LAPD cops ambushed at the police station

| June 25, 2013

LA ambush

Reminiscent of a hundred or so movies and video games, two plainclothes detectives were ambushed as they were returning to the their Wilshire Division police station. As they swiped their cards to unlock the gate, someone behind them opened fire, both officers were slightly injured. According to the LA Times;

The response to Tuesday morning’s shooting was swift. A tactical alert was issued and a 25-block area in Mid-City was shut down. Some 200 officers cordoned off the area between Washington and Pico boulevards and Redondo and Rimpau boulevards as the search continued.

Four K-9 teams were looking street by street while helicopters circled overhead and squad cars were parked every block or so. SWAT officers could be seen patrolling the area.

You know what they should do? They should buy back some expended LAW tubes and buy back some rusty old guns from elderly residents and then parade the trash in front of cameras and make unsupported statements about how they’re stopping crime and protecting people from inanimate objects. That should cure their problem, and who knows, while standing in line at the buy back, the perp may show up and admit that he’s guilty and turn over the real criminal – the gun he used. Also, they should pass more laws against people who would never in their lives ambush cops. That’ll teach ’em.

Category: Crime

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I don’t ever like to see cops hurt, and I’m glad these two detectives are okay.

I will be curious to see who did this. The usual suspects will be trotted out in the media, of course, but I do want to see who was mentally befuddled enough to attack the LAPD.


My money says gang violence or Muslims.


You do know that the dog and pony gun buyback crapolo is all about the politicians, right? Where the rubber meets the road street cops have nothing to do with that. You’ll find that the vast majority of rank and file are very pro 2a and believe in self protection.


so how are those tuff gun laws working out for you Commiefornia?


I’m willing to bet that before the echos of gunfire subsided some left wing commentator was blaming this on the NRA or Tea Party.


Reason’s Ronald Bailey is inside the lockdown perimeter and has been told that he cannot leave “for his own safety”.

Roger in Republic

Can you imagine the carnage that would have happened if that local school had not bought back all of those water pistols and Nerf guns. Oh! The horror!


We (law-abiding gun owners) have about a 50% chance that this will be used against us, and that number will sky-rocket if the media can pidgeon-hole the perp in any way. This administration is looking for any excuse it can use to ban guns, and every incident like this takes us one step closer to that day.


Oh, Dog & Pony show!!!

I never understood why the big cities don’t actually go after the baddies. They know exactly where they are at. Go occupy their turf and deal with the punks. Isn’t that why we pay for police?

Look at the nonsense happening in Chicago on a daily basis. It takes a battalion of officer to respond after the fact to a shooting. It’s like they are all scared to actually confront the bad guys.


Chris Dorner is dead, right?

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

I know, tell California’s politicians to pass laws against ambushing LEO’s and…. OH, it’s already illegal? Then WHY are people doing it anyway? *DUHHHH* that makes them criminals, don’t it?

/exit sarc mode


I’m glad to hear the detectives will be okay. God bless and a speedy recovery to them. LA doesn’t really go after the baddies, FC0311 because of their city council. But, let an LAPD officer have a bad moment on the job and the same city council will fry ’em then lynch ’em.

Roger in Republic

Update: Suspect Description, Male wearing black hat, black shirt, black pants and black shoes. No race or ethnicity noted. Hell that description could be that of a LAPD SWAT team member.


@13-Roger, In L.A., that’s a description known by LE as “Male Usual”.


The link in @6 says “male black”…

@14 – Understood


@13–of course it’s vague. Don’t want to appear like the LAPD is profiling now. Then again, this is the same organization that shot up a couple of little old ladies delivering newspapers thinking it was a 6′ tall black man coming to shoot ’em up.

How much did that end up costing, BTW? Last I heard they settled for several million.


Durned ole Amish hotheads. ‘

Hollywood is right: what better pretext for draconian law enforcement than a faked attack on two cops.


@2, Sparks, that seems kind of racist.

Just because gangs are made up of illegal immigrants and minorities does not make them bad. They are more like youth organizations for people who have family problems. Calling them criminal is stereotyping.

And Muslims? Islam is a religion of peace, the 0bama administration told us that. So, why are you blaming them for such a non-peaceful act. I mean, what have Muslims done to harm this country or its people.

In all seriousness, I think it was the cartels. I don’t think gangbangers are that smart/stupid and it doesn’t fit with the playbook of the camel-jockeys.


@18 You are probably right on the ID of the perps. Do I redact my comment?…Not. I say it’s not racist it is more…profiling, to be more politically correct. Wait a minute, profiling is anti PC also, I forgot. I can’t remember the order of operations anymore. I think it goes, racism, discrimination, stereotyping, profiling. What ever you call it they are thugs and hope the last thing they see is a muzzle flash.

Planet Ord

I wish I knew more about this. The details are important. I’d like to know why the detectives didn’t vaporize this guy.


So two cops are ambushed and you are angry at law enforcement for political gun buybacks? John Lilyea I would love to see you scrutinize the Army the way you scrutinize law enforcement. You take jabs every chance you get and quite frankly you are pathetic. I am not referring to this post specifically but to the countless other police hating posts you make. Everyday soldiers commit rape, murder, battery, and countless other crimes yet you don’t blame every soldier for their actions. Why? Because they don’t represent the majority. The same way the bad cops don’t represent the majority in Law Enforcement.
Why don’t they go after the baddies and occupy their turf? They try. Problem is as soon as you contact a minority suspect you get labeled as racist and thrown to the wolves where the city wont back you. Knock on a few doors and John will say you’re trampling the Constitution. Arrest someone with a gun for any reason and you’re anti second amendment and John and his friends will call for you’re lynching.
Four days in the Gulf doesn’t make you all mighty John and it certainly doesn’t warrant a CIB.

This just in, “Two soldiers wounded in ambush in Afghanistan”

—-You know what they should do? Buy back some weapons from locals and hand out farming supplies to insurgents. Tramp around in villages where they aren’t wanted and set upgiant FOB’s. That’ll teach em.


@18 & 19 – You’re both wrong. Muslims and gangs are a protected class now. We’re not supposed to refer to them in any context anymore. Just remember – Gangs are just disenfranchised youth who are desperately trying to get their lives on track. Muslims are just misunderstood.

You can fill in the rest I suppose.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

USMCE8, that, and “They’re just victims of Society lashing out from their oppression….”. Yeah, right. Anyone who believes that PC line of crapola is just as guilty as the perpetrators.

Planet Ord

@9, you’re comment is understandable, but it shows a lack of understanding about how law enforcement works. Their are constitutional guarantees about ‘occupying their turf’. Leo’s are not an invading force, nor are they obligated to protect you from anything. Most would love to, but they operate under a host of laws that prevent them from doing so. It is very difficult for Leo’s to be proactive without violating the 4th amendment, or the 2nd amendment. These laws cause Leo’s to adopt a reactive approach versus a proactive one for the most part. There are very aggressive cops and police units. They usually end up getting thumped by people that get upset over real and perceived rights violations.

They can’t shake down everyone in a neighborhood, nor can they search every home, without probable cause, or at least reasonable articulable suspicion. Being in the ‘turf’ and looking guilty isn’t enough.

You can’t apply what the army did overseas to American cities.


Bettykath, in the Rams case, the St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority owns it, which is a state crature. They lease it to the St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission (City creature), who subleases to Rams. It was a complex deal among the State of Missouri, STL County, STL City and the Rams.