Obama promises to keep VA care separate from his plan
The American Legion National Commander, David K. Rehbein met privately with the President this morning and left with a promise that the President will keep his hands off of Veterans’ care in his bloated, sweeping plan to rope the rest of America into something they don’t need;
“(I) got his very strong assurance the VA as our veterans know it will continue to exist,” said National Commander David K. Rehbein. “It will not be diluted or folded into some sort of national system and that the folks who go to the VA…that will be considered their insurance, so any insurance requirements (will be met) simply by being enrolled in the VA.”
Of course there’s another problem, too, getting enrolled;
The vexing problem of a dramatically growing backlog of VA benefits claims was also considered by the two. Rehbein said he feels the president “fully appreciates” its gravity and will do what he can to aid in its solution.
It seems to me that Shinseki would have solved that one by now, but that’s just me, because I had such high hopes for the guy who single-handedly got the whole Army new hats from China.
But the fact that VSOs had to go get a guarantee from the President that he wouldn’t touch veterans’ care has me worried.
Rehbein, obviously pleased with the meeting’s outcome, characterized the 25-minute White House chat as “very friendly…conversational in style” in which “issues were discussed rather than positions being presented.”
From The Armorer;
I’ve also heard that TRICARE will not be affected. And, we know Congress won’t be affected. The rest of you however…
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Veteran Health Care
While I believe the American Legion National Commander, David K. Rehbein, I do not trust Obama. Just view the content of the post immediately below this one concerning his reversal of Single Payer systems. Obama says one thing and does somethng else. Sounds like the checks in the mail to me.
An I am not particularly encouraged by te quoted statement,
“issues were discussed rather than positions being presented.”
I mean no disrespect, but has the Commander been paying attention the rate of attrition on Obama’s promises for the past 6 months?? Anyone that believes any sort of promise delivered by the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. needs a CAT scan. (And better get one while they’re readily available.)
Hate to be a cynic, but…I’ll believe it when I see it. Sorry, Cmdr. Rehbein, but the President has not been leading by example.
Concur. the one constant about POTUS, is that evry single one of his promises has an expiration date. Some sooner than others, BTW.
That man is completely untrustworthy.
Agreed, but Mr. Rehbein is a smart cat. A press release says things not just to let know what happened but also to create a record. So, while I may or may not trust the Prez, I like that he is on notice. Time will tell.
I still remain unconvinced that this craptastic bill will ever go anywhere.
We will get screwed.
No fancy dancing will change that one iota.
Maybe, just maybe, the VSOs will stave off the inevitable.
I agree with TSO, the Cmdr. is no fool…given the “trial balloons” this administration has already floated I’m certainly not hopeful. Pushing vets onto private insurance was one, and now we know he plans to phase out all private insurance. Slick how that works, push vets onto private insurance, then take that over…….no more TRICARE
Funny how he goes there & talks to him about the same things the VFW Commander did. No one belived Obama the first time.
At least he got his photo in the news…..
Well, at least Obie didn’t accuse the vets of astro-turfing, yet. We have to understand, this is so much bigger than all of us, it’s, why it’s His plan. Single payer, that’s what’s in store, and unless “healthcare” can be put off until 2010, single payer is what we’ll get.
Somebody should have told Gaitan to put on his Legion cover so he wouldn’t have looked so much like one of Obama’s guys…..