Remembering Nov. 8, 2007

| November 9, 2012

Our buddy, Parachute Cutie, remembers ROCK Paratroopers 1LT Ferrara, SGT Mersman, CPL Langevin, CPL Roque, SPC Lancour and Marine SGT Bocks, who were killed in action in Afghanistan on 9 November 2007;

Five years ago tomorrow (9 November 2007) six American Warriors were killed in an ambush in eastern Afghanistan. Six family’s lives were changed forever. Their battle buddies lives were changed forever. Legions of friends learned the news that these men had become American Heroes – Heroes to whom we owe so much we can never repay them.

Please take a few minutes to read about these men. Honor them. Remember them. Be grateful for them. It is the very least we can do.
Rest in peace brave warriors. We will never forget you.

Category: Terror War

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Rest in peace Brothers…..


Clear skies, gentle winds and soft landings, my brothers. You sacrifices were not in vain.

Parachute Cutie

Thank you, Jonn. It’s been a tough day

Parachute Cutie

Hey, Jonn. Sorry to bother you but your blog title isn’t right. This happened on 9 November 2007. Thanks!