High School shooting thwarted

| July 29, 2012

Fox News reports that a taxicab driver’s tip led to the arrest of 18-year-old Timmy Eike who, it seems, was in possession of a rifle, a shotgun and a few hundreds rounds of ammunition that he bought illegally;

“I did what I figured anybody else would have done,” said the cab driver, who wishes to remain anonymous.

Eike is charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and lying to a licensed dealer about his mental condition, according to KSWO-TV.

Compliments to the cab driver who can be credited with, at the very least, saving Eike’s life.

Category: Shitbags

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What was that about more gun control laws? Eh? Can’t hear ya!

Good job by the cab driver.


he bought illegally

So how many more laws over and above the 20,000 in the country that already exist would have stopped him, PH?

Al T.

“Eike is charged with unlawful possession of a firearm”

Interestingly enough, unless OK has some sort of state law or he just turned 18 (meaning he was actually 17 when he obtained the guns), 18 year olds can buy long guns legally from a FFL.


Hmm… Someone should tell the gubermint so they can make more laws that criminals can break when they buy guns illegally!

Al T.

Jonn, yep, that’s the default, but I’d like to see the details. No argument he was acting crazy and really no issues with the cabbie outing him. I just wonder what part of the 4473 he actually violated.


@2–Sparky, nothing stopped Eike from getting his hands on a gun. You know as well as I do that if someone wants a weapon, nothing will stop him/her from getting one, legally or otherwise.

You ought to know I was being sarcastic, anyway.


Sorry, point taken. A law or piece of paper, no matter how vigorously waved, is useless unless it has someone willing to enforce it.


His mug reminds me of banjo music for some reason.


Hard to take an 18 year old named “Timmy” seriously. Kinda like an adult wearing a bow tie or an adult with red hair.