Karzai thwarts US plans for combat operations after 2014
Andy sends us a link to a Reuters article about the ingrates in the Karzai Administration who are standing in the way of continued US combat operations after most of the US troops have left Afghanistan;
But two issues have emerged as potential “deal breakers”, President Hamid Karzai’s spokesman, Aimal Faizi, told reporters late on Tuesday.
One is a U.S. desire to run independent counter-terrorism missions in Afghanistan after 2014, Faizi said. The other was a U.S. refusal to agree to a wide-reaching promise to protect Afghanistan from foreign aggression.
Karzai has long opposed operations in Afghanistan by U.S. special operations forces and the CIA, particularly when they run the risk of causing civilian casualties.
“These things are strongly related to our sovereignty,” Faizi said. “We find it to be something that will definitely undermine our sovereignty, if we allow the U.S. forces to have the right to conduct unilateral military operations.”
Now, see, this confusing to me – on the one hand, the Afghans don’t want US troops to run independent operations and, on the other hand, they want us to defend them from foreign aggression. It seems to me that they’re just a little bit related. Of course, the Obama Administration is just as confusing in their desire to run their own military operations, but not wanting a security agreement.
I know that the Obama Administration doesn’t want a repeat of the Nixon’s Administration’s promise to defend South Vietnam from foreign aggression when they had no intention to keep that promise and let North Vietnam run all over the South Vietnamese Army.
And Karzai isn’t really worried about it, because he plans on being in a villa in France soon.
When asked what would happen if an agreement between Karzai and Obama could not be reached, Faizi repeated what Karzai has recently said, that the next government could deal with it.
“We still believe that there will be time for the next government to work on this with the U.S., if progress is not made before the elections.”
Yeah, so pull the troops out today since obviously the Karzai government isn’t interested in the country’s security.
Category: Terror War
“next government” meaning “the poor bastards stuck with running this shithole after we take our extorted billions and go live someplace safe”
No surprises here, unfortunately. We could tell way back in 2006 that place was going to hell as soon as we were gone. Nothing has changed except how much blood we have left there.
It sounds to me like Karzai just wants to use our soldiers as bullet stops, and their blood as fertilizer.
He needs to be told to get bent. With the front end of a tank.
Karzai. May the Lord of Justice render unto him the results of his own deeds.
Yep, Karzai will continue to extort us for every last million he can get before he flees next year. He does not give a shit about Afghanistan, only solidifying his power base and setting himself up for a nice, comfortable exile.
Karzai isn’t the first time we’ve backed the wrong horse in the race, and it won’t be the last time I’m sorry to say. I really do wonder how many millions of dollars he’s socked away, and just how much is enough for him before he runs off.
I hope he gets carbombed while he’s fleeing to exile!!
Andy–sadly, in this race, there was no “right” horse.
In 5 years he’ll be running a liquor store in Long Beach. Or maybe a chain of motels depending on how much he’s managed to skim. ‘Murica!’
@2 sadly I think we knew from the 80s while supplying the mujahideen that the country has been, is now, and forever will be a boil on the 4ss of the world. It will fester and drip pus from time to time and quiet down from time to time. But unless it is excised permanently it will never be anything but a boil.
We can pretend that if we just say the right words our enemies will learn to be our friends, or we can start accepting the fact that lions and hyenas don’t much care for each other and never will so plan accordingly or die.
Kartzai’s brother has already bought an expensive apartment in the worlds tallest building in Dubai-with OUR $$$!
The Mayor of Kabul (Kandahar?) – whichever – will end up getting the Nobel Peace Price right when things blow up in AFG. Just a hunch.
Why do you want more americans to die for what? When your in a hole you should stop digging! Afganistan is arabic for Vietnam! That is why Saigon is now Ho Chi Minh City! What will the Taliban rename Kabul Bin Ladin city?
@13 – Shut up, slut.
Afganistan is arabic for Vietnam!
I thought you nuts said that Iraq was Arabic for Vietnam (you know they don’t speak Arabic in Afghanistan don’t you dumbass? Probably not).