Obama the war monger
Oh, how the Left fell hard for Obama – he repeated all of the anti-war slogans they wanted to hear and the protest groups generally sat quietly through the election process last year with their hands folded on their laps. But, as reality has slapped the Obama Administration, it also slaps the anti-war movement. Last year, Code Pink was relegated to DuPont Circle for their annual Mothers Day protest, nine blocks from the White House, when in previous years they’d had the free run of Lafayette Park across the street. This year they’re back in Lafayette Park promising to not raise children that are raised to not kill other mothers’ children;
Yeah, that should be an easy promise to keep since no one wants to procreate with the hags who are all either lesbians or post-menopausal. Now if they could get the Muslim population to promise the same….
After Downing Street, the far Left anti-Bush anti-war group founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party quotes the Al Jazeera article I wrote about the other day as proof that our troops are engaged in a war against Islam.
Torture, religion, democracy, God. They’re all part of the mixed-up, horrific business that George Bush unleashed in the Middle East and Central Asia, and that Barack Obama is struggling to control and rationalize. As the words above demonstrate, the 12th century is striving mightily to join hands with the 20th in the U.S. military: Unbridled religious arrogance is forging a link with high-tech weaponry and an unlimited defense budget.
The possibility that we are — not officially, of course, but in the minds of many American soldiers and officers — waging a religious war that parallels the secular one, an Ann Coulter war, if you will (“We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity,” Coulter wrote on Sept. 12, 2001), is both deeply disturbing and utterly appropriate. The arrogance required for both efforts is so similar, I can understand if the line blurs for many of the participants.
The Zionist Anti-Communist notices that the anti-war barking heads are coming together against Obama;
It seems that Infowars.com is taking a page from the hard Leftist groups such as PuppetGov.com, literally taking a page from CodePink that Obama’s the obvious warmonger and war criminal if he doesn’t not only end the war in Iraq, but also the war in Afghanistan. Apparently, it seems 9/11 “Truthers” could agree with Code Pink that the USA should have no right to be in Afghanistan to go after a certain Osama bin Laden which the Taliban failed to hand over.
Nice Deb notices the same trend and reminds us of the Obama quote about our troops “air raiding villages” and yet he continues air raiding villages himself, according to After Downing Street;
And indeed, U.S. airstrikes this week in a densely populated area in western Afghanistan’s Farah Province, during a battle between Afghan soldiers and the Taliban, may have killed as many as 100 civilians, according to the New York Times. The Red Cross, the United Nations and the Afghan government are all expressing shock at the death toll, but our government will only acknowledge that it is “investigating the reports of civilian deaths,” which is the standard, meaningless comment that reporters work into such stories, seemingly with no obligation to follow up. This lets us forget about it and move on.
It must be nice to just pontificate about peace without offering real, substantial solutions – solutions other than putting daisies in rifle barrels.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Foreign Policy, Usual Suspects
“promising to not raise children that are raised to not kill other mothers’ children”
Saw a brilliant film about the early life of Ghengis Khan called “Mongol” a few months ago. I’ll paraphrase a bit of it. Buddhist monk to an imprisoned Ghenghis Khan seeking assistance to escape:
“Killing is against my code.”
Khan: “It’s not against mine.”
Infowars.com and prison planet are the ravings of a lunatic Alex Jones. Fearmongering is easy $$$.
“Obama quote about our troops “air raiding villages” and yet he continues air raiding villages himself”
Comrade 0 is so Orwellesque! “We’ve always been at war with East Asia.”
Yep, standing in front of the White House is surely going to bring forth peace and love around the world.
Will they have puppets?? I want to see puppets!!
I just hope they are as annoyingly dreadful toward The O as they were toward Bush.
And giant paper mache heads! What polititan would not be completly swayed from their deeply held position by a huge, ugly, paper mache head?
All I need is one look at Cindy Sheehan and Medea Benjamin and I am running!
Whoa..Cindy Sheehan, Medea Benjamin and Cynthia McKinney… Now my appetite is gone.
The key player and chief t-shirt salesman behind afterdowningstreet.org is David Swanson, a big shot in the Baltimore-Washington Newspaper Guild.
A Guild is like a union, but with commies as members.
Speaking of puppet governments.
Warning not work safe.
To Win a War, you must defeat the enemy’s will to fight. The traditional method of doing so was to kill more of the enemy than they can replace. Viet Nam changed that. The enemy found a way that allowed them to win despite losses they could not sustain: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2009/05/how-to-win-a-war.html
The same culprits continue the same methods today, despite the unlikliness that the enemies’ would find alliance.