Walter Reed troops’ Amazon wish list (Bumped and Updated)

| June 7, 2008

From Ace of Spades, we get the Amazon wish list of troops recovering at Walter Reed.

The movies and games are part of a larger effort by CAUSE, a group founded in 2003 by 4 West Point grads who had served together in Vietnam. The idea behind CAUSE is that morale among active and recovering soldiers and Marines can be dramatically improved through R&R activities. At Walter Reed, CAUSE has facilities at the Mologne House, which is an outpatient dormitory for personnel and their families. The CAUSE library carries DVDs, as well as video games and equipment and is open to anyone at Walter Reed, free of charge.

My goal this summer is to try and fulfill the wish list…

And please feel free to pass this link on for others to contribute and for those of you with blogs (you know who you are), please consider publicizing this effort.

It’s cheap and easy so do it.

UPDATE: A commenter at Ace of Spades added the wish list for troops at Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston.

Category: Support the troops

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Thanks Jonn for posting this info. RAH


Wow. Those games are expensive, aren’t they. :/ Not being a gamer type ol’ woman, I guess it never occurred to me. Oh well, I’ll find something on those lists I can afford. 🙂


[…] Walter Reed troops’ Amazon wish list (Bumped and Updated) […]