The inevitable looms

| January 27, 2011

Spigot and Old Trooper send us what we all knew was coming. The President didn’t mention gun control the other night because he’s got a special occasion planned for rolling out his gun control plan plan. From Newsweek;

[I]n the next two weeks, the White House will unveil a new gun-control effort in which it will urge Congress to strengthen current laws, which now allow some mentally unstable people, such as alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner, to obtain certain assault weapons, in some cases without even a background check.

So a Glock is an assault weapon now? One way to strengthen gun laws is to force agencies to enforce them.

Tuesday night after the speech, Obama adviser David Plouffe said to NBC News that the president would not let the moment after the Arizona shootings pass without pushing for some change in the law, to prevent another similar incident. “It’s a very important issue, and one I know there’s going to be debate about on the Hill.”

Yeah, can’t let a tragedy slip by without exploiting it for purely political reasons. Loughner bought the gun legally, so the only way to prevent people from buying guns legally is to make guns illegal. Unless I missed something.

The White House said that to avoid being accused of capitalizing on the Arizona shootings for political gain, Obama will address the gun issue in a separate speech….

Yeah, waiting a week or so ought to help him avoid being accused of waving a bloody shirt because us ritards will probably forget about Tuscon by then.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Yep, we knew it was a matter of “when”, not “if”. Hopefully, it will get shoved up their collective asses in the House…maybe even the Senate.

I’ve already written my congressman (a worthless waste of skin…total progressive) and both senators. One is GTG, the other an O2 thief. Like the congressman, hates firearms and the 2nd Amendment.

Naturally, upon sending the article to you (I found it on LF), I immediately contacted the NRA-ILA and made a generous contribution via my plastic.

I challenge everyone here, who cherishes the Bill of Rights and RKBA, to do the same.


What’s the term? Ah, yes.



Yeah, and BOHICA rounds are very much a two way proposition.

Like in 94…


Remind me NEVER to get on your bad side, Spigot!


Good luck getting anything past the House, PrezBo.

Old Trooper

Well, I would donate to the NRA, Spigot, but I let my membership expire (the 2nd time I have done so) and I won’t be renewing it. They pee’d on themselves with their candidate endorsements last fall and I swore that that was the last time they pee’d on me, as well.

Gun Owners of America will get my money from now on.


GOA and the 2nd Amendment Foundation are both very GTG.

My donations go to the NRA-ILA…not the NRA itself; only my membership dues go there. Regardless of their many faults, they (NRA ILA) remain the most powerful and effective pro RKBA lobby inside the Beltway.

That’s the only reason they get my $$…the ILA knows what they are doing and how to access and communicate our wishes to committees, legislators, and often more importantly, their staffers.

Frankly, I don’t see them (or GOA or 2nd Amendment Foundation) rolling over on any proposals fronted by POTUS, McCarthy, Schumer, Finestein or Lautenberg, particularly anything that smells like “AWB Redux”.

So, what I should have posted was that I challenge everyone to make a generous contribution to THEIR preferred RKBA org!

Mea culpa…


This is the second go-round for this deal. First time was back in 2009. What sank them then was the definition of mentally unstable. The White House originally included PTSD in the category of mentally unstable.

Why the urgency to disarm the folks protecting them? That’s pretty mentally unstable.

Old Tanker


What did they do with their endorsements? I didn’t look at theirs for this fall because I already knew who I was voting for. They always called the politicians I vote on pretty square…

Joseph Brown

What’s the saying? “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Or something like that.
First thing you do is disarm the citzenry.


We have heard so little in the past few years about gun control, I was wondering if the anti-gun groups were just biding their time for some kind of tragedy to come along.

Now I’ve begun to wonder if I was right.


Wonder no more Pinto. 😀


Guess I’ll drive up to Goddard and see what they got.

AW1 Tim

Like I said in this post on TAH:


The 800 pound gorilla in the room is that all of this is a frikkin’ smoke-and-mirrors show by the BATF.

The fast is that the great majority (95%) of those US weapons being seen in Mexico are government purchases by Mexico’s military and police, both of which are rife with corruption. Those weapons, along with similar government-purchased weapons from of Central and South American nations, are being sold by corrupt government, military and police officials to the cartels. In fact, the Government’s own records show that as much as 75% of the “protection” that the cartels use is actual Mexican military and police, either moonlighting or deserters.

All this BATF nonsense if just Kabuki theater for the media’s consumption, and to further the desire of the gun-grabbers to get their agenda(s) enacted.

Does anyone here actual think it’s a coincidence that this big smuggling ring was busted and made the press just a couple weeks before POTUS plans a major speech about gun control?


Hopefully they’ll hold off until I can finish getting a couple of Taurus Judges and the Henry.

Old Trooper

Old Tanker; I can’t access the NRA-ILA grading and endorsements (remember, I let my membership expire) but I found a link that will get you some of the information:

To put it mildly, they endorsed Babs Boxer and a few others that say one thing and try to do another when it comes to guns.

Don Carl

“One way to strengthen gun laws is to force agencies to enforce them.”
Come on Jonn, Arizona tried that with immigration laws, that didn’t work…

Old Tanker

Old Trooper

That’s not good. I always looked at the report card for the folks I could vote on, not others. Like I said, nothing ever seemed out of the ordinary but I’ll be looking a little closer for sure.

USMC Steve

As the great leader Rahm Emmanuel is seen on tape no less, saying, “Never let a tragedy go to waste.”