Paul Wickre: The internet is changing

| June 30, 2013

Brought from this discussion.

Apparently, Mr. Wickre has a lot of time on his hands since he’s out of a job and he’s made it his life’s work to earn for Phillip Monkress his phony SEAL Trident. In fact, Wickre is “all in” in this endeavor. He’s been doing his homework and reading the incessant blather from Dallas Wittgenfeld, another internet bully who thought he could beat us and ended up losing everything that he cherished as well as his sanity. I think Paul is near that point, too;


The Internet is changing from the the past five years when you tried to build your Alexa rank from nothing to under 250,000. You may have had a bump up but you still only get a few thousand subscribers, that buy into your hate and vitriol, as to your issues.

What I have found as you saw with HoneyComb in MN, is that the ISPs, carriers or hosting community, really do not like controversy. This controversy is generally known as hate speech, pornographic/mature, libel/ defamation, threats, incite to violence, conspiracy, spamming, altering page rank data, manipulation of third party content, abuse, threats, intimidation and so on.

What governs the industry, now is pretty much universal terms of use or terms of service. Your content is offensive as to any sensibility. Thus wherever you land or try and spew your diatribes against the Military Vets, or me a contractor, or the people whom you have singled out, my lawyers and myself have developed a template, well recognized as to your speech. Your speech, from your content is violent, sexual, threatening and just over the top.

Therefore we will continue to file complaints, as to your filthy content and let the ISP or hosting company be the judge as to whether or not your promoted content deserves to be in public.

We have reached out to multiple companies and your back up cloud hosting in particular. Maybe you win, maybe I win, but in every case I get you kicked off, it goes into a ‘Blacklist Industry” file.

I am pretty sure, that I will win the argument, and over time, regardless of any opposition you make say as to my family,, or the VA Community, the DOD, DHS, the fact that you are kicked off for your mean speech and tactics, will pretty much win the day. Anyway, I am a sporting man, and the bet is, that your vitriol over Stolen Valor, is judged the smaller Sin, vs. your language, speech and tactics.

OK Pardners?

Lets let the court of public opinion decide if your issue on Stolen Valor, trumps the numerous abominations as to Speech, Speech, Speech. Lets give it a year, and see who wins.

Remember this is about legal means and Court venue. Lets play there and see who trumps. I think if you were realistic, you would stop about the “threats” as your 3000 entries have been catalogued into really heinous things, like murder, rape, maiming, torture, S&M, accusations into every deviancy, you espoused. That “black” speech really has nothing to do with the issues at all, as to how you perceive an email, a phone call or a VPN address, as crying “foul” or a threat from me. You are just wrong here. I have 600 entries of the worst visual imagery ever known to the common discourse, from you. That is the issue.

Ok Lets see how you do, vs. what I think is right.

Best Regards,

Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business Development

FirstTech, Inc.

Yeah, the email contained some of Wittgenfeld’s famous collages of me & TSO. What Mr. WIckre is admitting is that TAH is too strong-willed for him to defeat, so he’s going to bully someone else. He has no legal case, Monkress’ lawyer admits as much, so he resorts to childish bullying. He impersonates government officials regularly in his bullying. Someone tried to hack in into my Google Ads account yesterday, I guess to hijack that big $100/month those ads generate, but Google stopped him. And, oh, Wickre’s sister works for Google, by the way.

As TSO told us the other day, Wickre’s wife is his biggest enabler. Do you want to see the invitation to his “getting out of jail” party she sent to everyone?

I know Wickre is just a distraction from the big issue here, though; Phillip Dale Monkress is still a phony SEAL. Now that Monkress has been exposed as a phony, he is trying to scrub the internet from his false claims. He’s scrubbed the All-Points Logistics website and that leaves TAH and somehow that justifies harassing my wife and daughter and their friends. People who have nothing to do with this. I’m not ruining Monkress’ life, Monkress did that himself with his lies. And the original discussion about Monkress had been closed for six months before Wickre and Monkress renewed interest in it.

Well, anyway, I’m taking my only Maryland-legal rifle to the range today so, you guys have fun today.

Category: General Whackos, Shitbags

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Ex-, I can’t think of a thing on Earth you’d ever have to apologize to me for.


As told you are violating the 9th commandment and you are idolaters against the second
I don’t worship your god. I’m a good old-fashioned idolator. Fuck off.

Decent people everywhere will oppose you.As suggested and well underway are legal means to shut you down .Your rack hosting cloud is under legal attack and you will see your WordPress that publishes you has suits filed

It’ll never happen, but if WordPress shuts Jonn down, I’ll custom write him some blog software myself. Wouldn’t be the first CMS I’ve written. Probably draft Lost and anyone else who wants in on the effort to do it.

Skull fucking our beloved matriarch

No. I’m sure she’s not up to my standards, and never would have been in life, or death. After all, she provided half the DNA that resulted in at least one pathetic excuse for a human being.


Actually, I am a bit concerned here. Paul K. Wickre (and I do believe Schadenfreude is he; there’s some sort of IP manipulation that’s beyond my expertise that he’s undoubtedly paid for vice engineered himself; the multiple “as tos” in each message are his signature tic) is clearly getting tanked earlier and earlier in the day. And he’s going deeper and deeper into the tank, as is evinced by his deteriorated grammatical and cognitive abilities.

Jonn, perhaps you could send Mrs. Wickre-Williams another note, attaching Psul’s latest and urging her to get him to a rehab facility before he drinks and cokes himself to death. Not, mind you, that I particularly care whether Psul assumes room temperature – reintroducing him to the food chain would do the ecosystem a big favor, as well as cut another source of useless CO2. Strictly as a CYA in the event he offs himself and Karen wants to cobble up some sort of wrongful death/cyber-bullying suit. Although I suspect that enabler or not, she’ll breath a sigh of relief when she’s finally rid of him.



This poster posing as Paul K Wickre is coming in too early in evening for it to be Wickre. He doesn’t check in with his nonsense until after 10PM local.

Probably right. After all, he wouldn’t use the phrase “skull fucking”. That kind of phraseology is far too masculine for him.


Jonn–either it’s Psul using a proxy or a troll. Either works for me, but neither is worth launching over.

Check fire, folks.


But Psul/troll–frankly, I don’t give a flying monkey fuck what the Pentagon does. I’ve been a civilian for over a decade now. I’m sure they have MUCH better shit to worry about these days.

Frankly Opinionated

At present the image is in my personal “my pictures” folder in my PC. I will upload to my Cafepress shop and then link over from there.


Oh, it may not be Psul, but you know he’ll be reading it, if he’s not doing so now.


Frankly Opinionated: roger. If you can’t get it to work correctly, post the URL and let me know it’s OK to edit your comment. I’ll edit it to display as an image.


Maybe he’s found hisself a li’l ol’ sock puppet who will mimic him for cash. After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

Hey, there, furby over there in Norskland, tell yo’ moneypit idiot buttbuddy that he’s losing his touch. It ain’t working and you want more cash. He’s not one-tenth as clever as he thinks he is. E-mailing his crap to you to dump it on us doesn’t work with any of us. You’re about as scary as wet toilet paper.


He probably isn’t actually in Norway. Chances are much more likely he’s using some sort of proxy service, like TOR. Think of it as the internet version of a two-way dead drop. Internet traffic goes through a third party to anonymity who is asking for it.

Pedophiles and other criminal scum use it to hide themselves.


@Nik: Pedos. Just about Psul’s speed.


I was thinking that very thing.


However he’s managing to hide himself, pulltoy Psuliebot is losing his imaginary battle.


I don’t know, peeps.

I insulted his mommy three times, but he didn’t respond and we all know how precious Paul K Wickre (google hit) is about his mommmy.



He might be out drinking courage enough to make his appearance.


And his courage invariably comes out of a bottle.


I think he’s passed out on the floor after all that cheap booze he got at the 7-11 down on the corner. I’m going to try one more time. Let’s see…. oh, yeah.

Oh, pulltoy paulieboi, your mother really liked your sister better than you, and deep down inside, you know that it’s true.


He knows it’s true because he used to watch.

Frankly Opinionated

I have set up a TAH section in my online store, and have the first of the design variations up on a few products, just to get us started. Hondo may go to the link and select an item to show within my comment, but this is where “our” stuff is at:, as many of you know, more than 100% of my profits from this shop go toward my troop support effort, with several of the designs earmarked for particular “charities” supportive of the military effort. I am not in this for the money, but to be able to better commit my troop support effort, and for the fun of it all. Take a look, and in as able, I will be adding products to this first design, and adding variations of the design for particular purposes.
Thanks Y’all, and keep the pressure on the posers.


Hondo or Jonn – Could this person be the same one that is trying to troll the “Keith Big Dog” thread pretending to be Keith? I think we have someone bored in another place pretending to be the one we have a beef with just for their own shits and giggles. I can’t remember where you said that person was from. Just a thought.

I find it hard to believe there are 2 people in this world so completely stupid as to fight on the wrong side knowingly. I’m sure there is, but it’s just mind blowing.


(I already commented once but I forgot I was on my old computer and didn’t enter in any of my info. If this double posts I’m sorry about that)

Hondo or Jonn – Could it be the same person or area that someone is using to try and troll the Keith Big Dog thread? I can’t remember where you said that person was from . It seems like we might have a troll/s pretending to be people we have a beef with just for their own shit and giggles.


Well, whoever it is, he’s dropped out. If it’s poolboy psuliebot, he should have responded by now, so maybe that little foray to the 7-11 over on MacArthur Boulevard, around the corner from Paul K Wickre’s house, did its job and knocked him out for the evening.

Not julie wEir (wink)

Your disgusting & irrelevant no wonder women RUN screaming away from you.

Go troll your tranny blogs.

Sick ugly turd

OIF '06-'07-'08

Oh bitch boi Paul K. Wickre, are you going to come out play with us tonight? Come on over to TAH, hell, it’s been awhile since I have given you a verbal beat down

Green Thumb

Just call APL…


@192, well said, Jonn.


The grammar went from terrible to apocalyptic. It took me five minutes to stop my eyes from hemorrhaging after reading the second post…

I just wonder if we have finally sent Paul K. Wickre over the edge. Unless this is part of his European trip to Amsterdam to hook up with some Transsexuals he met on his forums.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Hey Paul Wickre, practice coprophagy and decease!

2/17 Air Cav

@271. Frank. I was hoping to see you or Jonn modeling the TAH thong. Ouch. Eye pain. I was also hoping for a TAH CERTIFIED DICKWEED tee but saw one not.


Frankly Opinionated, how about t-shirts reading “I Got Publicly Exposed On TAH, And All I Got Was A Public Shaming”?

Old Trooper

@224: Geebus; did you huck up a hairball of letters and have them hit the keyboard? WTF are you attempting to say? Either you are on some heavy meds, drunk, or a product of 21st century public education. When you learn to put a coherent sentence together; get back to us.

Frankly Opinionated

@#282 Hack.Stone:
If I thought that they would sell,I sure would. These stolen valor types would first try to steal them from my shop, and finding that to be far to difficult, would then pass on them.
BUT! I will entertain personalizing a shirt, mug, can cooler or bottle wrap, with the basic design and a name. Just click on my “screen name”, and in my shop find my contact box, or if you know my e-mail hit me there. Either will work.
Keep in mind that you will not only get the goods, but will also support the troops.

I also have a BOHICA in a tab design, done at the request of SFC(R)Ranger Mike Schlitz, that supports his favorite effort.


I shall have to check the T shirts later when I make it back to my CHU. Poor Paul Wickre. Ole Psul seems to be drowning his sorrows a little too much. I understand that he has to come here as no-one who physically knows him can stand to be in his presence without lysol and a respirator in the fear that shame that hard does rub off… But still, a sockpuppet from Norway? Aw man that is just sad.



Yeah I agree, this is a Psul poser or, he’s really derailed and started drinking at like 3 in the afternoon so by the *real* happy hour, he’s lit up like the National Mall on the 4th of July.


How decrepit and pitiable must one’s life be to actually want to pose as Psul? What an oozing pustule of sadness and woe they must live in.


This guy has to be a poser. I can’t imaging Paul K. Wickre (GH!) figuring out how to use Tor. Unless the wifey set it up for him because he way crying too loud.

@ChipNasa – oh boy, if he’s drinking already, his liver should implode by this evening. Unless the local 7-11 runs out of Thunderbird first.


*was crying (can’t depend on spellcheck, proofread darnit!)


I spent some time last night, into the wee hours, doing a reverse analysis of pulltoy Psuliebot, based on his behavior in the recent past (including that 2011 memo posted above), to see if there’s a way to predict what he’ll do next. He looks for conflict where there is none. He revived a dead thread all on his own and ran with it. He will not accept anyone else’s point of view and goes ballistic when he’s challenged. Refer to that 2011 memo from him to Phildo. He’s got a spendthrift gene, with delusions and obsessions about the money that his mother left him. Money runs through his hands like water, and he will spend himself into the poor house. Being loved by parents is more important to him than normal. We already know that he had an abusive childhood. I would guess that his father perceived him as a ‘sissy-boy’ and smacked him around a lot to make him ‘be a man’. Now, he’s looking for a relationship similar to something he had in childhood, which was abusive. But if is mother’s money is threatened, he’ll do anything, including stupid things, to protect it, because it’s all he has left of her besides her grave marker. He’s very secretive. He does not like being found out, but he has a strong need to identify with other people and in the process, makes a lot of enemies. He wants to have a lot of friends but owing to his early childhood is a bully instead, so he has ‘frenemies’, hence the use of ‘pardner’ and ‘let’s do this’ in his most recent piece of driveling, babbling e-mail to Jonn, et al., which started with “All”, meaning this group of people. He wants to attract people whose emotions are strong and close to the surface because he wants to be aware of his ‘friends’, in this case ‘frenemies’. He wants to be buddies, but instead repels people. Unless someone appeals strongly to his emotions, he wants nothing to do with them. He has strange fantasies which are growing in his… Read more »


So to boil it down to really stick it to him, the following list is useful.

Dear Paul Wickre. You will never be half the man your mother was…

According to sources Paul Wickre’s Mom slept with all the men in town, half the women, and most of the dogs…

Paul Wickre: “Thou hast undone our mother.”
TAH: “Villain, I have done thy mother.”

And the finisher…

Psul! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!


It’s now labeled bi-polar personality, but it’s still the manicky/moody behavior swings, and we see that here in Psull. I doubt that his wife sees any of it. If he fails to thwart us and drive us out, she may come home to an unpleasant surprise some day.

Based on his deteriorating writing, I do believe that he’s close to the end of his rope on this.

Now don’t go getting my hopes up!


@291….And we fart in your general direction…You don’t frighten us, APL Pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person! I blow my nose at you, so-called PSullll Weeee-reeeee, you and all your silly Phildo defending personalities.


Nik, it depends entirely on how much endurance that fat, bloated ball of gopher grease has to draw on.

I think he gets a rush, just like combat jitters or performance jitters, out of what he plans to do and that provides an energy lift.

However, I do believe he’s beginning to fade. His secretive nature demands that he operate in a sock puppet way, but then he gives it away by telling us ahead of time. He’ll try again, but none of it will work.

It has everything to do with timing. He picked the wrong time to start trying to take down an electronic forum.



He picked the wrong time to start trying to take down an electronic forum.

I think the only thing he ever successfully picked was his nose.


Chip, if that’s really you, do you know how to tell if someone is a king?


@296 – Nik – LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Focusing on trying to take down TAH is contributing to his losing control of those fantasies that scare that crap out of him.


Beautiful analysis, PH. Covers all his obvious pathologies.

Please see my #254. Concerned about the liability vector to Jonn/Mark/Hondo if Paul does harm himself. I think such a suit would be vainglorious and unlikely in any event, but on the off chance one were mounted, it could be very expensive and annoying to defend against.


That’s true, ExHack, but because all evidence shows that he has initiated every contact on his own, and has been repeatedly told to back off and drop it, including reviving a long-dead thread on his own, I don’t think a lawsuit like that (wrongful death) would go very far.

When people say ‘he’s going deeper and deeper into the tank’, for instance, it’s a behavior pattern that can also indicate a deteriorating mental condition.

We all know that there’s no reason for him to keep coming back here, but he does anyway. It’s almost like he’s looking for the abuse he used to get from daddy.


It’s really me…..No (awaiting punch line…)
How *DO* you know how to tell if someone is a king?

/Elvis hair and a cape???


No, no, Chip!

Peasant #1: Must be a king, eh?

Peasant #2: How can you tell?

Peasant #1: Hasn’t got shit all over him.

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