Hippies are classy

| October 9, 2011

ROS and Old Trooper send us a link from the UK’s Daily Mail which includes not only the picture of the cultured individual above, but the heaps of garbage that have accumulated in Zuccotti Park, where the filthy creatures have been holed-up for the past week or so.

Although many of the protesters are understood to be making strenuous efforts to clean up after themselves, after three weeks of occupation, the strain of hundreds of people living on the street has begun to take its toll.

Apparently, “many” ain’t enough.

Apparently, they’ve had no up-bringing. Who does the art history grad shitting on the police car think is going to clean his excrement off of the car? One of the Wall Street CEOs? Or one of the “downtrodden” working class Joes in whose name he’s protesting.

Someone sent this picture from the NYC protest;

Whoever took the picture, did it from a distance, and I don’t blame them given the pictures from the Daily Mail. WHo knows what a normal person might catch from the filthy hippies.

In Indianapolis, TSO sends a link that announces the beginning of their “Vertical Occupation” of the Statehouse grounds because government won’t let them sit down.

Indiana State Police have advised us that anyone sleeping on the grounds of the Statehouse will be immediately arrested and jailed. However, if you remain upright and not horizontal to the ground they will allow us to peacefully occupy their South Lawn area as we see fit. We cannot pitch a tent or anything but they are allowing us food deliveries and other comforts to the site.

“Comforts”? WTF is that? Starve, you stupid yuppy-spawn. If they can afford food deliveries, WTF are they protesting?

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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I was in Manhattan for the weekend for a wedding, and the traffic patterns a re completely jacked up due to the protest, not to mention the sanitation issues, and the overtime for the literally Brigade sized element of the NYPD standing overwatch near the park. I haven’t seen that much aircover either, since Baghdad a year and a half ago. This is getting way out of hand, I mean I understand their fundimental right to protest, but it has gone on way too long, don’t these people have jobs and lives to go back to, instead of disrupting everyone else’s? And as for the Daily Mail photos, so much for peaceful, non-confrontational protesting!!!! That’s really classy, I mean if anything that kinda makes me want to either use OC spray, an ASP, or Clear Out to show them my displeasure at their lack of discourse.


Here’s local coverage of the freaks here in ATL. I’d like to point out that they (ingeniously?) picked the one park that was within walking distance of two colleges…location location location.


Michael Z. Williamson

In Indy, about 150 hipsters and a few suborned kids and grandparents showed up and walked around for a bit over an hour. But then it got hot (80F), so they dispersed. The end.


The right to assemble and protest is a fundamental hallmark of our Republic. But when that right conflicts with the right of free passage of commerce and travel, that right of assembly has been abused.


Latest news is the attempt to link these jackasses to the TEA Party.

Anything. Anything to appear legit.


There are some striking similarities…..even though the tea party became co-opted, by and large, by groups such as Freedom Works [as OWS is by Labor]….they rallied/persuaded/etc…elected officials to their cause.

OWS hasn’t had that success, yet anyway. If that recognition fails to happen, it’s a net plus if you support the GOP.


DaveO–there are three things the Tea Party folks had that OWS will never have: Showers, jobs, and a point.

Damn I love Ann Coulter sometimes.

Doc Bailey

This “movement” will probably NOT gain any net legitimacy because:

1). Their demands are insane.

2). They are being EXTREMELY disruptive.

3). they are being extremely disrespectful

4). pretty much everything their saying is old hash

5). most Americans old enough to remember the 70’s remember the lunacy that followed listening to this idiocy, and how it took the antithesis (Reagan) to pull the country out of a Death Spiral they caused.


There’s another huge difference this time around – besides the social media and all passing around pics of exactly what they are doing. Those of us old enough to remember it will NOT do what we did last time.

In the 60’s and 70’s we all went about our lives because we had been taught to not acknowledge ignorant behavior and it would go away. Well, it sort of did – it went into our courts, the military and especially our classrooms. We are now living with the results of our inattention then.

But unlike the lefties who do not learn from the mistakes of their ideology, WE see the error of our ways and are more than willing to take corrective action this time around.

I can’t wait until these fools come to a town or city near me! We have a core group of radicals locally who are already signing up to go laugh and point at them. (We’ll start there, then see where it goes.) We are known to stand proud and tall (and mostly silent) in the face of lunacy, but we may just have to break ranks to laugh at these clowns!


Other than we have to breathe the same air, and we all have bodily functions, which civilized people take care of in the appropriate places, what similarities could any rational person find between this collection of dirt balls, or as we called them, hippie pukes, and decent people?


@UpNorth, Civilized people know what it means to sacrifice for that free oxygen, and the freedoms that this country provides!



Wrong point at the wrong moment: TEA Partiers didn’t take a shit in a cop’s car. These two groups couldn’t be further apart in goals, perceptions, and methods. TEA Partiers held their protests, rallies and gatherings, cleaned up after themselves, and then returned home to organize their blocks/neighborhoods and such to vote.

If the Occupy Wall Streeters wanted to be like the TEA Party, or even attempt to find common ground, they’d be surging on K Street, not Wall Street. But that would take more than 2 neurons firing in sequence.

NR Pax

I noticed an even more obvious difference:

OWS wants more government control.
The Tea Party wants less.



Doc Bailey

You notice they talk about “freedom” but really what they want is security. These guys want to sell what freedoms they do have for the security of knowing they don’t have to try hard to make it in life, or that they need not ever fear being evicted for being irresponsible with their money. the hard part about being free which is unbarable to these retards is that you also have to accept the consequences of your actions.

Its actually a strange irony because overseas they want NO security.


DaveO, I find a lot more similarities between the OWS bunch of loons, and hippies of the 1960’s than anything approaching the Tea Party. Some try to draw the moral equivalence between these oxygen thieves and the Tea Party, but it doesn’t fly.
But, any bets on whether the Convention season next summer is going to be very interesting?
I hope the host Police departments are stocking up on OC and flex cuffs, I think they may need them. The large, economy sized canisters of OC will be in high demand.


North–something tells me the Democratic Convention isn’t going to be like Chicago 1968. Yeah, Charlotte is pretty much Durham lite, but there’s a lot of good ol’ boys down there that don’t take kindly to that sort of thing, if ya catch my drift.


Yeah, got it, Sparky. But, I hope the PD is well stocked on the essentials anyway. I’m sure the dem convention will have enough to handle, union vs non-union and all that. Not to mention, they’ll have every moonbat, hippie and assorted douchebag on hand for the fun.
And, on the “homegrown protest” front, there’s this, from Hot Air.

Seems that there are actual paid protesters. Who’d have thought that dems, SEIU, Code Stink and rest would be hooked up with paid protesters?