VoteVets wants your guns
TSO sent us this video from VoteVets in which dicksmith tells us that our gun laws are helping terrorists buy guns and he advocates “closing the terror gap” in our gun laws;
I don’t know how they plan to stop potential terrorists from buying weapons when they’re not on a terror watch list and fully qualified to buy guns. Is he saying that gun dealers should profile? Somehow, I don’t think so.
While I’m all for preventing terrorists from arming themselves using our own gun laws against us, I don’t see a solution that doesn’t prevent the rest of us from buying guns. And I certainly don’t trust the polesmokers at VoteVets to participate in constructing any restrictions with their known connections to MoveOn and George Soros.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Ok, here’s where he contradicts himself right away: A tango on the tango watch list can’t open a bank account, but they can legally buy a gun by passing the background check. Um, no they can’t, dumbass. If they are on the FBI’s tango watch list, then they sure as hell won’t pass the FBI’s firearms purchase background check, unless what you are saying, dumbass, is that the FBI doesn’t talk between departments within the agency. If that’s the case, then you don’t need to promote more legislation, but rather talk to your boy Holder and have him open the lines of communication within his vaunted DoJ.
State laws vary, but everyone still has to have their name run through the same federal background check and if they are the terror watch list, I doubt the feds will say “no you can’t open a checking account, but as a consolation prize, here’s an AK47”. How fucking stupid do they think we are?
Agreed, Old Trooper.
This is the sort of thing that liberals get all upset about.
He was saying that a terrorist can just walk in and buy a gun. Keep in mind that a felon is not allowed to own a gun. And all terrorists are by extension also felons, are they not? Are there any terrorism misdemeanors?
Okay, so terrorists can’t buy guns. Unless, of course, he means someone who intends on going into the terrorism business soon. Take, for example, some young guy in an apartment in NYC who has never been arrested for anything before, but plans on shooting some place up in the near future for the greater glory of Allah. Technically, that person isn’t a terrorist…YET.
But if we’re going to prohibit firearms ownership because someone MIGHT BECOME a terrorist, isn’t the 2nd amendment meaningless?
In other words, no one who is a KNOWN terrorist can buy a gun. Some people who aren’t KNOWN terrorists might buy a gun and become one, but so what? The only way to prevent that is to outlaw guns completely, which is what I suspect they want to do.
Okay, I watched the homemade video starring the slouching guy in the wrinkled shirt and I have a comment that I wish I could deliver personally to him. I have not, to date dropped the F bomb here but I’m going to make an exception, thanks to dillwad’s use of the memorial shot of the helmets, weapons, boots, and photos of the fallen in his bullshit video: FUCK YOU!
I’m wondering if these assclowns are in the least bit curious as to Fast And Furious and Gunwalker’s results and who knew what when.
Something tells me they’re not.
Square in the black, Sparky.
Why not just have the terrorists register with the FBI and ATF. Not only will they get the guns, but also practical immunity from prosecution.
Seriously, how ghettoassed is that video? This organization has over 100,000 activists, and he does his videos in a basement like this?
@7: I think that’s his bedroom in his mom’s house.
#3; “I have a comment that I wish I could deliver personally to him.”
You just did. Dicksmith reads TAH every day.
Did you know that a bank robber can buy a gun? Well, not a bank robber who has actually robbed a bank in the past. But a bank robber who plans to rob one in the future. He can just walk right in and buy one, after he does all of the harassing paperwork and waiting periods and stuff. I think that’s because he isn’t telling anyone that he plans to rob a bank.
And that means that our wacky laws permit bank robbers to buy guns.
Obviously, the only solution is to assume that everyone is a bank robber and then prohibit guns across the board. Sound good?
Dicksmith reads this blog? Great. Hey Dicksmith–your analysis is kind of lacking here. I have never heard such bullshit in my life. Why don’t you just admit that you’re an opponent of our constitutional rights and you’re using false fears of terrorism as a smoke screen to hide it?
John do you ever wonder why the term “progressive” became almost a dirty word after Wilson? Actually for the same reason the word “Liberal” became a dirty word after Johnson.
Now for all you not History majors (like me) Funny thing about the progressive movement, It originally started to counter Machine Politics, and bring social reform and services to cities that had grown 7 times in people in a decade. Started out noble. By the end they had insane laws about how you could live (prohibition) laws that increased corruption, and ensured only the rich could get elected to the Senate (17th amendment) and had also failed utterly to give coherent reasoning for getting involved in WWI (with horrific casualties for only 8 months of fighting). Did I mention hoe racist Progressives were? White Man’s burden was all about helping the monkey people of the world (believe it or not there was actually literature that said as much)
No matter how noble they start off Progressives/Liberals, always soil their names, and end up causing ungodly amounts of harm to the nation.
Well, seeing as how the background check system, NICS, won’t OK a sale if your address isn’t up to date on your license or state ID, and most states won’t issue to undocumented aliens, Dicksmith is lying about that. And, a Green Card is not considered valid ID for a firearms purchase, as it doesn’t list an address.
Hmmm, dicksmith wants the government to discriminate based on religion, and appearance?
I wonder how down he’d be if the Feds decide that they can restrict the 1st Amendment? Oh, that’s right, he’s a “progressive”, so their speech would be A-OK in the eyes of this government.
@9. Oh, man, you just made the balance of this day and the weekend too!
“You just did. Dicksmith reads TAH every day.” That would be awesome if true.
I don’t get what his point is. To open a bank account you are given a background check on the FBI terror watch list. To buy a gun you have to get an FBI background check. Since you need a bank account in our modern age and not a gun, that pool for possible suspects would be much larger. Also I’d imagine the FBI firearm background check and the petty harassment by the states, would be far more extensive. Am I missing something?
P.S. Sen Frank Lautenberg is one of my two US Senators from NJ and a useless piece of Drek. Anything he peddles your natural inclination should be to oppose, until proven otherwise. My home state is one of the least friendly to gun ownership in the union. The rest of the nation should not follow our example!
You guys are forgetting the number one rule of defining your enemy; “Progressive” & “Communist” are one in the same.
Want to neutralize the threat of guns???
I tend to favor the approach of a couple of Robert Heinlein’s lesser early novels, “Beyond This Horizon” and “Red Planet”.
Everyone is armed. But not indiscriminately. Reach an age of accountability, pass a competence test, have a non-criminal background — then you can carry anything you want, openly.
Hey! Dicksmith! To paraquote Achmed The Dead Terrorist, “BOO! Did I scare you?”