ACORN by any other name….
So what if your company was involved in scandals and took a huge hit reputation-wise, do you think you could fix things just by changing it’s name? Well, ACORN thinks it’s their silver bullet cure for their piss-poor reputation according to Kevin Mooney of the Washington Examiner;
“We’ve known for many months now that the name ACORN is going to be retired,” Reid said. “The name has been so damaged to the point where the leadership knows it simply can’t go on as it has with the ACORN label out front and center, especially after all of the reporting.”
In fact, the process has already begun, she noted. Wade Rathke, who founded the organization, announced on his blog that ACORN International has officially changed its name to “Community Organizations International.”
Reid also said ACORN is in the process of dismantling Citizen’s Consulting Inc. (CCI), a New-Orleans based non-profit, which has been used to maintain centralized financial control, ACORN 8 activists claim. Tax records show that CCI is interlinked with several ACORN affiliates.
So that ought to clear their name, huh? I mean the same corrupt boards, the same corrupt members and the same corrupt ideology, but the gilded turd will certainly smell better…right?
Category: Liberals suck, Usual Suspects
Let’s see if I can get this joke right. . . .
“A Socilaist/Liberal is a person who thinks they can pick up a turd by the non-stinky end.”
Why not? Worked for blackwater.
Good point, AS, however, the old blackwater outfit is trying to stay out of the news (keep a low profile, publicly), whereas the newly minted COI is the type of org that has a hard time getting out of it’s own way, let alone stay out of the news due to the corruption within. It won’t take them very long to resort to their old tried and true corrupt ways, since the players are the same, the mission is the same, the people they hire are the same, etc.
So, it’s C.O.I. Now? Coin is what they’ve always been in it for! Lots of coins!
The amount of monies being pumped into their coffers make them a very dangerous organization no matter what name they use. Corruption has been proven several times over the years but they still operate with impunity from our own government and the media. How can we make our distaste for them known to our representatives which would have an impact on them?
Don’t be COI with us…we know what you’re up to.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “coy” as ” shrinking from contact or familiarity”. Hmmm…sounds about right.
Got it, change your name and Glenn Beck and Fox News will never find you again. Shut down the money factory in N.O., move it to, oh say, Chicago. That’d be a good place.
Wonder why the 0 has had no comment on the doings of ACORN, that’s right, he’s one of them.
Huh, so just like when the socialists retired (or attempt to) liberal when Reagan made it a dirty word and they started calling themselves (oxymoronically) progressives?
I thought Blackwater was in the business of making money the old fashion way, they earn it?