Biden threatens to go on a crime spree
I think that’s what this means, but like most of the people on the internet, I only read the headline;
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
I think that’s what this means, but like most of the people on the internet, I only read the headline;
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
I can never figure how it becomes a Federal money thing to put local cops on the street. This is a prime example of Federal over reach. I don’t need to send my tax dollars (I am a 53%’er) to Flint Michigan to garner BHO more union votes.
Clearly, Biden is threatening to call out the union thugs if Americans don’t bend over willingly.
I see what you did there…
It’s Flint, Michigan. More rapes and murders are going to happen there regardless.
Just wrapped up a chat with a relative who lives 20 miles from Flint. More rapes n murders? What else is new for the “Autoless City”?
For those unaware of what Flint is and is not: Flint is the poster child to show what goes wrong with excessive corporate taxation and unfettered unionism. Together they caused those who count the beans to look elsewhere to get the most for their shareholders.
Another interesting factoid you know Mich is the ONLY state in the union that lost population between the 2000 and 2010 census? kinda makes you wonder.
As far as the rape and murder thing, how many rapes and murders were there during the Great Depression? was there a sudden spike after the 20’s? no, in fact after prohabition was repealed there was a drop in crime. despite extreme desperation there were no rapes/murders from the Bonus Army, or the Okies.
More scare tactics. more bullshit.
Flint is the location where the earth will get an Enema. They have almost as much bulldozed land as built-up land in the city. FO is right, Flint, and to a lesser degree, Pontiac and Saginaw are the poster children for rampant taxation and unions gone wild. And, they wonder why business and industry has left? Idiots.
Saginaw, Mi. was ranked as #3 in the list of most dangerous cities in the U.S., Flint is #12, Detroit #14, Hamtramck, Mi. is #15, and Pontiac is #17. And, Hamtramck only has a population of a little more than 20,000. That’s 5 in the top 20. At least we lead in something. Thank you to the dem pols who have ruled those cities in a one party system since before WW II.
And, they wonder why business and industry has left? Idiots.
You know… I’ve heard rhetoric like this before…