Kerry urges patience with Iran

| November 14, 2013

After learning the other day that the Obama Administration has unilaterally decided to relax sanctions on Iran, the French-looking Secretary of State, John Kerry went to Congress yesterday to ask Congress to be patient before instituting more sanctions against Iran, according to the Stars & Stripes;

Kerry reminded reporters that as a senator, he joined his then-colleagues in putting the sanctions against Iran in place. But he urged patience for them to work before Congress meddles and decides to increase them, therefore harming a U.S.-led coalition and the talks themselves.

“We put them in place in order to be able to put us in the strongest position possible to be able to negotiate. We now are negotiating. And the risk is that if Congress were to unilaterally move to raise sanctions, it could break faith with those negotiations and actually stop them and break them apart,” said Kerry, who was testifying before a closed-door committee hearing.

How patient are we supposed be? We’ve been puttering around with Iran and their impending nuclear program for more than a decade. These sanctions were supposed to work when we began imposing them during the Bush Administration and Iran hasn’t slowed their march toward nuclear weapons a bit. And, really, can we trust that they’ll abide by any agreement they might reach with Kerry? They’ve been finding ways around sanctions and selling oil on the world market to finance their nuclear weapons development – so why would we believe them now?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John Kerry, Terror War

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Correction: They slowed to a stop for a short period early in the Bush Jr years, when it looked like the US govt meant business about going after state sponsors of terrorism and producers of WMD. That lasted until it became apparent that the DNC would propagandize against GWOT to win elections.

2/17 Air Cav

So, as I understand this, Jacques Kerry was for the sanctions before he was against them. I’ve heard something from him like that before somewhere…


How convenient that Le sKerry ignores the fact that Iran is becoming a major manufacturer of war machines and ships.

Should I send him a screen capture of the helicopters on the pads at various facilities in Esfahan?


Remember, folks–this is the same guy that wanted to give Iran enriched Uranium “for fuel”…


Amateur hour continues to expand down there in DC…

A Proud Infidel

Methinks he’ll do the usual B. Hussein 0bama & Company routine, rock back and forth on his heels while playing pocket pool in press conferences, then blame Bush when things really go down the sewer pipes!!


I’d like to urge John Kerry to GFY.


Here is how it will go…we will goof around with this or that bullshit concerning Iran until they finish building their nuclear weapons. Then we and probably Israel will deal with the fall out, no pun intended. The longer we fiddle-fart with these bastards the more time we give them to do exactly what they say they want to do. Kill us and wipe Israel off the earth. So thank you Obama and Kerry for giving a big helping hand to one our and the world’s worst threats to peace and democracy. This won’t end until we have boots on the ground in Iran! God forbid.


Jean Fraud said today that any agreement with the Mullahs will be a “failsafe” agreement. I’m sure that means as much as “I was for the war before I was against it”.


Hmmm. My patience with Iran ran out in 1979.