Birther gets six months in prison

| December 16, 2010

I’m sure the birthers will call this some sort of victory, but not for Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin whose career ended in a Fort Meade courtroom today. According to Stars & Stripes, Lakin got a six month prison sentence and the end to his seventeen year Army career;

“I don’t want [my career] to end this way,” a tearful Lakin said to military jurors during the sentencing phase of his trial Wednesday afternoon. “I want to continue to serve … It crushed me not to be on deployment. I can be on a plane tomorrow. I’d truly do that.”

Yeah, well….

“I would not do this again,” he said. “It was a confusing time for me, and I was very emotional. I thought I was choosing the right path, and I did not.”

Lakin said he still believes questions exist about the president’s eligibility for office, but he told jurors that disobeying Army orders to prove that point was a poor way to show his frustration about what he said was a lack of investigation into the issue.

And all of the birthers in the courtroom didn’t get a prison sentence – but they’re just as guilty. Opportunists who use members of the military to make their points should all be lined up against a wall and shot…from James Branum to Oily Titz. The brainless turds who don’t understand military service and promise protections they can’t deliver.

Your military service is your own…don’t surrender your service, your work, your sweat, your blood to these charlatans. They weren’t with you through that first PT test, through you first gas chamber, your first 25-mile road march. They didn’t help you pass your first weapons qualification, they didn’t share in your joy at graduating basic training…why are you giving them all of that?

Everything Lakin ever did that was good in the military disappeared in a few moments of video…17 years of faithful service flushed. And for what? Tell me for what.

Category: General Whackos

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Doc Bailey

In the end you have to make your own way in life. What you believe and why, are your own business. When others try to get you to take a stand, you better be damn sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.

I would like to note that back in 04 (05?) there was an LT at Lewis that refused to deploy to Iraq because the war was “illegal”. I don’t remember him getting 6 months. I don’t even remember if he got chaptered out. This sentence was to set an example.

Doc Bailey

Ehren Watada. Was supposed to deploy in June 2006 Court Martial in 2007, got a mistrial, and discharged in 2009. So he continued to serve for THREE YEARS after missing movement. It is actually despicable to read about.


The President, rather than fork over an undisputed Birth Certificate, would watch a soldier in his service sent to prison.

Me, I still want to see his damn birth certificate!

Doc Bailey

Suppose he were to provide a birth certificate, that proves he was not in fact a citizen. What then? It would invalidate the last 2 years? Would all the laws he signed be void? Would all his actions be undone? Lets not forget Joe “I can’t take my foot out of my mouth” BIDDEN would be the pres. I wouldn’t trust him to lead a latrine detail. this might have been valid in the first 90 days or pre-election. But now it is simply too late for this non-sense.

Old Tanker

Your military service is your own…don’t surrender your service, your work, your sweat, your blood to these charlatans. They weren’t with you through that first PT test, through you first gas chamber, your first 25-mile road march. They didn’t help you pass your first weapons qualification, they didn’t share in your joy at graduating basic training…why are you giving them all of that?

It really can’t be said better than that…..

and Doc, Watada was raked over the coals here…deservedly so, and you are absolutely right about the double standard…

0311 crunchie

“But now it is simply too late for this non-sense.”
With all due respect, the nonsense is the Constitution we all swore to uphold and defend. If BHO is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office, it’s not nonsense, it’s a violation of the supreme law of the land. And I have to agree that this sentence was sent as a signal. Did Col. Lakin violate the UCMJ, yes. Did he violate his oath? Well that’s a question left to his conscious.

As far as I am concerned, Obama IS intelligible and it has nothing to do with WHERE he was born. It does has everything to do with who he was born to. His father was a British citizen. The Constitution states that only “natural born citizens” may hold the office. That means a citizen born of citizens, as defined by Blackstone and English Common Law. This requirement is no trivial thing. It is meant to ensure that only those who do not hold dual allegiance are President. Like everything else the Founders did, it has a significant meaning to the overall survival of our Republic. The proof is in what Obama is doing to destroy the very same Republic we swore to defend.


1stCAVRVN? Yer a bad influence bro 8)


Indeed, your service is your own because at the end of the day, the only one responsible for your actions and making it all the way is you.

It’s a shame that hindsight is 20/20 for this guy. As for the birther shit…well, the man is President and there isn’t jack we can do about it. Somewhere down the road, something may come out and then what? What would happen? I’m just sayin’.


Me? I’d like to see 0bama’s certificate just on principle. Everyone else in the military had to present their birth certificate at one point or another, why not the Commander in Chief?

I had to provide my BC to get into college; get a ROTC scholarship; get my commission; get my clearances; and my job after retiring from the military.

Hell, 0bama would never be granted a security clearance if it weren’t for the fact he is the president. I would love to see his SF86 to see how he answers questions on: drug use; previously used names/aliases; addresses lived at; associating with known felons; associating with people/groups advocating the violent overthrow of the government; place of birth; date of birth; overseas travel history; contact with foreign nationals; employment record; etc.; etc.


Lakin has an elastic courage of conviction. I don’t think he’s right, but if he wants to take that stand it’s his choice. But to take it and when the chips go down change up, tells me he’s a spineless coward.

Doc Bailey

Crunchie, If there was a failure to verify his status it should have been addressed TWO YEARS AGO!

The civilian population elected him. It is not our place to question those we protect. If there is a legitimate legal challenge then let it be brought. This grandstanding did no one any good.


The Doc fell on his sword for what he believed. I tend to agree with him. If there was no hanky panky within the Obama administration, we would have seen his real birth cert by now. My belief is that he is a Kenyan by birth and a combination Marxist/muslim ideolog.


No sympathies from me.

It was his choice. Plain and simple.

If he had any ounce of the Army values, he would have thought of the men and women who needed his invaluable services on the front lines of Afghanistan, where they are getting hurt with regularity.


What then? It would invalidate the last 2 years? Would all the laws he signed be void? Would all his actions be undone?

No. Those laws were signed under the presumption that he was legitimately holding the office when he signed them. That being said, you can bet your ass the GOP would do as much as they could as fast as they could to reverse as much of the legislation of the last two years as possible/practical.

LTC Lakin–living proof that 1000 “atta-boys” are automatically negated by 1 “aw, shit”.

And yes, I stand by my previous statement that the “nirthers” like Oily Taint, et al, won’t stop this shit until THEY are sitting behind bars for doing something illegal. Fining her isn’t gonna stop this skank. They are not feeling the pain of THEIR poor decisions, and anyone put up to this kind of shit by Taint and their minions would do well to consider that before they undertake such an action.


From the developer/project engineer of the TOW Missile System, Hugh McInnish, with whom I had the privilege of serving with in Vietnam: An Outfielder Patriot By Hugh McInnish On the web this morning a patriotic outfielder for the Baltimore Orioles has cried out against the imposter in the Oval Office. According to WJZ-TV, here is what Luke Scott said to David Brown of Yahoo’s Big League Stew: Obama does not represent America. Nor does he represent anything what (sic) our forefathers stood for. He was not born here. That’s my belief. I was born here. If someone accuses me of not being born here, I can go — within 10 minutes — to my filing cabinet and I can pick up my real birth certificate and I can go, “See? Look! Here it is. Here it is.” The man has dodged everything. He dodges questions, he doesn’t answer anything. And why? Because he’s hiding something. Before nine o’clock this article had attracted 750 comments and the number was jumping up each time the page was refreshed. Readers without portfolio were jumping in by the dozens, all of them eager to get in their two-cents worth. The majority agreed with Luke Scott, but the important point is that all agreed to at least acknowledge the existence of the question. My word, what a contrast! A contrast with what? I mean a contrast with the behavior of our “leaders,” the ones who should be leading the discussion of this profound question which is on the table: Is Barack Obama legally the President of the United States, or is he a Muslim imposter who, in his bones, hates America and everything we stand for? Not one congressman, not one senator has dared to mutter a word on this subject. Nor have talk-show giants such as Limbaugh and Hannity, except for one or two weak forays, gotten to the subject. They all seem to have passed the duct tape around. Or — I’m struggling against my paranoiac impulses here — can it possibly be that some sinister, unidentified source has supplied the gags.… Read more »

0311 crunchie

“Crunchie, If there was a failure to verify his status it should have been addressed TWO YEARS AGO! ”

I agree Doc, problem is that it wasn’t. And I belive that it is a serious issue, not one to just shrug and forget about beceuase it’s old. The Constitution is being slowly eroded and outright ignored by the ruling class, and we need a restoration to our core values before we become just another failed republic.

I’m not supporting Col. Lakin in what he did, that was a matter of conscience on his part. But at least by his actions the issue of Obama’s legal eligibility is still being discussed. It needs to be resolved one way or another, preferably by the Supreme’s ruling whether a “natural born” citizen still means what it has always meant, or whether that definition, like so many other inconvenient definitions, has been changed.