Yon unleashed

| October 22, 2012

Apparently, Michael Yon has been able to get CJ Grisham’s military records. Unfortunately, since Grisham is still on active duty, the records are incomplete and somehow, because Yon knows nothing about military records due to his own abbreviated service, he’s using this as some sort of stolen valor charge against CJ.

We all know for a fact that CJ has deployed, but the records end in about 2004, which would give most people a clue, well, unless they are completely clueless, of course. That pretty much describes the only people left on Yon’s website. But, Yon doesn’t even put the records on line to show people what he’s talking about;

Stolen Valor?

I have here in front of my eyes CJ Grisham’s military records. He says he got a Bronze Star with V — this is not reflected on his records. What I see in these records is a boring, slow career. Others do more in two years.

Seriously? Here’s CJ’s awards up until 2004;

Here are Yon’s awards after almost five years of service;

Yon's awards

I guess that hand grenade bar puts him over the top. The problem with Yon and his doofus minions, the ones he has left, is that they’re all ignorant about the military and records. Of course, Yon is keeping them ignorant by not bothering to mention that the records he has in his hands are incomplete. Even his idiots would recognize that fact, if he was forthcoming.

Yeah, I have CJ’s records because he sent them to us this morning, so this is me doing what Yon won’t for your edification;

Make up your own minds.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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I don’t know how anyone can listen to him except to get a good laugh.


Yesterday on Facebook, Yon was on a tirade, freaking out about some random person Friending him, and claiming it was CJ in disguise. He proudly proclaimed blocking the person, and that CJ has “done this before, this is ‘classic CJ’ and I see through is failed attempts…” What the fuck is wrong with this escaped mental patient who calls himself a journalist? How the fuck did Yon EVER make it past the psych board at SFAS?


MSM as a Sargent, not many Junior Troops walking around with one of those. Not many enlisted with them. Usually End of Tour for Senior Enlisted. Quite a few Achievement medals also. Not sure of full details, I do not read Yon, maybe twice a year from a link. Full of Shit Boo Hoo Brigade.


Yep, Yon’s simply displaying his ignorance again – plus displaying his documented bias against CJ.

For 9 years enlisted service (E1 to E6) in the USAR, 1 MSM plus 4 AAMs plus another personal decoration (MOVSM) plus 2 levels of NCOPD is actually quite impressive. That’s true whether serving full-time in a AGR slot, serving in a TPU, or some combination of the two.


One of his fans left the comment, “Stay Safe, Michael”. Really? It isn’t like he is in danger, except maybe of indigestion. Anyone with an iota of intelligence should be able to see through Yon’s phony facade. Sad.


I concur with Hondo


Further proof that instead of hiding away our mentally ill we display them publicly for all the world to see!


I just set up a FB page…and put this article up. The Truth Lives Here…like it and post…Buddy fuckers get nowhere with me and trying to discredit CJ ain’t gonna fly. Yes, my proverbial balls are strapped on. That Ratbastard will be called out as much as is necessary.


I wouldn’t expect a FOIA request to have an up to date snapshot of an active duty Soldiers ERB. Note that there is also GWOT Expeditionary or Service medal on their either, and there’s certainly no doubt that he has one or the other.


I’m not too familiar with the situation, but I do know that too many things concerning my Active Duty career failed to make it to my records. A friend even rescued my PCS award from the burning pit when my first unit closed down. I have been having fun in the Guard fixing this every time I can come up with orders for my bling. So far the guys in Topeka have been awesome when it comes to keeping me current.


FYI, within the past few years, big Army, (as well now USAR and NG) have shifted from the 2-1 to the electronic ERB and ORB. Almost any 2-1 is going to be incorrect because data is now entered electronically. This prevents fraud, provides centralized point of source for record keeping, and makes the damn thing easier to read. Sorry, I award Mike and the boys at Katoys-r-Us no points for this one.


While I wish none of my awards were public because I don’t like to brag or bring attention to them, I appreciate the comments and support. Yon has been trying to discredit my service record for years and will grasp at any straw he can. Facts don’t get in his way as long as he can conveniently omit information to support his narrative.


@11, you need to keep on the electronic ERB. For example 4 of my AAMs and my college credits fell off at the same time that I somehow recieved the secondary MOS of 95B with a tour in Aruba.


In 2000 I suddenly had Master Aviator Badge in my records. It would reappear every time removed it for a couple of years.


Thank you, Jonn…and thank YOU for your Service, CJ…


Best part is how Yon gets the vapors over “Is he a Master SGT or a 1st SGT?? Grisham lies!” And yet Yon’s copy of CJ’s records end at CJ being a SSGT. Wonder how he’s going to justify his own inconsistency on that one.

Green Thumb



AW1 Tim

Yon went around the bend some years back. It’s been getting worse ever since.

I can’t say it for certain, and I have no proof, but his continued decline into a bad Colonel Kurtz impression leaves me to specualte on a relationship between that morphing & his Thai ladyboyz. Maybe even that Afghan bhisti he claimed to have.


The Shit Yawn pulls makes me sick. And the sheep that blindly accept everything he types up as gospel truth are the same core group of morons that think Yons reposting links (from Thailand) to months old ‘dispatches from Afghanistan’ are breaking news.


[…] Now I am going to say a few things here. See, CJ Grisham does NOT want to have to put this information out there and I had to ask (and somewhat beg upon our friendship) to allow me to do certain things with the information I know and have about him. He prefers to not go out there sharing stuff willy-nilly as if he deserves some accolades for just doing his job, taking care of his soldiers, bringing them home safely. But I am PISSED OFF that Michael Yon is such a tool that he feels compelled to not only put out this information, he also needs to twist the facts around. But he’s a master of twisting the truth. I’ve proved it over and over again. You can see all of it here and here and here. This Ain’t Hell has also covered Yon’s releasing of this information here. […]
