Breanna Manning gets a rash, makes news

| August 10, 2012

Breanna Manning, the formerly male soldier who is responsible for the release of hundreds of thousands of pages of classified material to the website Wikileaks, had his lawyer release a 110-page report about little missy’s pretrial confinement. The report apparently tells the grueling story of how he got a rash from the suicide prevention blanket he was made to use, according to the Associated Press;

Manning claims to have developed a rash from being forced to sleep beneath a suicide-prevention blanket. He claims he suffered an anxiety attack after being harassed by guards.

The Defense Department has said Manning’s treatment was in line with procedures designed to prevent inmates from hurting themselves or others. His lawyers claim there was no legal justification for such restrictions.

Of course, if his release of hundreds of thousands of pages of classified documents only results in his victims getting a rash, they’ll be real lucky.

“Harassed by guards” is probably sissy code for “wouldn’t talk to me”. I’m pretty sure that no one dared violating any of little Miss Manning’s rights or sensibilities because of the profile of this case among the smelly hippie crowd. Of course, to that crowd, the fact that Manning is in prison is somehow abuse.

Category: Military issues

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Silly boy. He didn’t have a rash; he was “fruiting.” That’s what it’s called when a fungus produces spores.


Welcome to a Marine Brig, you whiney little fudge pounder, too bad you weren’t kept on Piss & Punk for the duration of your stay. Waaaa!


fuck him, release his punk ass into general population


Maybe he can end up as Nasser Abdo’s bunkie. Otherwise, put his ass in general population


Nah. Bunk Abdo and Hassan together. Then monitor/record their conversations 24/7/365. Might get something useful from those.


I wanted to see what a ‘suicide prevention blanket’ looks like:
“The outside layers will not chafe or irritate bare skin and provides warmth without compromising safety and security.”

Eff the little effer. He gets a rash from his blankie? Then he doesn’t get a blankie.


Aw poor widdle boy got a wash on his ash.

Wait till the prison bubbas get ahold of his effeminate little tratorious ass. They’ll give him rashes where the sun doesn’t shine. Lots of them.

Green Thumb

Fucking Pussy.

I hope he likes cock because I have a feeling he is going to get what he asked for….

Green Thumb

Party Monster.


Take the blanket away and give a pistol with one bullet. He is a singular waster, lone kitten, and we could probably debrief him by yelling one word in his precious little face … “BOOH”!

Just Plain Jason

I thought he was still at the DB. I wonder if they are just doing frequent bedchecks?

CI Roller Dude

Put the little turd in the general prison population and see what kind of assrash he gets. Once he’s had a fair trial and all, he needs to die a slow and painful death for all the harm he’s caused and the people he got killed.

SFC Holland

I am praying he gets the death penalty. Seriously. He was a brother analyst, and we get shit on all the time, but this guy is exactly why we can’t get past the stereotype of analysts being garbage. Try him, convict him, and kill him.


It’s not possible for me to exspress just how little I give a fuck about this human tissue sample’s skin, rash or blanket. If he’s declared guilty in a properly convened court, by a judge or a jury of his peers, then I whole heartedly agree with SFC Holland. Waste the little fucker. I’m thinking maybe putting him as the number one jumper on a C-17 and letting the stick push his unparachute equipped ass out on the green light. (I’ve been told I lack imagination, so others may have better ideas.)

Perry Gaskill

#13 SFC Holland Here’s something to ponder for you and the TAH crew: Back in April of last year, when Manning was still at Quantico and prior to the fall of Libya, the Columbia Journalism Review ran a guest post by Sanford Ungar, a former director of Voice of America, on how Julian Assange and Bradley Manning were some sort of latter-day incarnation of Daniel Ellsberg. Here’s the link: For those not interested in Ungar’s rationale, my response went like this, and apologies for repeating myself: “At the risk of sounding like an intelligence community apologist, it stikes me that discussions of the FOIA and Wikileaks tend to miss elements that would provide a better picture of what’s in play. “It’s probably a safe bet to assume that, more often than not, the reason government documents are routinely classified is not because of whatever facts are revealed in the content, but instead because revealing such information would provide insight into how the information was gathered, and the capabilities of those who gather it. A difference between process and product. The fact, for example, that Qaddafi prefers blonde nurses doesn’t really matter; how that becomes known does. “A separate issue is that if the government’s allegations are true, Julian Assange and Bradley Manning have done the metaphorical equivalent of walking up and kicking a sleeping bear. What seems curious is the current widespread surprise and outrage because the bear woke up, and reacted by doing what bears do. It also makes you wonder: if the bear doesn’t react, what does it say about the bear?” What was interesting was that I got a follow-up response from CJR requesting that they be allowed to use the comment in the hard-copy version of their magazine. Meaning, one might assume, that the press is at least trying to work its way through the issues. There’s also always going to be an internal friction between what the press wants to know, and what the intelligence community wants to reveal even though they both tend to work in the same way. One of the better… Read more »


SFC Holland: Big Army took the death penalty off the table for some reason. Dunno why, but they did.

I’m personally hoping he gets one day. For each document he released without authority. To be served consecutively.


Guess the little poof shoulda thought of that before he released those documents, huh?


The sad part is Assange didn’t have to publish all those documents. All he had to do is wait for the White House to leak it.


Just put it (manning) in a small cube-shaped place with a very small slit to the outside for a light source, the floor to sleep on, feed it once a day, and otherwise ignore it. Make sure the walls can’t be dug through. Soundproof the cube so no one can hear it. Then go away for 40 years. No contact with others. Period. No TV, no radio, no books, no nothing.

It’s called an oubliette. There are castles in Europe that still have them.

Yat Yas 1833

Ex-PH2, that’s horrible! No tv? No radio? No books? Nah, find out what music “it” hates the most then pipe that into “it’s” cell 24/7! After a few weeks of that, place “it” out in GP and let it slip “it’s” a child molester. Justice served.

Frank G

I’d give him a couple belts and extra shoelaces


Jeebus. It’s a good thing he’s too infantile to grow any facial hair or allow the inconvenience of deploying without any moisturizer or showers. Heaven help us if the little dear suffered a rash on his face from shaving with a dull razor and a pittance of water like the guys at the COPs and PBs do.

I developed eczema and dermal urticaria on my second deployment, and had them almost constantly for the duration of my time there. The only thing medical was certain on was that something in the enviroment was triggering it, and wanted to send me to a better equipped hospital to get some testing to narrow it down. That would have made my shop go to longer shifts to make up for the personnel reduction so I opted for the proverbial straw route by asking for antihistamines and a topical steroid until we got back to the US. I’m as far from Rambo as you could get so if I could manage then I’m sure Manning can as well. I guess he missed the part of the contract about agreeing to be uncomfortable at times being a basic job requirement.


Funny how when a soldier is accused of actually making good on the promise of “defending our freedoms” he gets death threats from other “soldiers” too chicken to speak up when the military and government are acting illegally.

The leaker (who may or may not be Manning, remember about innocent until proven guilty, anyone?) should get a medal. And you should be ashamed it wasn’t you who did the right thing when nobody else would.


ClementC: interesting that you consider aiding the enemy “the right thing to do”. That fact tells me all I need to know about you.

I wish you a nice and speedy trip to the 9th circle of Dante’s Inferno.


Hondo, Clemency has posted in a few other topics, just enough to make it known that he’s a moron.


@23- Explain how the “right thing to do” was to release hundreds of thousands of pages of classified material to the public. We’re not talking about information on one specific incident. Those documents contained contacts, locations, and methods we use to obtain information on a wide variety of subjects over a wide geographic area. Explain to me how releasing that much classified material- information that spans the full spectrum of information on events taking place in theater- is “defending our freedom”. Sounds to me more like “endangering our men”, or “aiding and abetting the enemy”.

But I agree with you on one thing; he should get a medal. A copper jacketed one, right through his skull.

AW1 Tim


Explain to me why Manning shouldn’t be charged with negligent homicide for every one of the contacts in those leaked documents who were rounded up and killed by our enemies.

What Manning did is called treason, and he needs to be hanged for it. The current execution by lethal injection is too kind and humane for a rat bastard traitor of his ilk.

There is absolutely no justification for what he did. None. Zero, Nada. If you or anyone else truly believes that what he did was justifiable, then I’d have no problem stringing you all up beside him. You do not deserve your freedoms, or your citizenship, and they should be taken from you. His partner, Assange also needs to be rounded up, given a quick drumhead trial and hanged. Publicly and slowly.