US to begin peace talks with Taliban
The Associated Press has a short article that announces that the US is about begin “peace talks” with the Taliban in Qatar;
Senior Obama administration officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record, described the Taliban’s move to open a political office Tuesday in Doha as a stepping stone to full Taliban renouncement of al-Qaida.
In Doha, a Qatari official confirmed that the Taliban office was open.
Might as well, we’re not committed to killing them, we might as well bore them to death with a string of promises they can break. These are the same people who throw acid in the faces of pre-teen girls because the girls attend school. They shoot girls in the face when the girls are laying on the sidewalk. They shove explosives up their asses to make political statements. But we think we can talk them into being peaceful?
What exactly is going to bind them to these “peace talks”? We threatened the North Vietnamese with intervention if they invaded the South and then didn’t have the testicular fortitude to back that threat up with force. Do you think the same threat will scare the Taliban into being rational actors? Why even go through the motions of looking like a beaten giant – just hand over the country and be done with it. Or put Claymores under the negotiating table.
Category: Terror War
Waste of time, money and oxygen. The Taliban has got to be doing this as a joke. Once we leave next year, the country is theirs anyway.
If the peace talks involved killing these f#ckers when they show up to talk, then yes I’m in….if the peace talks actually involve trying to talk to these 4ssholes like they are anything but fundamentalist pieces of sh1t, then no not so much…
Like trying to make peace with a cobra.
Who didn’t see this coming?
Most worthless administration…….ever
I think we should talk to them long enough to get Bowe Bergdahl released from captivity, then run as far and as fast as we can from any peace talks. To me, he’s the only thing of value the Taliban has to offer . . .
Just what exactly does the U.S. expect to accomplish in all this?
The Taliban has clearly proven, time and time again, it is distrustful of outsiders, holds disdain for the West and all which it stands for, and has literally no comprehension of how the rest of the world operates, whether diplomatically or politically. Their foreign policy only equates to inter-tribal issues and firmly rests on whatever whacked out form of Islam they practice.
Don H nails it.
Get Sgt Bergdhal out and then NUKE THE ENTIRE SITE FROM ORBIT.
/It’s the only way to be sure.
One simple rule for negotiating with savages: If they support the use of children as human shields, then they are totally incapable of living up to any treaty.
The Obama administration only wants to kick the can down the road. That’s all this is.
@4 Old Troooper, is that a trick question?
We should just pack it in and get the double hockeysticks out, and not waste more lives and resources on something no on had the willpower to win, except for the poor slobs mired in stupid ROE over there.
If I hear just one MEW vet say “It don’t mean nothin'”….
Remember the Koran tells them it is not a sin to lie to us. Then there is the little thing of no one central leader that all follow. Joe
@9: It was more rhetorical than trick.
They’ve been telegraphing their intentions to negotiate with these animals for several years, so it stands to reason that they are going to follow through with doing so.
Good ‘ol Hamid better watch his neck. He should not be allowed out of the country, when we pull out, so that he can face the wrath that he helped facilitate with his stupid demands on coalition forces.
Just what are they going to deal, promises? Are they going to discuss reparations? This is more akin to plea bargaining, only there is no plea and no way to enforce the bargain. Just get the hell out, stay the hell out, and if there is one item that should be stressed but won’t be, it’s this: One terrorist attack against a US embassy or within any one of the 50 (57 if obamaman is reading this)states and we level the target of our choosing. Monstrous? You bet, but nothing works like violence. It’s the perfect problem solver.
“Bombing them back to the stone age” is not an option because it would only improve their standard of living…
My favorite is the “renouncing Al Qaeda.” If they want us to believe that, they can start by presenting us the heads of the AQ members they’ve been working with. They’ll slaughter their neighbor’s kids, but won’t lift a finger against these guys. The Sons of Iraq in Anbar gave us that show of good faith at least.
This is another Administration bullshit to American libtards to make them happy. When we leave the Taliban will own the country and we will be looking at another Syria. They can’t and won’t police themselves now, what does Obama and Kerry and the DOD think “peace talks” will accomplish. They should start by shooting every Taliban who shows up for the talks, in the face, little girl style. They will be sitting at the table bored to tears thinking, “We can’t wait till they shut up and leave the country so we can do what we are going to do anyway”. I guarantee part of the bargain will be billions in aid to Afghanistan. What a waste of everything. Might as well stay home, send laptops and have them sit though a sexual assault PPT.
Right, because these sh1theads: will be extremely honest and forthright in any discussion about peace and safety for the region….
About the time I reads this story earlier today, I read that they had killed 4 US Troops. Yep, really committed to *peace talks*…More than sickening..