How is that working out for you now?
Well after reading Jonn’s post about the (I might have thought about going to) Iraq, GWOT, New Dawn Veterans against the war is doing in Iraq. Considering her last statement, I wonder how well it would work if we where not there. This might be a likely out come.
The three University of California at Berkeley graduates were detained July 31, after apparently straying into Iran while hiking in a scenic part of Iraq. This month, Iran’s intelligence minister accused them of having links to U.S. intelligence services, which their families said was absurd.
Two of three American hikers jailed in Iran for nearly nine months are in poor health and told Swiss diplomats — their first outside visitors since October — that they were considering a hunger strike, their mothers said late Thursday.
Yep remember the three students from Berkley University home of the “not welcome in our city.” in regards to the Marines? Well they are still there and from the looks of it their accommodations are less then a 5 star rating.
Bauer and Fattal, who are both 27, and Shourd, 31, had been allowed no sympathetic visitors in months, though they were allowed to call their mothers in early March. The calls lasted about a minute.
Their mothers were heartened that the Swiss diplomats were allowed a 40-minute visit. They were told their children have been allowed to receive letters from family and friends, and were given access to books from the prison’s library, the diplomats told their families. The three were told of efforts by their families to secure their release and that their mothers applied for visas to try to visit them in prison.
But seems that one of them has a stomach issue that is thinking on going on a hunger strike while another is having problems with a pre-existing depression issue while being in isolation for 9 months.
But the reason that they were where they are is….
Bauer, a freelance journalist, had been hired to cover the Kurdish elections, but his family said the hiking trip was a vacation. He and Sarah Shourd were dating and had been living in Damascus, Syria. She taught English and had written for various online publications.
Josh Fattal went to visit them after traveling overseas on a teaching fellowship.
So after 9 months how is that vacation and fellowship teaching?
Mean while Tracey Harmon is having fun posing next to Russian made Anti-aircraft guns. Where have I seen that before.
Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, Terror War
I’m gonna show that picture to every brain-dead, mouth-breathing, window-licking, short-bus-riding Paulbot I can find. That picture says more than I could about why I’d never vote for his old crusty crazy ass, or anyone who holds him up as anyone worth emulating.
Hiking in a scenic part of Iraq… there such a thing as a scenic part of Iraq?
Iran has them and has the right to refuse any American (traitors) lawyers access. They also have the right to work them on a farm for the next 25 years.
That woman who keeps taking her picture on old equipment in Iraq ought to wear the outfit she has on in her Ladies of Liberty Alliance profile pic — she’d probably get stoned to death.
Ah there we go, she did find a AA gun to pose next to, but where’s the fraking Pith helmet? Hey Jane square this wannabe away will ya.