Anger for the sake of being angry

| April 20, 2008


This morning, the Washington Post runs an article that tries to explain why Muslims mistrust the Pope;

On Sunday, the pope will visit Ground Zero, perhaps the most poignant symbol of the divide between the West and the more extremist elements of Islam. But interviews in New York and elsewhere indicate that even those Muslims who do not hold such radical views are critical of the pope.

Many still recall the pope’s September 2006 lecture at the University of Regensburg in Germany, in which Benedict quoted a Byzantine Christian emperor saying that the prophet Muhammad brought “things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

That lecture sparked days of protests in Muslim countries, some of them violent, and an Italian nun in Somalia was killed in retaliation. The Pope repeated several times that he regretted the offense his speech caused, and that he has deep respect for Islam. But the remarks have caused lingering damage, according to Muslims and some Catholic scholars interviewed.

“I don’t think he did enough to apologize,” said Omar T. Mohammedi, a member of the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

Ya know what, screw you guys. I’ve pretty much stayed away from this discussion, but this “Religion of Perpetual Outrage” crap really should end. Ya’all Muslims sound like a bunch of pussy-ass crybabies. The Pope was QUOTING another Pope from a few hundred years ago first off – how does that justify murdering an Italian nun? How does it justify the violence? How does it justify ya’all being angry about it two years later?

He’s going to Ground Zero to speak – if ya’all are ashamed about Ground Zero, let’s hear some apologies. Apologize for the governmen-funded education that led to the act, apologize for the reaction in much of the Muslim world after it happened. And those “moderate Muslims” the Post writes about wouldn’t be moderates anywhere in civilized society. While the rest of the civilized world is expected to apologize for every perceived sleight against Islam, who’s demanding apologies from Islam for the atrocities that Muslims commit around the world?

You say you want a dialogue – but that’s completely false – you want to dictate to the rest of the world how we should treat your backwards, inbred culture and how we should assuage your never ending outrage. If you wanted a dialogue, you’d make overtures without the preconditional apologies that never get accepted.

Pound sand. If ya’all don’t want to be part of the civilized world, suffer the consequences.


Why don’t you get outraged over stuff like this, instead;

 Most of the boys — 90 percent, the study found — are sent out to beg under the cover of Islam, placing the problem at the complicated intersection of greed and tradition. For among the cruelest facts of Coli’s life is that he was not stolen from his family. He was brought to Dakar with their blessing to learn Islam’s holy book.

In the name of religion, Coli spent two hours a day memorizing verses from the Quran and over nine hours begging to pad the pockets of the man he called his teacher.

It was getting dark. Coli had less than half the 72 cents he was told to bring back. He was afraid. He knew what happened to children who failed to meet their daily quotas.

Category: Society, Terror War

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