Yeah, veterans are who we need to worry about
Tman sends us a link to the story of a Virginia welding teacher who thought it’d be a good idea to line up his students and shoot at them with blank-firing pistol;
“He then pulled a ‘blank firing handgun,’ black in color, from the back waistband of his pants and discharged the weapon between four and ten shots in the direction of the line of the students,” according to a police statement. “The ‘report’ of the firearm was similar to that of a firearm that fires a projectile, thus placing the students in fear, according to statements. No students were physically injured as a result of the incident.”
Sheriff Newman said Dillow apparently borrowed the gun, which is not capable of shooting actual bullets, from another school department.
I’m sure he caught the PTSD from a multi-combat-tour veteran and was having flashbacks to the days he was avoiding the draft during the Vietnam War and his roomie stole his Doritos, or something.
Category: Shitbags
But the people who homeschool their children are the unstable ones. Got it.
Just when I thought the shop teacher who let the kid electrocute himself for a Mountain Dew a couple of years back was hitting the bottom of the barrel…
(And yeah, it really happened.)
I’m praying that this idiot never served in the military . . . .
What? Blanks and not an arty sim? Amateur.
@#3 … JP- toooo funny!
As usual, the whole story never makes the media. From what I can pick up locally, the kids were NOT scared and they don’t want him charged. They want him back teaching. (This is not the ghetto folks. This is a mountain community.)
As far as being a veteran…I have no idea. Local media not telling much either.
Perhaps he suffers from being a libtard
I’m sure in this day and age that’s not a good thing to do at skool.
NShack: Some jokes just ain’t funny, no matter what. Having a gun pointed at you, even if unloaded or a starter pistol firing blanks, IMO falls into that category.
This falls into the category of criminal stupidity. Literally.
Oh, I agree totally, Hondo. I’m just telling you what the locals are saying. If it had been my child, he would lose more than his job.
The whole thing doesn’t make much sense because the media won’t report much.