Guns in NY, AZ and SD
While his city can’t perform basic functions like removing snow and trash, NY’s Mayor Bloomberg is sponsoring sting operations across the country at gun shows in Arizona. Somehow, Bloomberg is convinced that Arizona residents shouldn’t be able to purchase guns. The vacuousness of Bloomberg’s reasoning can be found at Think Progress;
Last month, Jared Lee Loughner shot 19 people in Tuscon, AZ — including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), a federal judge, and a nine-year-old girl — with a semi-automatic pistol equipped with a previously illegal high-capacity magazine. Only days later, a Crossroads of the West gun show was held in Phoenix, and investigators from New York City were on hand to see if they could purchase guns and high-capacity magazines without background checks.
Yeah, except that Jared Loughner passed a background check. So what’s their point? And the illegal “high capacity” magazines weren’t illegal during the assault weapon ban like the emptyheads at Think Progress and the NYC’s mayor office.
Meanwhile in South Dakota, legislation is working it’s way through the process which requires all South Dakotans who aren’t otherwise forbidden to own handguns to purchase one six months after they become 21;
The measure is known as an act “to provide for an individual mandate to adult citizens to provide for the self defense of themselves and others.”
Rep. Hal Wick, R-Sioux Falls, is sponsoring the bill and knows it will be killed. But he said he is introducing it to prove a point that the federal health care reform mandate passed last year is unconstitutional.
So whether it passes or not, it’s win-win.
Thanks to Brian for the South Dakota link.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Isn’t it a felony to knowingly conspire to provide false information to purchase guns? Why is Bloomberg still running around free without federal weapons charges being filed against him for knowingly attempting to illegally purchase firearms across state lines?
As for South Dakota; well, Kennesaw Georgia requires every head of household to have a working firearm for protection and they seem to have a much lower crime rate than most every other city in the nation. I guess Blooming idiot doesn’t want to acknowledge that tidbit.
I want to know why a city mayor from ANYWHERE has the authority to run ANY kind of sting operation outside his city. Doesn’t the mayor’s power stop at the city limits??
That’s what I was thinking, Pinto…
Bloomberg has the approval of those people who could prosecute him: the Federales. He’s doing what many would like to do, rightly, wrongly or cluelessly.
Otherwise, we’d be seeing him doing The Perp Walk.
Only question being: how much has he lubricated the Federal machinery to gain that approval. I notice he’s not taken the ATF to task for selling weapons that did end up being used on the border with Mexico.
Amen, Pinto. Personally, I still think it is happening so he can have something to run on whenever he does actually try for President. I can see him running in 2016 to replace the Messiah.
Bloomberg already tried the similar stunt in 2007, in Virginia. Then AG Cucinelli publicly warned the Mayor to f$$k off
As you can see from the letter, the 2007 DOJ, too, warned Bloomberg to f$$k off and not to wander off from his NYC reservation. I doubt the 2011 DOJ would do the same. This schmuck knows that the Feds have his back…
This would tie in nicely with the rumor, perception or thought that O will make some kind of “gun control” statement, or policy pronouncement in the coming weeks. Never let a crisis go to waste, and all that.
That said, mayhaps Arizona’s AG should address Bloomie’s violations of law and state sovereignty?
God help us all if that monster becomes President. The only one that would be worse would be G. Soros. Then we would really and truly be in the shit up to our eyeballs.