The Burnpit laments MIA protesters

| March 30, 2011

Shoe Bush 003

Some guy who calls himself Mothax at The Burnpit writes about the missing protesters for the Obama War on brown people.

Most of the protesting I see nowadays is fairly anemic, with enough folks it could have safely been held in a mom’s basement somewhere. Also, it seems that most who engage in such things come from the Libertarian wing of Isolationists, less so the die hard hippie types.

Of course, the poor old hags of Code Pink have had to close down the Code Pink House on Capitol Hill can the IVAW House near Howard University campus be far behind?

Since Karl Rove’s rogue band of neocons burned the Impeachment Bus in New Jersey, things just haven’t been the same. Well, that and the occupations of the National Archives facade.


It’s the absence of all of that MoveOn money from Hollywood that’s being spent on important stuff like Organizing for America and supporting the president’s agenda.


Category: Antiwar crowd

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Is that Amy Carter on the left, in pink? Gotta get out the eye bleach yet again, thanks Jonn.
And, this does, indeed, illustrate the hypocrisy of the left. It’s bad when Bush makes war on “brown people”, it’s just Skittles and unicorn farts when Ears does it.


I think we’re seeing an idealistic hangover. The left expected the “hope and change” that was promised to them; they never expected to see the man who they voted for — who looked so promising — to do something so…so…



A lot of young folk got their ideals popped these last three years.

For eight years it was protest protest protest.

Their party took over and…. no change in the conduct of war. And life got a lot harder to live.

Now it’s job hunt job hunt job hunt.

Perhaps they’ll remember how they were used as they step into the polling booth in 2012.