That Guantanamo thing
I saw the Washington Post piece today about “Why Obama hasn’t fulfilled his promise to close the facility” and saw it for what it was – slavish political camouflage for the President by his most loyal group of “journalists” at the Post. They blame Congress, the stupid public and anyone else who doesn’t work for the Administration that they can point their crud-covered fingers at.
But the best explanation of why he hasn’t closed Guantanamo comes from Dave in Texas at Ace of Spades today;
Obama simply miscalculated out of pure, stupid ignorance, that somehow he could take a campaign talking point, turn it into a Presidential edict, and show the country how the moron Bush had mucked it all up.
In the end it was merely a “vote for me because I’m not George Bush” talking point. When the rubber met the road, the boy-President found out some things are not so easily trumped by his “soaring rhetoric”. His team warned him that the public by and large did not give a rats ass about Gitmo detainees, and he’d pay a heavy political price for loving on them. In the end he decided not to take that hit, blame others for his fecklessness, and move on to the next pretty colored balloon.
I don’t pretend to have a corner on all of the legal complexities of bringing terrorists to the US, but I do know what smells like shit. Apparently, so do my fellow Americans. It’s stunts like that Executive Order that the GOP needs to run in a loop during the election season…backed, of course, by a viable and credible candidate.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Uncharacteristic of The One. Usually he doubles down of dumb.
Here’s his sign.