Fox rejects Vote Vet ad
It seems the boys at VoteVets have their panties in a wad because Fox rejected their latest ad as “confusing” advocating the Clean Energy Act. Here’s their ad;
There’s nothing confusing about the link between oil and terrorist funding, and even the most dyed-in-the-wool neocons agree on that point. The only confusing thing here is why FOX News would reject an ad that calls on Congress to defund our enemies by finding new sources of energy.
Maybe Fox thinks the ad is confusing because there’s absolutely nothing in the bill that would support VoteVets making the claim that it would cut our energy dependence in half. The whole ad is a giant load of crap. What magical energy source is so available that we could even cut our dependence to 99%?
The only thing that would cut our energy dependence in the next decade is to draw from our own resources and VoteVets, MoveOn and anyone else who thinks otherwise is only hoping the Clean Energy Bill will reduce our dependence on foreign oil by raising the price of energy beyond the reach of average Americans. In other words, they want to grind America to a halt.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
The first Votevet ad pissed me off, I wonder how mad this next one will make me. I better wait till I’ve had my coffee to watch it.
I wonder what they’d do if there were a 30-second PSA immediately following their ad telling people that the two biggest sources of imported oil are Mexico and Canada. I love the windmills, though–really. More Chinese made shit nobody wants anywhere near them that never lives up to the hype. Just keep building those nukes, boys–of course, you’ll never hear them say THAT, now will ya?
When your strings are being pulled by Soros and Co., you have to put out the talking points he tells you. Why don’t they just put the truth on their website, in the interest of full disclosure, “VoteVets, a subsidiary of George Soros Inc.”?
Unicorn farts and fairy dust. THERE’S the environmentally friendly energy source of the future.
That, and VoteVets and other similar Leftist Libtard hot air.
Fox is a private company, not a government entity (thank G*d for at least ONE media not totally in the Gubbment pocket).
As such, they can accept or reject any advertisement, advertiser, and the associated $$$ thereof, that they please. They don’t even have to make excuses or apologies to the “offended” wanna-bee’s.
The only people they have to answer to is their stockholders and viewers. Period.
So suck it up, grow a pair, quit whining, and move on, VoteVets.
Indeed. No industrialized nation can sustain it’s factories and production facilities with solar or wind power. Solar power systems and wind turbines are only useful for individual farms and homes, where no other source of electrical energy is available.
The only truly viable power systems currently available which meet the needs of an industrialized nation are coal, oil, hydro and nuclear. Anything else is a sucker’s bet and those who propose them are either scammers hoping to get rich off the hicks they will sell them too, or criminally naive folks who, probably, ought to have their rights to breed and vote taken away from them.
Between hydro-electric power and small-scale nuclear power stations, we could have this country weaned off of coal and oil power in about 10 years time, 20 at the most.
I guess the fact that oil is fungible is lost on these commietards. It doesn’t matter where we get our oil, other oil consumers will get theirs from our former source(s). As AW1 Tim notes, “alternative” sources of energy are streams, not stores of energy and will not replace oil (and oil derivatives) for quite some time.