12 killed in Afghanistan protests

| February 24, 2012

I hope it’s really worth their time. Our emailer yesterday was right on the money. The little turd burglars left their Friday prayers all full of testosterone and then went up against their own police and Army forces because they don’t have anything else to do on Friday. 12 won’t be going to evening prayers, though.

Our emailer says that they also decided to pick a soft target and went after some Norwegians based there. I haven’t seen any reports of it yet, but it makes sense. All of us white people are Americans to those goat ropers.

And Obama’s apology doesn’t seem to faze them much;

To Afghanistan’s west, Iranian cleric Ahmad Khatami said the U.S. had purposely burned the Korans. “These apologies are fake. The world should know that America is against Islam,” he said in a speech broadcast live on state radio.

Yeah, a lot of people burn Korans, dipshit. That’s the accepted way to dispose of them. And I wasn’t against Islam yesterday, but I am today, numbnuts.

That smart diplomacy is working wonders, ain’t it?

Category: Terror War

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In 2008-09, I heard nothing but how much we’d be loved and respected in the world now that Bush the Cowboy was gone and Obama, he of the lowering of the sea levels, he of the bad golf swing, he of the vacation every three weeks, he of the highest gas prices ever, PBUH, ruled from day one.

Please, Joe–I’m in an evil fucking mood today and would like nothing more than for you or your other libtard fuckstain mouth-breathing pant-pissing sycophants to come in and try to defend this. Just try.

And writing in a Koran is defacing them, but they don’t seem to give a shit about that, now do they?

Old Trooper

@1: Hi Sparky! Happy Friday bud 🙂


I can only imagine what they were preaching during their Friday “prayer”.


@1: Hope your day smoothes out for you, Sparky! 🙂


Whats the problem Sparky all out of krispy kreme?


Sparky this has been one shitty week for me too, so bring on the worthless, mouth-breathing, wine sipping, communist dicksucks! Oh look DUIDipshit, miserable excuse for a fake SF bitchstick showed up!


#6, that’s what I like about TAH, ask for something and it usually happens. #5 is proof of that.


Haha, this is quite true, like the character said in Dazed And Confused: “I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we’re almost out of beer…” (minus the beer for me, fuck you Iraq and your Tigris water, my liver and I HATE you)


“Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming… we’re finally on our own…” Oops wrong country! Tough love? NOPE- TOUGH SHIT!


POTUS shouldn’t be apologizing form acts such as these….it wasn’t necessary when Bush did it, nor is it warranted now.

Let PR flacks in DoD give the oopsie speech for being mean to the magic book, not the White House.


@8 You can’t drink beer Lucky?

CI Roller Dude

…and most of them donkey fu–ers can’t even read, so they wouldn’t know if it was a Koran or a superturd novel.

After talking to some folks today complaining about the “Occupy Shitheads” …why don’t we put them on a plane and let them occupy AF?

Yat Yas 1833

Am I supposed to care? I can’t even say they’re hypocrites, they’re to in-bred and stupid to comprehend what they think is right or holy.

Cedo Alteram

#1″And writing in a Koran is defacing them, but they don’t seem to give a shit about that, now do they?” Yes it is, there selective outrage is so damn transparent. I’m willing to bet that the crowds are large because it is Kabul, the largest city in the country. There are some instigators who are just pouring fuel on the fire by whipping up the crowd(s). Second the Haqannis, HIG, ands Al Qaeda have a joint network based in the city for committing terrorist acts. This undermines government credibility. Most of the folks there are fearlful of our leaving.

#8″…like the character said in Dazed And Confused: “I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we’re almost out of beer…” Could of sworn that line was from “They Live”. Roddy Piper said bubblegum not beer.

Troy Weaver

I think we should pack up now and get the hell out. Enough is enough.