Breaking Protocol. A Confession and Plea.
Jonn let’s me post here, although I truly don’t quite know why? I am a piss-poor writer, and I generally choose subject matter that doesn’t quite fit.
Here’s the thing… It is getting harder and harder to find “The Lighter Side” of the news these days. Our own government seems hell bent on turning our rights into crimes. The expletive phonies seem to multiply. And all I want is something worth smiling about.
Here it is: I won’t post everything you might forward (assuming I can still post anything after this).
Just make me smile, please.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Geezer Alert!
Hey Zero – – let us be the judge as to whether or not you’re a “piss poor writer.”
This will make you smile:
LIRight #1: Thanks.
On it! 😉
Well, I think this will bring a bit of tears and feel like you’re cutting a bit of onions for a bit I think it will also make you smile (And hopefully bring back some hope in humanity)
The top left one is very inspirational to me. It is called “honor”.
Hey! We will have none of this feeling sad or otherwise BS!!
Don’t make me enforce that directive!
(Hmm. The mental image of that possibility IS pretty funny!)
Don’t make me drive to WV with a humidor full of cigars and damn fine Irish whiskey to cheer you up!!!! I’ll do it you old squid!
Well, Zero – this isn’t exactly humor. But as a former Navy guy, it might bring a smile to your face anyway:
Zero…look familiar?
Zero .. will you take the incoherant blatherings of a freckled faced dumbass?
Zero: these should make you smile also.