The horror! Transgender illegal aliens in US jails can’t get their free hormone treatments

| May 25, 2011

I know this sounds like a TSO post, but I got the tip on this MSNBC article from Cortillaen (whose own reading habits are coming into question with this tip);

Uriel Freas, who was born male in Mexico and is now known as Monica, is one of about 40 transgender immigration detainees at the Santa Ana Jail who have tried for months to get hormone replacement therapy. She and others have shared their stories with the Heartland Alliance National Immigrant Justice Center, an advocacy group that has filed complaints with the Department of Homeland Security alleging that jailers nationwide have deprived detainees of “adequate health care” by denying them the therapy. Read about the complaints.

Now the poor things’ beards are growing and they want to kill themselves. And somehow it’s the tax payers’ responsibility to make their testicles shrivel up and fall off. Let’s see…they’re here illegally, they’re in jail and they want elective medication. Sure, no problem.

Eric Berndt, an attorney with the Heartland Alliance, said the detainees have the right to the medication.

“The U.S. government has a fundamental responsibility to provide for the healthcare needs and dignity of anyone that they take off the streets and put in jail. If we’re going to lock someone up, we need to provide for their basic needs,” he said.

Oh, so now they slip in “dignity” along side healthcare? The fundamental responsibility of citizens is to obey the laws – so they don’t get put in the indignant position of being a transsexual in jail with a beard.

Category: Legal

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Is this why the SCOTUS is forcing CA to release all those convicts? Lack of hormone treatments and condoms?


“Oh, so now they slip in “dignity” along side healthcare? ”

We knew this one was coming, it’s right out the Left’s playbook.

Just like, in the beginning, Abortion was all about “only if the life of the mother” was in jeopardy, as in, “you WILL die if we don’t abort this child”, has devolved all the way down to, if it even slightly looks like it’s going to put a cramp in your style, kill the baby.


Issue ’em a razor, bar of soap and hand towel. They’ll know what to do from there…Rights my ass.


The goal of this is to destroy the enforcement of all laws. The legal harrassment will make CBP and other government agencies NOT want to enforce law. Every quirk is a right, which means more and more cash to accomodate. Once the police stop enforcing law, the reign of the criminals, or Democrats, but I’m being redundant, begins in earnest.


…Cortillaen (whose own reading habits are coming into question with this tip)

What can I say? When something that outlandish shows up in my LDot feed, I can’t resist clicking through. MSNBC is the carnival freak-show of the web, complete with bearded “lady”.


#3 Street-Sweeper.

I’m with you on that comment. Maybe, just maybe, “It” will cut it off and bleed to death…Tax dollars saved…Except the burial.

Junior AG

“If we’re going to lock someone up, we need to provide for their basic needs,”

Needs, ie. food, water, clothing, yeah. OTOH, pandering due to the results of an elective proceedure, “gender re-asignment”, is looting the taxpayer who was victimized by the crime that landed them in the gray bar hotel in the first place…


This is really awful!