Wittgenfeld’s happy dance
![Dallas Wittgenfeld childish fuck](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Dallas-Wittgenfeld-childish-fuck-251x300.gif?resize=251%2C300)
I know we haven’t talked about Dumbass Dallas Wittgenfeld in months, but somehow he’s aligned himself with Paul Wickre (I wonder how those retards find each other) and he thinks that somehow because we successfully beat back another challenge to our First Amendment rights, it means that we’re beaten. He thinks that because we asked for donations (only the second time in our nearly seven year history) that we’re in dire straits. This is the caption to the picture he posted above;
New fund raiser tee shirts are how the Stolen Valor Vultures plan to fund their new Rackspace $499.oo a month server ISP. Rackspace is infamous as to the “ONE DAY LATE” on the payment and your bookselling server is TOAST immediately…. no suck, suck, suck….only BYE BYE…!
This is my rendition of a fundraising tee shirt I would like to purchase from the T.A.H. cartoon characters. . I’d pay $25.oo for this Heckle (Seavey) & Jeckle (Lilyea) omen-shirt to their futures.
Well, Dallas, your dreams have come true. Frankie, the fellow whose photo you stole and claimed it as your own, is making those t-shirts and we’ve accepted your offer – you can send us the $499 that you think we pay monthly for internet access and we’ll send you the T-shirt. My lawyer told me that your little caption constitutes a contract, so sending us the price of the T-shirt is not an option for you. I’ll be watching my mailbox.
You stolen valor shitbirds, and their enablers need to understand that we aren’t going away. Your empty threats are like water off a duck’s back. The only way to get us off your pale, pimpled asses is to not be a liar in the first place.
I read JAGC’s comment yesterday and agree with it all, but he forgot to say “like everyone else”. The cowards send their friends and family to the blog to defend their illegal and immoral behavior. You can scroll through nearly every stolen valor post and see where someone’s wife/girlfriend/sockpuppet comes to call us liars and to attack us on totally irrelevant bullshit rather than deal with the liar himself. It’s a typical reaction to discovering a sociopath in their midst. Wickre *wants* to know a SEAL, even if he’s a phony SEAL. It makes him feel like a bigger deal, especially since Wickre has never accomplished anything worthwhile in his life, other than accumulating a number of arrests in the State of Maryland.
Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags
You are pretty well known. Single, no one else in the house, hours spent on web sites rather that any social integration, hateful from rejection, you prey on strangers.
I am sure it is no secret but the WordPress feed is running out of the Dallas Site to our servers. The compliance is coming from there. Have your email, now just need to get from Yahoo, your listed cellphone, by hack.
Then we will three position Wireless IP triangulate to within 60 feet of your door, like we did to Jonn.
Jonn wrote: You dumbass, you didn’t “triangulate” my location. I put a pin on Google Earth just so you little cowards didn’t have the excuse that you couldn’t find me. You couldn’t “triangulate” your own ass, you sad little fuck.
GreenThmb, Ex-Ph02, ChipNasa,OIF,HOndo,Just anold dog, proroud infidel. and about 10 more on heavt traffic. Here us tyiyr fall expereincen coming up
VThe Court rulings are going our way, from the gang here at Opposition Central. Based on a great MD Court Ruling, the anonymous defamers are going to be listed and may try to oppose the revelation of your idenitity, name, address, zip, but will fail.
You can oppose the lifting of the Internet anonynous veil, but we will win based on your acts and speech. Probably a decision in September. Just imagine, that once ID’d as to every hatefull cruel comment you made to interrupt others lives, how powerful that identitiy information will be, as to those of you that stated horrid wishes, acts or aspersions. Lilyea will get the subpoena and cough up the list from the WordPress admin files, being probed from SoftLayer as we speak.
There are about 15 of you scattered around. Each of you by Internet AKA will receieve the custom printout of your speech, threats, attacks etc.
[Edited because I can-Jonn]
Once known, that is the profile and we will go from there, to straighten out a few items, Quite a few items in the backlog on your hatefull speech.
You can post all you want, but that is what is coming your way as to the MD Court precedents. Once known just think about human nature reaction with all the vile, filth and denigration you poured out anonymously, to a stranger……
Just imagine….
I think that is instructive and you can form the idea in your head, when that day rolls around, not far off.
GreenThmb, Ex-Ph02, ChipNasa,OIF,HOndo,Just anold dog, proroud infidel. and about 10 more on heavt traffic. Here us tyiyr fall expereincen coming up VThe Court rulings are going our way, from the gang here at Opposition Central. Based on a great MD Court Ruling, the anonymous defamers are going to be listed and may try to oppose the revelation of your idenitity, name, address, zip, but will fail. You can oppose the lifting of the Internet anonynous veil, but we will win based on your acts and speech. Probably a decision in September. Just imagine, that once ID’d as to every hatefull cruel comment you made to interrupt others lives, how powerful that identitiy information will be, as to those of you that stated horrid wishes, acts or aspersions. Lilyea will get the subpoena and cough up the list from the WordPress admin files, being probed from SoftLayer as we speak. There are about 15 of you scattered around. Each of you by Internet AKA will receieve the custom printout of your speech, threats, attacks etc. [Edited because I can-Jonn] Once known, that is the profile and we will go from there, to straighten out a few items, Quite a few items in the backlog on your hatefull speech. You can post all you want, but that is what is coming your way as to the MD Court precedents. Once known just think about human nature reaction with all the vile, filth and denigration you poured out anonymously, to a stranger…… Just imagine…. I think that is instructive and you can form the idea in your head, when that day rolls around, not far off. Jonn wrote: Oh, by the way, my server guy says you’re speaking with your anal lips – you haven’t logged any time on my server. And he’s says that if you did, real LEOs will be at your door asking you to stop (because real LEOs don’t call on the phone, they come to your house). At some point, you small little man, you’re going to have come out from behind your screen and stop throwing around… Read more »
@301, 02, 03… Pesky, annoying troll. Go to bed, sleep it off, have spare sheets near by…
Wow Psulie. Could you have been any more wrong?
Is it just me or is he making terrorist threats against members of this blog? Also, he actually said, “Have your email, now just need to get from Yahoo, your listed cellphone, by hack.” This is actually a confession to an illegal action. I wonder if his probation officer is aware of this?
Also, is he actually threatening to spread our PII to the general public is he finds it? Likewise, is he not violating the very order that his Real Estate Attorney told us not to by posting the name, address, and such of a member of the blog (whether true or not)?
It seems to be that he is making terrorist threats, admitting to federal felonies, and violating an official letter that he had an attorney send. Please let me know how much you win from the law suit!
Oh, and am I on your list, you crotch snorkler? I hope so. I really hate being picked last for dodge ball… even if the thrower is the retarded kid who is more likely to hit himself in the helmet than anyone else.
Oh how the pompous winds blow! You are so full of it! If you in your deluded mind think even for one second that being anonymous on the internet is an “endangered” idea, well that shows just how stupid you are. Better men have tried and been slapped down and told to STFU for it then you. The internet is a living breathing evolving entity and it will not tolerant bullies and liars. It is a truly wild frontier and it will remain that way.That’s the way it wants it to be so that’s the way it will remain. Maybe it’s time you meet some of the “Anonymous” ones from the internet. Careful what you wish for, some of us are in the business of granting wishes to shitholes like you.
To the Batsignal!
Straining shoe polish through bread again shit stain? We know your are shit faced again, because you keep copying and pasting the same shit on three or four posts.
You are one disillusioned insane motherfucker. The only good thing you got going for you is that we know you are a harmless blow-hard.
“You need to understand that if you make comments like that to a stranger on the street or tossed off one of your comments in a public bar what would happen to you.”
Tell you what Paul, if you hadn’t started any “sh” there wouldn’t have been any “it”.
If I had ever worked or had to rub elbows with you, you would have had three strikes, then you would have been put in your place.
And no, I wouldn’t have had to resort to using any physical force against you.
With your kind, the use of force isn’t even necessary. The mere thought of someone making a fist in your presence is enough to make a pussy like you ball up into a fetal position and cry like a little punk ass bitch you are.
You are a coward, a liar and pussy. All you have done is bluster and threaten an fabricate bullshit.
Everyone here sees through your shit.
I’m glad I’ve gotten under your skin enough for you to mention me in your threats. I’m going to tell you again Paulie, you don’t want to fuck around and mistakenly go after people that you might easily confuse with me. I’m just going to laugh at you,but if you screw with the wrong set of folks, they aren’t as charitable. They aren’t the type to overlook your fake ass threats. They are the kind of people you find waiting to discuss your idiocy by your Jaguar in the parking lot. I can’t speak for what they would do in that situation. If they see what a sad sack of shit you are they will probably just leave you crying and shaking in a pool of your own feces and urine.no gaurantees though
Ok We know who you are, drop the bottles of md20/20. quit pushing your toy jaquars up and down your drive and pull yopur spandex up. You are bothering the neighbors with your screams of Phildo! Wittless amd guddick!!!.
Go in the back yard and let the gardener spray the vomit and shit offyou and roll you into the hammock
Come on Wickre, not even an honorable mention for me after spending hours reading though just your Maryland court records and posting highlights? And now you want to make us wait around until September for the next delusional and non-existent event? I’ll start holding my breath now.
I see that the nice couple that lived next to you and who you tried to harass through the courts have moved to Florida. Good for them, getting away from the cold winters and the asshole neighbor while you still sit in your crappy little Bethesda house living off of your wife’s $80K a year salary.
I wanna be on his hit parade too, Flagwaver. I’ve given him nothing but good ol’ First Amendment protected free speech, and at one point I even gave him some basic hints that (if he were really Psul the Gweat and Tewwible) should’ve gotten him my identity.
Know why most of us hate you, Psul? Because you’re a petty little bigoted bully with a catalog of lies, slanders and provocations. You are a troll, and you’ll never be anything more. Now, as Ex-PH2 would point out – don’t you have your Hanes briefs thoroughly soiled from last night’s bender to go rinse out in the rumpus room sink? You have to clean those UP before the skid marks and pee set into permanent stains, Psul. This is why you aren’t allowed in the rest of the house and can’t have nice things, Psul. Mommy Karen doesn’t want you making a mess of the rest of her nice, modest little house, Psul. You have to wean yourself off the house and learn to be housebroken again before you’re allowed to be in polite company and let out of the rumpus room. You keep working on that.
You have to wean yourself off the SAUCE, sorry. It’s late.
Thinking how much of a fuck I’m NOT going to give a shit about fabricated court action,Every dealing you have had has either been as a defendant or a failed compliantant.
How about you print all the post Iv’e written about you and shove them up your gerbil stable?
Didn’t I read in a comment somewhere that Paul is divorced or had a divorce? I might be mistaken but I think I did read that or was he talking about someone here? I’ll go back and look through all the new posts on him once my head stops feeling like he is doing a drunken mambo with tap shoes on, while a marching band plays Hail to the Monkeys. (or something like that, in other words I’ve got a terrible migraine!)
My young children have more common sense than you. You can’t whine, threaten and bully people until you get your way. That isn’t how the real world works. This is why I’m convinced you have a mental illness. Reading your pointless, delusional and downright asinine posts are like hearing fingenails on a chalkboard. There are idiots and then there are the special kind of idiots. You can be proud that you’ve now blown by both of those and created your own category of super idiots. Well done you limp dick jackass.
Paul K. Wickre: You insufferable Boor; now you are expecting us to be on hold for a month to await the fruition of your threat? Actually, we have a life, and have much better things to do. You suggest that we just sit here at our computers wasting our time. The only waste of time is in the time we spend attempting to set you on the straight and narrow. I am here at my computer, awaiting the sunrise, working on what I do on one screen, while entertaining myself by reading your little words of wit, that you’ve rolled in little balls of shit. While I could be watching chickens pick grain from the sand, (I am sure there must be a You Tube video offering that.), I choose to watch an adult person, (chronologically speaking, of course), conduct himself like an ugly little spoiled brat playing in the sandbox. I have spent much time with the mentally handicapped and can say with surety that they are much more coherent and sensible than you have been in your best comment here. You come to us with a poor attempt to qualify yourself as being “someone”, but have no more to offer than the claim of having a few material trinkets, offering nothing to validate that you are a respected member of your community, your social circle, nothing, nothing at all. You have even boasted of being what we here would abhor; of being a trust fund brat, a member of the lucky sperm club. You wish you could have friends with the substance of those of us who you have engaged as adversaries; when the only person you can attract is a proven LIAR and THIEF. And further, going back to your day one here; we did not initiate contact with you. Not one of us started this with a call for Paul K. Wickre, the spandex wino to come forth. You made your appearance, and attempted to provoke this band of brothers and sisters, and we chose to answer your provocation. Regardless of the form of language that… Read more »
NHSparky, Valyrie, ExHack, Bobo, Flagwaver, Old Dog, OldSarge and whoever Bethesda Paddy Wagon may be: I’m so sorry I bailed last night, but the spear in the back was impossible to ignore. I hit the rack. It is no fun bailing on the squad and then coming in at the end of Drunk & Slobbering’s copy/pasta ramblings. (I DO mean copy/pasta, not copy/paste.)
So psulie-o the uncoolie-o is admitting he hacked into a server? Am I understanding that correctly? I have copied this from his post #301 into my post here: “Have your email, now just need to get from Yahoo, your listed cellphone, by hack”
Is he completely nuts? Hacking an account? And then admitting to it in writing and posting it where the entire world can see it?
What’s next? A Russian extortion virus that locks your computer and won’t let you use it until you cough up some cash? Yeah, I’ve already been hit by that kind of thing. You get the virus cleaned up, then report it to the FBI immediately. You don’t cough up any cash.
I see that he was drinking and typing again last night. Maybe he cut it short because I wasn’t around to fling his verbal feces right back at him.
He still hasn’t provided the letters from Fed contractors stating that he’s unemployable by them because of what he’s done on this blog. He has to do that.
And who is Gary Ellerman? Someone should notify that poor soul that he’s being stalked by a drunken cyber-bully.
I missed a lot. I am sad.
Oh, hey psulieboi — if you do have my e-mail, AS TO what you said here: Have your email, now just need to get from Yahoo, your listed cellphone, by hack — just send me a message and I’ll forward all the junk mail porn I get for aging, drunk men to you.
It needs to go somewhere and I’m not an aging, drunk fat man like you.
I can just tell them to take me off their spam lists and add you.
@317 Ex-PH2
“He still hasn’t provided the letters from Fed contractors stating that he’s unemployable”
I think he is confusing reject letters with letters of recommendation.
Hey Psul, triangulate this….extending middle finger
In case y’all don’t know why Psul is so upset today, it’s because we complied with his request that we remove the “copyrighted” State of Maryland website screen shot. We also conceded finally that he wasn’t arrested 35 times, according to those records, it was 22 times and we helpfully provided a link to each charge.
Psul claims that on Monday he’s going to bully the State of Maryland into taking down his arrest records, then he’s going to sue us into poverty. The problem is, no lawyer will touch the case, so Psul thinks that he can represent himself against some of the best 1st Amendment lawyers in the country.
If you go look at some of the court records of Psaul’s antics in the past, you’ll see where he tried to bully the State’s prosecutor’s office in one case and a condition of his parole was that he couldn’t contact the the State’s attorney’s office.
Apparently, he’s always tried to bully people into getting his way, like the spoiled little child that he is. He’s mightily frustrated that he can’t bully 6,000 veterans.
@321 (ironic post #) John, I figured there had to be some sort of “trigger” that set ol’Psul off last night, guess we know what it was now. Keep stickin’ yer thumb in his eye John, Psul might learn…..or not.
TAH. Brick wall. psuulieboi banging his head against it.
Some assembly required.
If you gave him a token response, why is he still upset? Those are public records, not private stuff.
Oh, well, I still haven’t received any e-mail from him, so he’s lying again about that. And if he hacked my cell phone, I’d like to know how. It doesn’t have an internet connection. I don’t pay for things I don’t use. Besides, isn’t hacking in to cell phones and e-mail criminal behavior?
I’m really sorry I bailed on you all last night, but my back is what Valkyrie gets from a migraine – it ain’t over ’til it’s over.
Oh, I forgot to ask: Jonn, if he can triangulate to within 60 feet of where you are, how come he keeps posting the wrong address? 🙂
Q: Is it because he’s a dimwitted, drunken slob with a brain the size of a pea? Multiple choice answers below. Choose carefully.
A – Yes
B – Yes, yes, yes
C – Well, maybe
D – All of the above
Umm…hello?…*raises hand*…new guy here…How do I get added to this bucket of shits “I hate you” list???
So Ex- when will Psulie be back, read your tea leaves
Heidi – probably Wednesday and Saturday. That’s his new pattern, but I think they’ll be short visits with the cut-and-paste machine, because he gets so drunk.
He sure is digging that hole deeper and deeper. All he has to do is shut up and it will all fade away. What an idiot he is.
Ex- I just can’t seem to get a picture out of my head this morning, something about a monkey throwing poop, while drinking strong booze and typing weird shit on a keyboard:-)
Heidi, please keep posting funny things. It takes some of the spasms out of my back when I laugh.
I was going to stop by and visit a new church in Bethesda this morning, but, given the rants of last night, I’m going to guess that the star congregant won’t be attending this morning.
‘And who is Gary Ellerman? Someone should notify that poor soul that he’s being stalked by a drunken cyber-bully.”
I’m thinking that that entire personality, the screen name “Oldriflesquad68” and the rest of the personal info were fabricated by dickless to make people think he had actually come up with someone’s info.
By the way Paul, if this said Gary Ellerman is real you shouldn’t mess with him. According to google earth the address you gave has him living in the middle of a field in Maine.
Sorry folks, Bethesda Paddy Wagon is me, forgot to change it back. Also it will make it easier for Paul to track me, instead of finding two addresses. Not that his pickled brain would sort it out.
In the middle of a field in Maine?
Isn’t hunting season coming up soon up there in the great frozen north?
Not a good idea to go up there, anyway. Hunters abound when hunting season starts. The outdoor sports shops are already starting their pre-hunting season sales.
@324 Ex-Ph2 – He couldn’t find his ass with a neon sign pointing to it. He thinks I’m a 28 year old single woman living in an apartment in New Jersey.
Can’t wait to see what tonight brings with the new post from today. hahah! This should be good!
Velkyrie – I know, and you know as well as I do that everything he says is like fog: it evaporates quickly when exposed to the light of day.
He seems to run out of steam very quickly now. I think it’s more likely that he’ll wait until next weekend to try to pound us and won’t even be able to find his way to his veryownthread with his name on it in lights, just like on Broadway.
Ex-PH2 – I need you to send me another e-mail with the links to your books on Amazon. I didn’t get to rate them yet.
Probably a decision in September.
This is from the same source that predicted TAH would be nuked off the face of the planet many times by now.
Looking over his conviction record, I’m sure he’s predicting “victory” because he has such a stellar win/loss ratio in court so far.
Psul thinks that he can represent himself against some of the best 1st Amendment lawyers in the country.
Fool. Client. Y’all can make the connection.