MoveOn.Org – Under the Bus with the lot of you!

| June 24, 2008

Two days ago, I wrote about the position Obama had managed to pander himself into. The MoveOn crowd demanded that he vow to filibuster the latest version of the FISA Bill. This is what I wrote then:

Last fall he vowed to not only not support FISA reform that includes any kind of immunity; he made the MoveOn crowd swoon by promising to go after the telecoms and administration legally.

So to answer the question of whether or not he’s planning to filibuster the bill; no frigging way.

He may be the Messiah to the far left base but he is JV in the Senate.

According to the Washington Post today, I was 100% correct:

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) today announced his support for a sweeping intelligence surveillance law that has been heavily denounced by the liberal activists who have fueled the financial engines of his presidential campaign.

In his most substantive break with the Democratic Party’s base since becoming the presumptive nominee, Obama declared he will support the bill when it comes to a Senate vote, likely next week, despite misgivings about legal provisions for telecommunications corporations that cooperated with the Bush administration’s warrantless surveillance program of suspected terrorists.

In so doing, Obama sought to walk the fine political line between GOP accusations that he is weak on foreign policy — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called passing the legislation a “vital national security matter” — and alienating his base.

Back in January his position was loudly applauded by the far lefties. Here is a sample comment from Firedog Lake:

He also wants Guantanamo closed yesterday, the signing statements to end and the “Unitary Executive” mindset dumped. He will advocate to end these illegal wiretaps, and make it clear to the American public that we don’t need to sacrifice our freedoms to be safe.

Our Constitution is in good hands with a President Obama. His knowledge and commitment to the Constitution was my primary reason for supporting him. If you have a President who not only “gets it” but is a expert on the Constitution—so many of the BushCo wrongs will be righted the day that person takes office.

Very, very pleased to hear this and I look forward to more stellar, patriotic decisions like this from Obama.

Of course that was when there was still a primary to be won and he had to stay left of Hillary Clinton. And the childish clowns on the far left swooned over every socialist position the Messiah announced.

That sentiment changed dramatically today. Again at Firedog Lake, Jane Hamsher writes:

That’s what now passes for oversight in our Government — the Executive branch investigates its own allegations of criminality. Whatever else is true, there’s just no getting around the fact that Obama — when seeking the nomination — vowed to support a filibuster of any bill that contains telecom immunity, and his failure to do that here will be a patent breach of that commitment. There’s still time for him to adhere to that promise.

Hamsher’s post is piling up comments like crazy; including”

Very disappointed in Obama. I guess he is primarily a gifted rhetoritician, his actual politics are closer to the DLC, I bet if he was in the senate in 02? he would have voted for AUMF.
No, I won’t vote for Nader, but my enthusiasim is diminished.

Hiding out until this deal, which he had to have approved, is done.
If you’re going to kill something at least have the courage to own up to the deed.

This is a real moment of truth for Obama.
He thinks he’s seen bitterness… well, if he blows us off, he will see bitter in spades!
What’s it going to be, Barack!

Just read mcjoan @ “…Pelosi is saying that maybe the Senate should take a little more time than she allowed in the House….”
Fucking idiot!!!!!!!!!!

My, my, my, I think the kids are quite upset.

Category: Politics

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Heh, Just heh.


I think Spike Lee needs to sit down and straighten the Obomunists out – you’re supposed to get ON the bus, not UNDER it.


Yeah, i’m rolling. They are sooo “disappointed” “enthusiasm waning”, wah!!! I guess it really takes the action and not just advice of us lowly conservatives that he would screw them over in a red hot second.

Don Carl

He thinks he’s seen bitterness… well, if he blows us off, he will see bitter in spades!… In spades?! You racist bastard!


Interesting and hypocritical twist for Obama.

On a related note, it reminds me of how McCain seems to be biting the hand that feeds him as well. Even though he is a recipient of of over $58,000 per year in veteran’s disability benefits, he has repeatedly voted against bills that would provide increased benefits to our brothers in arms who have been putting their lives on the line in Iraq and Afghanistan.

COB6 Wrote: Specifics please?
Rated 0% by SANE, indicating a pro-military voting record. (Dec 2003)



Rooney, that’s not quite accurate. McCain has voted for bills for Veterans assistance and against some as well. Here’s a post from the Obsidian Wings Blog that shows his track record over the past year:

McCain On Veterans’ Benefits

I’m not crazy about McCain either, but given the choice between Obama and McCain, my vote is for McCain.


Here is a link about his vote against the GI Bill:

Here is a link that shows some of his more recent anti-veterans record from 05, 06, 07, and 08:

He may have had a pro-military record in Dec 03, but I would say at least since 05 he has had a pretty bad veterans record.

There are very few politicians I would trust. And neither Obama nor McCain is one of them.

Updated: Looks like we read the same link Rochester. You beat me to it.


That’s funny, Rooney! 🙂 Like I said, I’m not crazy about McCain either, but I think I think it’s unfair to say he’s against Veterans benefits. I think it’s more accurate to say he’s for government fiscal reponsibility, staying within a budget. I’m going to briefly summarize McCains record since 2005 of voting for Veterans benefits that good article from Obsidian Wings: In 2005, McCain voted for an amendment that would have raised spending on veterans’ health care by $80 million. About three weeks later, another bill came up, appropriating another $1.5 billion for veterans’ health care. McCain voted for it. He voted against a bill to increase spending on mental health by $500 million a year for the next five years, against the bill Beutler mentioned, which would have increased spending on veterans medical care by $2.8 billion in 2006, and for an alternative bill that increased spending by $410 million instead. In 2006, McCain voted to increase the amount available for veterans’ health care spending in the budget resolution by $823 million, but against an amendment, offered the same day, that would have raised that amount by $1.5 billion, and would have paid for it by closing corporate tax loopholes. He later voted against adding $430 million for outpatient care for vets, against giving the Department of Veterans Affairs an additional $20 million or medical facilities, and for the general Veterans Affairs appropriations bill. In 2007, McCain voted for a later emergency appropriations bill that included funding for Veterans’ Affairs, along with Iraq war funding and a lot of other stuff. He voted against an amendment that would have limited the VA’s ability to use contractors, and for the general VA appropriations bill. McCain did vote against bills that increased spending as well, but it is highly inaccurate to say that he’s against Veteran benefits, when the record has him voting for benefits. Again, it seems that his pattern of voting is based upon fiscal and budgetary reponsibility. TSO: IF I might add something here. I actually work for a veterans’ service organization, and track all the bills… Read more »