Meet Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich

| June 16, 2011

UPDATE: Nicholas Androsky died on Saturday February 22, 2014.

Someone at the RTB sent me these pictures with a story about how this guy showed up for his son’s stepfather’s graduation from basic training at Fort Benning dressed like this. According to our source, the MPs escorted his monkey ass off post;

Notice that on the desk in the last picture, the nose picker even had a Green Beret to round out the ensemble. I’m surprised the MPs didn’t shoot him on sight out of fear.

“He’s coming right at us!!”

Added: His real name is Nick Androsky according to someone who found his Facebook profile . Check his photos “Routine Patrol” and the one of him jumping at 30,000 feet from the Space Shuttle, I suppose.

Second Add Sporkmaster: Just to remove any questions about the Combat Badges crossing over from Army to Air Force that the regulations do not allow it. This is on page 149.

Permanent assignment denotes non TDY status. This rule also applies to other badges or patches i.e., Army Combat Patches earned or awarded by sister service components. Upon Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to an Air Force unit the member will remove them.

Also anyone who has received the CIB, CMB, CAB, or CAR can have it converted to the new Combat Action Medal. (Which our resident POS is wearing on the top row next to the Silver Star.)

Scott sends these screenshots of his Facebook Wall before he tore it down;

ADDED 6-21-2011: The guy at “Copy All” has uncovered Androsky’s appeal for his court martial, apparently for drug use back in 2004. Thanks to Chris for the link.

ADDED July 20, 2011: We have Androsky’s actual military records, now.

Category: General Whackos, Phony soldiers

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Douche. 2 sets of ribbons. Bottom set is upside down…and the list goes on. Sad for his kid. He definately caught shit for his dumbass stepdad.


And through it all – he is wearing a female jacket. WOW.


Face book page is back up and running


I think this guys would make a very good chew toy for the Military Working Dogs at Ft. Benning… All that chest candy would curb their sweet-tooth. Yes, run away, they love it.


“I wonder why he was half-stepping with the Jumpmaster wings. Why not Senior Master Jumper? Was he trying to show some restraint?”

There’s no such thing as “jumpmaster wings”. You are eligible for jumpmaster school after 12 jumps with certain requirements. What HE was wearing was the senior parachutist badge (35 jumps) with 2 mustard stains. MPB (star and wreath) requires over 65 jumps.


I’m a 21 year USAF veteran and I KNOW I am a pussy when compared to Marines, Soldiers, a lot of Sailors, and even many within the Air Force community. But I did the job the my service asked and did it to the best of my ability and was proud to serve. But even a pussy like me wants to kick this guy’s ass six ways from Sunday, stuff him in a toilet and shit on him…


What a total douchebag. Prosecute him. But get a good laugh at him first. Idiot.


where do get these NOSE PICKS


USMC Steve, I think you said it best when you said “Holy screaming crap!”


As already mentioned the coat is a mens coat not a womans. I did 23 years in the AF, and I cannot beleive the crap this guy has on there. I mean with him being prior AF one would think he would have a clue, hell my daughter knows the order and names of the ribbons and she isn’t even in the military. My dad is retired AF, I’m retired AF, my brother is still in the AF, and my son is a Marine. This guy just shit on all of us.


A real NUT CASE, he needs to see a psych. Mentally disturbed.


He must have cleaned out some BX uniform shop, just bought one of everything they had in stock.


How the heck did he get through the gate without being shot,drawn and quartered. WOW!!! Priceless…

CW3 Babyface

We should all be honored by quality Americans such as this. He’s earned THREE combat infantry decorations, and has ZERO combat service stripes on his sleeve. I haven’t met ONE person befor this abortion of a human being to accomplish such a feet. We ALL should be kissing his fourth point of contact!! (P.S.-Happy fourth of July to all of those who HONORABLY wear your uniform, regardless of branch, rank, or time in service!)


@CW3 love the 4th point of contact comment!..I just would love to hear what happens to this goon in the future now that his face is all over.


This “Dud” is to Honor what a turd is to a birthday cake! He needs to be whipped and called butter boy!


Plus he’s wearing unit citations, which are always worn on the right, with his supposed personal awards.


I can verify this guy went to USAF Basic training in Feb of 2000 at lackland AF Base. This kid was in the barracks with me and 48 other Airmen. He did graduate and was leaving to become a loadmaster thats the only thing I remember about his service. I never saw him again, and I am glad I havent.


We in the AF wear all our ribbons, awards, decorations, medals, unit awards etc on the left side. Also in the AF there is no space allowed between the rows of ribbons.

J. R. Aitken

Was this “fraud” allowed on a Military Base? Please find out who he really is and publish it. His middle name must be Schizophrenia.


You guys got this all wrong.. His is the Double Naught Spy that Jethro Bodine aspired to be..


What, no pathfinder?


COCKSUCKER. Hey, do us all a favor and wear the MOH so you CAN be shot on sight.


I have been off work now for an hour and 45 minutes sitting here reading this nonsense laughing my a** off at this clown and the amazingly hilarious things you wonderful people have posted . . . Nice to see a couple include the CG in a couple of posts, starting to see more and more of that these days . . . Hang him from his feet from a tree and whoop his a** with his belt and brass buckle . . .


[…] The real Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich July 19th, 2011 I know you remember this guy – half of the blogosphere recognizes him thanks to your 6700 clicks of the Facebook “Like” button on that post; […]


From a retired Air Force MSgt, I think this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. A good friend (retired AF also) showed me this and we both got a good laugh. I was certain it was some kind of stunt. What a maroooooon! Please note that he is properly wearing his “I survived basic training” ribbon. Hope there is some really serious legal action taken against this piece of crap.

Doc Bailey

I didn’t see the screen shots before. This SOB is claiming to be a wounded medic? As an ACTUAL medic (not wounded) who puts the FUN in Dysfunctional, F**k him! Loadmaster does not equal on the line ground pounding medic. While I’m sure he gets flashbacks from all the drugs he did, but really why do you bitch and moan about women when all you do is throw pity parties for himself?

CPT MedicalGuy

It pisses me off that he’s trying to exploit his fake PTSD. No one brags about their PTSD, and there are real Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors who’ve been through some serious stuff and are dealing with these issues.


Hey, it looks like he’s in a ring of posers. At least two of his FB friends look like frauds as well:


Sorry, I put the same link up twice… here’s the other suspect.


Take screen shots.


Ha! What a nasty little turd. He should get his wish and be dropped off and left in the Ghan.


While I’m sure he gets flashbacks from all the drugs he did, but really why do you bitch and moan about women when all you do is throw pity parties for himself?From a retired Air Force MSgt, I think this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. vNice to see a couple include the CG in a couple of posts, starting to see more and more of that these days .I never saw him again, and I am glad I havent.

Nike FreeRuns

While I’m sure he gets flashbacks from all the drugs he did, but really why do you bitch and moan about women when all you do is throw pity parties for himself?From a retired Air Force MSgt, I think this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. vNice to see a couple include the CG in a couple of posts, starting to see more and more of that these days .I never saw him again, and I am glad I havent.


his son is 18, he impregnated his mother after a jump into the nam when he was 4, thats how he got his second CIB


Everyone has made valid points here, but what about the comments made about women on his Facebook page? That’s very scary stuff. It’s just the sort of thing that makes headlines the next day. “Pretend Soldier Attacks And Murders 10 Women!”


Holy Screaming Eagle Shit!


[…] McSoulpatch Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich Rick Duncan Sealey McChippendales. Steve Snake Eyes Jordan Willie Williams Gunny Lauve Jeff THE […]

El Marco

Just love this guy. He had the balls to try it at Benning. or was that just stoopid?


They had this hanging up at our AIT, with a sign that said “don’t be this guy!”.
We had a guy in our company who was prior service AF who kept wearing a 101 Airborne Combat patch despite being told to take it off several times. His reasoning was that he was deployed for 6 months and his AF unit helped run an airport that the 101 Airborne worked out of. His facebook has him as a flight medic which is also bullshit.


Does a BCD really entitle one to be called a “Vet”? This guy got me wondering about that… (MSgt ret.)

Michael Z. Williamson

The Expert Marksman Ribbon gets a star for each subsequent weapon. So, if you score Expert on rifle, you get the ribbon. If you were to then score Expert on pistol (as I have), you get the star. If you were to then score Expert on machine gun, you’d get another star, and also for grenade launcher.

The problem is, only a handful of cops, Special Ops and a couple of Red Horse guys get to officially shoot MG or GL, and I don’t even know if the AF has an organic scoring system for them.

And I used to get questioned about the ONE device, because it’s not that common.

Michael Z. Williamson

Right shoulder patches do not transfer. Actual awards (CIB, etc) do.

Wait! AF doesn’t recognize the Army’s PME ribbon! He needs to take that off!


Out of the hundreds of responses, numbers 5 & 12 are worthy of being the permanent captions for the 1st and 3rd pictures. What a trip down memory lane the contest has been.


Right out of “Men Who Stare at Sheep”.


A picture is worth a 1000 words! This mutt gets my vote

Frankly Opinionated

Excessive medals, Check.
Screwed up uniform, Check.
Messed up appearance, Check.
Bloused boots on a flyguy, Check.
Stepfather 28 yrs old, Mother 54 yrs old. Check.
Known to abuse himself with drugs ‘scription and otherwise. Check.
Not a clue about life, Check.

Yep, got my vote.


Damn, that’s better than Audie Murphy’s salad bar! LOL. He puts Captain America to shame.


[…] Fecal Four: Ballduster, Hillar, Matthis and ____? October 13th, 2011 Well, here it is, the final matchup, and it’s a real battle for the ages, Soup the Hood v. Ghenghis Fraud! 1) MSGT Soup Sandwich – Nick Androsky […]


[…] Claims to be a wounded medic. […]