Changing the world, one urine bomb at a time

| February 27, 2012

Old Trooper sends a link to a brief article at Fox31 Denver which reports that the Denver Occupiers staged a “F*** the Police” march in the Mile-High City Saturday Night. What could be confrontational about that name, right? Who would have thought that a “F*** the Police” march would get out of control, huh? reports that it didn’t take long for the masked hippies to begin misbehaving despite the lovely name of their protest.

The march started peacefully, as protesters started walking at 7:30. However, things started turning ugly when embedded reporter Marshall Zalinger from 7News saw protestors lighting fireworks and tagging vehicles with the anarchist logo, a circle “A”. reports that the protesters chanted obscenities about police and “threw urine-filled water balloons and marked up a public bus, a police car, and numerous other vehicles.” After five people were seen tagging, the police arrested them without incident. Not surprisingly, this behavior has yet to be denounced. Also not surprisingly, the mainstream media has not been reporting this story.

Funny how the people who complain that the government doesn’t spend enough money on them, are destroying government property that has to be replaced with more tax dollars. Where are these peckerwoods’ parents? The uncivil behavior of the hippies in the early 70s ended when the police and private citizens took a stand and started bashing the heads of these petty criminals. The incident at Kent State went a long ways towards taking the wind out of their sails. I’m not saying the police should open fire on the hippies, but their “catch and release” policies ain’t working. Treating the little spoiled brats with kid gloves only encourages them.

If the police were throwing urine bombs at the protesters, they’d be screaming bloody murder.

Category: I hate hippies

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It’s all part of the plan. Like when terrorists hide in a hospital then scream bloody murder when US forces dig’em out.

They want street battles with police. In their minds it gives them credibility. “Look! The MAN’s keeping us down.” Like the dirty hippie girl who claimed to have lost her baby because she got a mouth full of peppery spray. Only she wasn’t pregnant and was screaming at police.

However this ain’t the summer of love. With the internet we can expose the little cretins before they can shape their “narrative.”


But, but, the TV station says that the pissers weren’t “directly connected” with the Occutards.
Agree, Jonn, catch and release doesn’t work. Maybe they ought to build a couple of outdoor holding areas for the Occutards, and take about a day or two to process them. Have to observe their rights, make sure they’re identified, and all.


I have a cousin protesting there. She had her ankle broken at the University of Denver riots in Greeley a few years back by a Police rubber bullet. I have no sympathy for her, fuck, she married a Cop. I hope she had the common sense to stay away from that one, and to cut slingload altogether from the Occutards now


Where is the media outrage?

Old 21B

Anyone else see the irony in the pro-nanny state wealth redistributionists painting the anarchy sign on government property?


No need to get all pissy about it.


“If the police were throwing urine bombs at the protesters…”

I sure do hope the police are reading this blog! There are so many enchanting ways described here for them to deal with these protesters!! 🙂

Yat Yas 1833

IMHO the OWS movement is dead. It has degenerated into a loose confederation of MOBS. What does Denver PD have to do with the original goals of the movement? Here in Phoenix the Ocutards were protesting in front of city hall for Pete’s sake! Why? Why weren’t they in front of the Federal Courthouse on 4th Ave or the federal buildings on north Central Ave?!

This mob was out for trouble from the start. Otherwise why the scarves covering their faces?

The mob back east want to claim a tiny piece of land and secede from the US? I say let them, then build a wall around Ocutardstan, put in a border crossing and make them show an Ocutardstan passport/visa to enter the US. Cut off all utilities to the new country and let them provide for themselves. Water, power, public safety, their own defense forces, etc.


Yat, Occutardistan won’t have access to a Kinko’s, hence, no passports or visas, and no bank, so how will they get money from mommy and daddy?


Not to worry. They would get air drops from the administration for their needs.


I didn’t think of that, OWB. True, they’ll probably use the local PD helicopter for the airdrop, or the local news affiliate.