Oh, Nanny Bloomberg’s list of victims included cop killer Dorner

| June 20, 2013

The other day we learned that among the list of “victims” of gun violence included the Boston Marathon Bomber. Today, Buzzfeed reports that at least ten other criminals, including LA cop killer Christopher Dorner were among the names read aloud.

Also among the gun violence “victims” listed by the demonstrators:

Rick Odell Smith, who was killed in a shootout with police in Manchester, Illinois after he allegedly broke into an apartment and shot six people with a shotgun.

Kurt Myers, who was killed by police in Herkimer, New York after firing on them, and allegedly killing four people a day earlier. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo commended the police who took Myers down for “ending this horrific spree of violence and bloodshed.”

James L. Gilkerson, who was killed after opening fire on police officers in Middlefield, Ohio. After further investigation, law enforcement officials began referring to Gilkerson as a “terrorist” and said they believed he was planning a large-scale attack.

Jeremy Peter Goulet, who was killed by police in Santa Cruz, California after allegedly murdering two police detectives.

Anthony James Galla, who was killed in a shootout with police in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania at the end of a manhunt that was prompted by his suspected involvement in another shooting.

Esteban J. Smith, a former Marine who allegedly stabbed and killed his wife before going on a “shooting rampage,” and was killed in a shootout with police in Elden, Texas.

Emmanuel Gatewood and Kourtney Hahn, murder suspects who were killed together in a shootout with police in Columbus, Ohio.

Nanny’s spokesdingus sends;

The names of victims since the Newtown tragedy are being read by survivors and others to show the very real and personal cost of gun violence. A small number of names on the public list compiled by Slate.com entitled ‘How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since Newtown?’ have been of people who were absolutely not victims, which was a mistake that is being corrected, and for which we apologize.

Yeah, well, if there were so many people who have been killed, who were legitimate victims of gun crimes, why did you have to eulogize these criminals along with the victims?

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Awesome, ‘tards. Way to kill any sympathy for your cause.

You can’t make this shit up.

Combat Historian

Too bad they left off Adolph Hitler and Osama Bin Laden from the list; after all, they too were victims of “gun violence”…


Oh, for pete’s sake, that list is incomplete. Bloomberbutt didn’t include those two guys who got into a shootout with the police in Los Angeles some years ago, very late in the 1990s, I think.

And he left out that guy who stole an Army tank and went on a rampage through various SoCal neighborhoods, but got the tank hung up on the highway dividers and wouldn’t leave the tank, so the CHiP cop shot him.

That list is SO incomplete.


Now someone needs to go through the list and find all “victims” of LEO involved shootings and check the criminal backgrounds of the rest of the list. I’m sure that, once you remove the guys justifiably shot by LEOs, the ones shot in the commission of a crime, and the ones with significant conviction records, the list would have been about as long as the McDonald’s Dollar Menu.

CC Senor

James Taranto had an interesting take on this yesterday (20 June)at “Best Of The Web”. Scroll about half way down down to Bring Out Your Dead.



@#4, not just the justifiable LE Shootings, but all the justifiable shootings by Law Abiding Citizens as well.
Also, as you allude to gang bangers being shot by other gang bangers in turf wars/retaliation shootings, etc…


A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Every time Mayor “Little Lord Fauntleroy” Bloomers & Co. open their mouths for a “bleeding heart on the sleeve” media stunt, it’s found that they’re full of excreta. At least a few members of MAIG are convicted felons as well, and we all know that felons favor Gun Control, it makes their lives safer!!


Activists aren’t interested in victims; all they’re interested in is bodies.

Slime, from the top down, and oozing over the sides, every last one of them.


Ex-PH? You mean this North Hollywood shootout, Bank of America 1997. Enjoy. Listen to the audio, the woman handling every second of radio traffic was a new dispatcher, first time seated at one of LAPD Metro(Parker Center)consoles.

Additional historical on NoHo Shootout


Wonder if they will include Friday’s Feel Good “victims”. Douchebag, ass hats, every one of them. Put four of them in the wind and ask which way it is blowing and they will all point in a different direction.


Correction: Three women handled radio traffic. Tonja Bellard, North Hollywood dispatch, Guadalupe De La Cruz, Robyn Frazer on Van Nuys dispatch. Three other dispatchers handled additional relaying of info, sending resources, fire department, air support and keeping track of officers involved.


@ #11- Sparks: LMAO!


@ # 11 – You beat me to it. I was wondering how many of those victims were “turning their lives around”.


I’ve asked this before, here and elsewhere, maybe I should email Reichsfuhrer Bloomberg himself:

As an investment broker whose fiduciary duty was to his clients, and who profited by giving them profitable advice, how much money did Bloomberg make from investments in gunmakers and junk food peddlers? How much from his own personal, direct investments?

I’ll bet a trip to DC to meet Green Thumb (the meeting Paul K. Wickre fears) that the total figure is: A LOT.