Vandals destroy wreaths at Philly memorial

| December 13, 2011

Toothless Dawg sends this link to an article about a serial vandal at Philadelphia’s Korean War Memorial;

For the third December in a row, custodian James Moran says he’s picking up the pieces by the war memorials at Penn’s Landing.

This afternoon he called police after discovering five wreaths destroyed. They were placed by the Korean War Memorial on Veterans Day.

“We have young men and women dying in Afghanistan and Iraq for our flag; it’s a disgrace this goes on every single year,” Moran said.

Moran says flowers were torn off or stolen. Moran found what was left strewn across the plaza or stuffed in a trash can.

Category: Shitbags

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2-17 AirCav

“I was very upset that the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial was defaced again.” Comment to memorial defacing story in Philadelphia Inquirer, 7 June 1996.

Evidently, from the 1996 story and those of other years regarding the same topic, someone in Philly has an issue with these memorials. The ABC exclusive report was exclusive only insofar as that affiliate was the first to report on this year’s vandalizing. Yeah, I’d say it’s a pattern. Now, is it too much to expect that a few people lose a good night’s sleep and watch for knucklehead’s appearance at the other memorials?


Wish I was in the neighborhood. They might find the responsible party/parties stuffed in a port-o-let somewhere in similar condition to the wreaths…

Could also use some of those IR game-tracker cameras hidden around the cemetery. Get some proof of who was doing this.


not “cemetery” – “memorials”

I plead insufficient coffee, y’honor.