Nathan Ball, Green Beret. Not so fast…

| April 18, 2021


Our friends at Guardians of the Green Beret have provided us this video on one Nathan Ball. Nate has invoked the ire of GotGB by claiming service in the 82nd Airborne, Green Beret Special Forces Group, Operational Detachment Alfa 226 which, of course, doesn’t exist.  Seems his imagination has been to pretty much every conflict in the last half century including Central and South America, Afghanistan and Iraq where he claims injury in an IED detonation. At least, this is what he’s telling his neighbors. Sadly, his TBI prohibits his remembering the specific names of any Green Berets he served with.

Not too shabby for a guy who was in the Coast Guard for six years, and never attended the Special Forces Qual Course.

GotGB provided the video as a preliminary look at Nate, and is using it to gather more testimonies from people he scammed with his bogus claims.

Included in the video is a don’t-miss recorded phone conversation.

So here’s to you, Nate. GotGB are working on a full write up, and I look forward to posting it here for widest possible disemanation.



Category: Army, Dick Stepping, Stolen Valor

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Doc Savage

Dude! Your about to be (in)famous!!


Can’t wait to read all about Nate.




He’s a broke taint cocksucker… and a member of Special Feces. He’s better qualified to be a member of Meal Team 6.

Green Thumb

That’s why his ass is so fat.

It has eaten a lot of cocks.

Green Thumb

No shit.

I imagine that TBI also prevents him from remembering the numerous loads of semen he has swallowed and taken through rectal exchanges.

E4 Mafia '83-'87

If you’re going to be a bully GB/SF is going carry more weight than being a Coastie. The first time he dropped an “I’m former Coast Guard, so you better recycle those cans…” he probably got a “Yeah, yeah. I’f I’m drowning in my bathtub, I’ll give you a holler. Until then, shut the f@uck up!”. He’s about to find out that fake GB/SF get pretty famous too.

Full disclosure: I too did NOT pass the SF Q-school either. I also never took the SF Q-school course because I was welder & pipefitter in the Navy. What a jerk that guy is.


My trigger finger already getting itchy to call for the FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION of the HoI on this tool. Bring on the FOIA!

(GO)Army Green BayRay phonies closing in and running neck to neck with (BEAT) Navy seals, so there is that.


I’m about a day behind but I think we’re at the KoB stage of the HoI.
We may have to hold off for a full write up but then again, we’ll have to see what the blog says.
Standing by.


…I wish that phone call could have gone on for a while yet; that was comedy gold.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66 A Gang Snipe

It sounds like Nathan had a Ball claiming his non existing unit and countries he never was deployed to. Retro Walter Mitty. This guy has you beat Danny.

Ex Coelis

Well, Nate’s gone and done it now!! Flat-out lied when he was given the opportunity to man-up, come clean, apologize for all his nonsensical BS and just put it all behind him. But NOOOOO!
He’s just got to yank everyone’s chain with even more of his monkey-shit!! Well Nate, WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE!!!! (black rifles off safe, cue Guns N’ Roses). Many kudos’ to the GotGB’s


Nathan, shut up! If you want to tell fake stories about fake people, then write fiction books.

Otherwise, shut up, slut!

John Seabee

Renamed Nate No-Balls.


Or Chicken Balls





RGR 4-78

“Operational Detachment Alfa 226”.

Is that a typo (Alpha), or is Nate claiming service in alfalfa 226.

Shit bag bully.


It’s a non-gluten-free unit.

RGR 4-78

He’s outstanding in his Buckwheat field.


When they complete all their quals, they are called “Alfalfa Sprouts.”

Badda Bing, Badda Boom.


He was not injured by an IED. He had lithium ion batteries in his vibrating “fist of fury” butt plug which overheated scorching his rectum.

Green Thumb



Somehow, some way, I’m going to make a mental note of this (and remind me later if we don’t have this discussion) I need to see if I can’t integrate this into the The Hemisphere of Insults®™


Does Nutsack Ball have a hometown, a state, a FakeBook page,
a Twatter, a YouBoob, an InstaGrab, a web thingy?


I know somewhere there’s a joke about him receiving the “Order of the Palm”, but it wasn’t for the same reason that Mr. Roberts got his./smile


That pic of him with all that “stuff” on his face and in his beard is likely the result of a four hour shift on the Glory Hole wall at Brucie’s Bath House.


He suffers from TBI (Tiny Ball Insecurity) as well as PTSD (Penis Too Small Disorder.)


This, THIS shit right here… going on the The Hemisphere of Insults®™ There is a reference to TBI/PTSD but it’s completely separate.


What a train wreck of a human being.


Looks like he took a Blast of Semen to the Face..