What did Holder know and when did he know it?
In regards to the “Fast and Furious” operation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ failed project to interdict arms trafficking to Mexico from border gun dealers, Eric Holder, the Attorney General claimed to Congressional inquisitors that he had only discovered the operation weeks before his testimony. However documents show that he may have known about F&F as long ago as July, 2010 according to The Washington Times;
A July 10, 2010, memo to Mr. Holder from Michael Walther, director of the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), specifically identifies the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives-led Fast and Furious operation, says when it began, names the federal law enforcement agencies involved, and identifies the major investigative targets.
The memo, sent to Mr. Holder through the office of the acting deputy attorney general, also notes that the operation involved a Phoenix-based firearms-trafficking ring and says “straw purchasers” were responsible for buying 1,500 firearms “that were then supplied to Mexican drug-trafficking cartels.”
From the Daily Caller;
“Attorney General Holder has failed to give Congress and the American people an honest account of what he and other senior Justice Department officials knew about gun-walking and Operation Fast and Furious,” Issa said in the statement. “The lack of candor and honesty from our nation’s chief law enforcement officials in this matter is deeply disturbing.”
So, Holder lied while good men died.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Gun Grabbing Fascists
So who wants to lay odds on:
1. Holder taking responsibility for this?
2. Resigning?
3. Facing civil action from the relatives of those killed by these weapons that made it into the hands of Mexican gangbangers?
4. The Cubs winning the World Series next season?
The left and media dined for 30 years on Watergate and still are dining on Iran/Contra as indications of republican corruption. How many books were written by “journalists” and how much media coverage from the alphabet networks went on endlessly during both of those scandals? Yet, here we are, several months into Fast & Furious, where Americans were killed (reminder, no one died during Watergate), and it’s not front page top of the fold in the NYT. Dan Rather isn’t standing outside the Whitehouse demanding to know what Obama knew and when did he know it. We don’t have Babwa Walters having a face to face and asking the “tough questions” of Holder and Obama, etc. Bob Woodward isn’t striking a pose on CNN. Why?
And you thought Janet Reno was incompetent or corrupt. This guy is activist legal bullshit at its worst but won’t go anywhere until Obama does. But what busts my balls is that there are THOUSANDS like him at DOJ with the same mindset who will remain regardless of who occupies the WH.
Compared to F & F, and the media’s absolute running and hiding from anything to do with it, the Cubs appear to be a lock for next year’s World Series.
F. Chuck Todd, Brian Williams, Scott Pelley and the rest need to get off of their knees and do their job. Well, their other job, reporting something which approximates the news.
So you have this, and the loan to a defunked “Green Energy” company that was questionable at best. Throw in some of the cronyism in the bailouts (how DID UAW get a seat on the board of GM and Chrysler?). You have a foreign policy that confused as hell. Throw in a confused policy on immigration. Possibly violating the War Powers act. Yeah.
I am sick and tired of the old meme of “what did he know and when did he know it”. Let me ask you old paratroopers something. If you knew that one of your men had a faulty jump kit, would it matter “what you knew and when you knew it”? Hell no.
It’s your responsibility as jump master to make sure everyone’s chute is ready to go.
And so…Holder is responsible, no matter what he knew or when he knew it.
He should be fired. But the next best thing would be to take him up in a C17 for a demo ride and forget to hook up his static line.
“Gee, I forgot!” Works for him…why not for COB?
PS UpNorth — are we going hunting this year?