re also promoting their founder, Ryan Zinke, for Congress.

Joe Williams

Why does “Tommy” by Kipling keep ringing in my ears? True then true now. Joe