UK spies: al Qaeda love them some Eddie Snowden

| November 7, 2013

The Associated Press reports that British spymasters told legislators there that al Qaeda is taking advantage of the intelligence that Eddie Snowden gave to the media;

Iain Lobban, chief of the eavesdropping agency GCHQ, said his spies have picked up “near-daily discussion” of the unauthorized disclosures among his agency’s targets. His colleague John Sawers, the chief of the British foreign spy agency MI6, was even more explicit.

“It’s clear that our adversaries are rubbing their hands in glee,” he told lawmakers. “Al-Qaida is lapping it up.”

Meanwhile, Snowden has agree to testify about NSA surveillance for the Germans, according Agency France Press;

Intelligence leaker Edward Snowden is ready to assist a German probe into US spying on Chancellor Angela Merkel but also wants to talk directly to the US Congress, a German lawmaker who met the fugitive said Friday.

Snowden had late on Thursday met German Green party lawmaker Hans-Christian Stroebele at an undisclosed location in Moscow to discuss his revelations that Washington for years monitored Merkel’s mobile phone, which has caused an uproar in Europe.

On his return to Germany, Stroebele published a letter from Snowden and said the American was ready to testify to the US Congress to shed light on “possibly serious offences”.

The former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, who began work at an undisclosed Russian Internet firm on Friday, was granted asylum in Russia in August to the fury of the United States, where he faces trial on charges under the Espionage Act.

Now, wait a second, didn’t Snowden initially say that he was more than willing to face justice in the US? So why is he only willing to testify to the US Congress in Germany?

Reuters reports that Snowden now thinks that his actions are justified by calls for reform in Congress. Well, junior if you were justified, why not face a jury of your peers;

In “A Manifesto for the Truth” published in German news magazine Der Spiegel on Sunday, Snowden said current debates about mass surveillance in many countries showed his revelations were helping to bring about change.

“Instead of causing damage, the usefulness of the new public knowledge for society is now clear because reforms to politics, supervision and laws are being suggested,” the 30-year-old ex-CIA employee and NSA contractor wrote.

“Citizens have to fight against the suppression of information about affairs of essential importance for the public. Those who speak the truth are not committing a crime.”

Yeah, Eddie, what you’re doing is not fighting, it’s running and hiding.

Category: Shitbags

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

Rat b4stard traitor…now trying to figure out how to avoid being a fugitive until the day he dies….there’s no walking away and getting out of jail free for this one Eddie…this is the kind of crime that keeps your movements known to the US until you die or go somewhere they can snatch your traitor 4ss…


We’d probably vaccinate against further cases like this — and regain a touch of respect around the world — if we’d make the effort to get Snowden back and/or take him out.


Wait, he’s working for the Russians? Gee, didn’t see that one coming.

@PintoNag: Unfortunately, that’s probably not going to happen. Remember, our own president leaked classified documents to Hollywood, because it made him look good.


@David: I agree; but the Europeans being who they are, they will lay the blame for any spying we did squarely on Obama’s doorstep. Obama won’t be able to blame the intelligence community to them, because they won’t hear it. In their minds, the spy agencies work for the President, and he knows — and is responsible for — their conduct. So who will they blame for the German Chancellor’s phone calls being monitored? Obama. Who will they blame for the unforgiveable lapse that allowed Snowden to acquire his information and then run with it? Obama. As I see it, the only way Obama can fix this is to stop Snowden. To leave him out there to continue inflicting damage with impunity is far worse than stopping him, however that is done. Oh, they’ll bellow about it, but secretly they’ll be relieved that their information has again been secured and the leak plugged.


Well, according to our Russian friends this will put some serious down flaps on Snowden’s little trans-globe escapades, if he is to attempt to leave Russian turf, he will no longer be eligible for political asylum which we already know he isn’t going to and Germany isn’t about to grant him political asylum there either. So…Snowden for his own good and well being will remain in Mother Russia and speak to German prosecutors via video uplink or they fly to Mother Russia to interview him. The little fucktard isn’t going anywhere the US could get its hands on him and Russia isn’t about to turn him over to the USA.

Common Sense

Coming out and revealing the the NSA is spying on American citizens within the US is one thing, revealing classified info to foreign countries and the public is treason.