Berserkers attack Easter Mass and blogger
I read with some fascination this morning the report by Robin at The Chickenhawk Express , the Gateway Pundit and Scott of Flopping Aces of a band of roving basement-dwelling berserkers who decided that attacking a Christian congregation on Easter was a good idea. What is a berserker, you ask? Well according to Wikipedia, they were Norse shock troops;
Once a portion of the enemy line appeared to tire or weaken, the chieftains would send the berserkers charging into the enemy ranks to hopefully open a break and even panic the enemy. The book also claimed that while on sea voyages close to land, berserkers sometimes asked to go ashore to find objects on land to wrestle or bash to give vent to their fury.
Well, since modern day berserkers haven’t got the testicular fortitude to actually battle bears or wolves, or even people, they seek to shock the most docile creatures they can find – in this case, church-going families on Easter – the holiest day in Christendom.
Berserkers also assaulted my buddy Skye from Midnight Blue and Flopping Aces (the account of her assault is at Free Republic). Apparently one of the little sissies thought it was OK to slap Skye – twice.
This blog stands firmly with Skye and firmly against any little punkass sissie who thinks it’s ever OK to strike any woman – veteran or not.
Skye also left comments here yesterday in regards to the attack on her.
Obviously modern berserkers can’t protest much anymore since Free Republic, Gathering of Eagles, Eagles Up, Move America Forward, et al. have made them look more like insolent children than serious political activists these days. The result – attacking the weaker links of society.
I recounted my own experiences last week when a crowd of “Veterans for Peace” and IVAW members suddenly realized who I was and tried to goad me into a physical confrontation. I was forced to leave the protest in order to avoid violence.
Given the reaction of the DC Metro police last week when they were assaulted by anarchists in front of the Recruiting Station in downtown DC, it doesn’t look like we can count on the police to protect society from these people, either.
According to the Wikipedia entry, berserkers were eventually outlawed in Iceland and Norway and disappeared during the first century of the last millenium. Maybe if these imbeciles faced actual jail time for their antics, they’d disappear as well.
Update: Uh-oh, Michele Malkin is on it. They’re in for it now.
Update: Hot Air has the latest and video on the Chicago felons.
Category: Antiwar crowd
Oh Christ, please don’t piss off the Norwegians again.
Too bad these litlle darlin’s don’t walk the walk with regard to their anti-war ideology. They should have targeted a Mosque for their little demonstration. MUSLIMS started this war, not Christians. I seem to recall every single one of the 19 9/11 attackers as being Islamic males from the Middle East. Not Catholics from Chicago.
Great points, GI Jane. But then again, you make sense…
News: ACLJ, Vets4Freedom, video, bloggers, pics…
Today’s news includes a prayer request from ACLJ, press attention to the Vets For Freedom, movie, newspaper article, news about town by This Ain’t Hell, But You Can See It From Here, Churchgoers attacked, and more. Let us begin ……
This may not be but, I have heard another definition of berserker: [A person who when they, (if they, someone they care about, or a family member) are either engaged in a damgerous situation or has their well being threatened, they go into an extreme rage.] if this is true, then I’m a type of berserker. (there might be more than just the norse berserkers, you know) Personally, these “modern day berserkers” excuse the language please, just plain piss me off. 9by the way, I’m a christian) Anyone who attacks normal helpless people who didn’t do anything are just cowards. I’m not a norse berserker, but if I am a hormonal berserker (in refrence to adrenaline, the human panic hormone) than these guys give bad names to all berserkers, even those who are by nature docile. If these guys are just something else all together, then never miond. in culmination, attacking anyone for no good reason is idiotic.
just because these beserkers attacked this church doesn’t make all beserkers bad people, just like the attack on 9/11 by a few middle easterns doesnt make them all bad.
art, thank you for the input but as needed to say i would more than gladly take on a bear or wolf