Soltz wants Simpson fired
For once Jon Soltz said something right;, which often works with liberal groups, seized on Simpson’s statement this week questioning a recent Obama administration rule that would expand medical benefits for Vietnam veterans and cost $42 billion over the next decade. The rule calls for disability awards for veterans exposed to Agent Orange and suffering from heart disease.
But then he promptly whipped out his junk and stomped on it;
…Jon Soltz said Thursday that his group had been concerned about Simpson since he started calling for changes to Social Security; last month, he compared the entitlement to a “milk cow with 310 million tits”…
First of all, I appreciate Soltz’ concern for veterans benefits. if i believed for one minute that he would throw himself in front of MoveOn march against veterans’ benefits, I might shake his hand (even though I’m not sure where that hand has been), but Soltz tipped his hand when he started mumbling something about cows and tits. The real reason Soltz wants Simpson fired is because Simpson actually wants to reform social security – something the Democrats are afraid to let happen.
Solz has proven in the past that he’s only concerned about promoting a Democrat agenda, not about veterans. That’s why he’s spent millions trying to promote the Clean Energy bill when that money could have gone to non-partisan funding of veteran candidates for Congress. Show me a veteran of each party being funded at all by VoteVets. Thank you.
No, Soltz wants Simpson off of the panel for partisan reasons, not to help veterans. Or maybe Soltz thinks we’re talking about Grampa Simpson.
Thanks to ponsdorf for the link.
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Yup… these guys and gals on the left just can never keep their masks on tight. Let them talk long enough, and they will always slip up and start telling the truth.
It is sad, I had a great deal of respect for Allen Simpson. I voted for him from the time I turned 18 in the early 80’s until he retired from the Senate. He was known as a strait shooter and a staunch Republican who could work with the other side to get things accomplished. Now a lifetimes worth of good reputation destroyed in one moment assininity.
Soltz and Simpson have the charm of a Nazi Doctor and the tact of SS officer.