Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Yat Yas 1833

Hey Wingding! I’m still waiting. I’m willing to go to jail for a chance to pound your “real Ranger, Special Forces, Airborne, Super-trooper, All American hero” face into the pavement. I should be no threat to your ” ASSassin” self. I’m a one term Amtracer from the 1st Marine Division who did absolutely nothing. Sooo…why haven’t you responded, other than to post that stupid link? You realize your non-response only proves what everyone here has been saying about you. I’ve been posting your non-responses on my Facebook page. With hundreds of “friends”, who are ‘friends’ with hundreds of others, there are thousands of people who now know what a turd you are. What’s it like to be known as a full blown LIAR to thousands of people?

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey Dallass, you do you still dress up as Thunder Chicken the Parachuting Assclown when you’re not busy dressing up as a Ranger? Just curious.

Scottys Hideaway

Hello Dallas, Have you missed me lately stupid one. You Blog of shame is sure getting popular. Tell me, How does it feel to have 40 years of embellishments exposed on your worthless lieing ass. And its not hard to tell that your butt hurt over not getting into the Military Gala. Sucks being you dumb ass . You & SEAL poser Arthur South and sex offender/Marine poser Tony Meyers must really think your something special. No worries. We are making you famous as the ass-clown posers that you are. The more you three run your mouths now. The bigger idiots you show the World you are. What a bunch of losers you three have turned out to be.

Frankly Opinionated

Keep on posting useless links. Get enough of them up and you may have something to hide behind. Do you really think anyone here has any kind of sympathy for your lyin’, thievin’ fat ass?
Have they widened that turn lane on Langley Avenue onto Int’l Speedway Blvd, to acommodate your wide ass yet?

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey, did you guys see me on national television today. Rand-McNally Travel Channel for the “most patriotic town” competition. Me and my town are finalists…. What were you jack-offs doing today…?

BTW.. just because some civilian in a non-profit educational organization (which is behind on IRS taxes paperwork) shows predigious toward a combat wounded 100% disabled Vietnam War Veteran of the elite Airborne Ranger doesn’t mean he is NOT going to be at their door, dumbasses.

I am a LRRP, no matter what you try to convince yourselves of. You guys are stupid. I am a professional media man. I will have you all and her eaten alive before the military gala dance hall doors even open. That’s what I do..

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey Scotty..? I was so happy to receive the news about your “unemployment” fiasco… Lost your job again after a “suspicious fire incident”, again. Are you an arson also…? Who knew..! Makes my portrail of you “valor vultures” more relevant to the overall scope of things. Yes I know where you are at and where you have worked.

See you later “carpenter boy”.. The very real-deal LRRP is coming to a town near you.


When did you attend Ranger school, Dallass?

You’re not a fucking Ranger. You will never be a Ranger. And I hope to fucking god someone knocks that tan beret off your empty fucking head!

Yat Yas 1833

Hey shit-for-brains. My challenge still stands. Jonn has my contact information, call me so we can meet. I have the time and money to meet you where ever you want AND the money to bail myself out of jail. You do realize how bad this is making you look, right? This is a straight up ‘man-to-man’ challenge that you won’t respond to. Why not? A mere Amtracer shouldn’t pose any problem to an “airborne super-trouper Special Forces All American assassin hero” like you!

Frankly Opinionated

Lardass Dullass says: “I am a professional media man.”
That fully explains his propensity for lying.


Well, I see our favorite talking horse’s ass is back. Welcome back, Wittgenfeld. Since you seem to lose track of things and keep bringing up irrelevant details and changing the subject, let me help get you back on track. The issue never has been whether you were assigned to a LRRP unit, Wittgenfeld. And the issue isn’t and never has been about what anyone else did – so quit trying to bring up others as a smokescreen and a distraction. The real issues, Wittgenfeld, are and always have been your questionable claims and clownish, asinine behavior. Since you seem to have a memory problem, let me restate the real questions here for your benefit, clown. They all concern you and you alone: 1. Where are the orders for your CIB? (You’ve never produced them.) 2. How did you convince someone to put a CIB in your records when your official records clearly show you never served as an Infantryman in Vietnam? (Your official records show that every duty position you held in Vietnam was as an O5B RTO.) 3. When did you ever serve as an advisor, on formal orders to perform advisory duty, to any RVN unit? (You’ve never produced any such orders, and such duty doesn’t appear in your official records. And providing liaison and/or comm support for the Thai Army DOES NOT COUNT.) 4. When and how did you ever obtain Ranger qualification? (You’ve sidestepped or ignored that question every time.) 5. Where are the orders showing assignment or attachment to an SF unit? (No such assignment is shown in your official records.) 6. Where did all those newspaper reporters get the idea that you had a Bronze Star for Valor? Were you the source of that baldfaced lie? 7. How does it feel to be arrested for flying a plane while intoxicated? C’mon, dipstick – this discussion is about you and what you did or did not do. Man up for once and answer a few of those questions. Quit sidestepping the real issues here. And quit the clumsy, transparent attempts to deflect attention by bringing… Read more »

Frankly Opinionated

Dude, you are asking a lot. Dullass “Man up”? One must first possess a pair, and then must conduct himself as a “Man”. Neither of which is the case here. He lies, he steals, he hides behind others, and in general is anything but a “man”.
My day will come.

Just Plain Jason

Oh I get it he is way more important than the rest of us “regular guys”… Hahahahahaha, what a fucking loser ass joke. I wonder if he and Ric Duncan get off hanging out with the real media types. Arrogant cocksmoke, you pissed off a lot of guys at the Stolen Valor site on Facebook…

Joe Williams

Hondo, do not forget his orders for flight crew. No orders =no Air Medal.


Joe: again, not universally the case in the Army – the Army reg allows for award of the Air Medal to non-flight-status personnel under certain conditions and gives the example of providing airborne C&C. Wittgenfeld may actually have met the regulatory conditions if he was detailed to provide airborne comm support for US/allied operations for a period of time. That would be consistent with his MOS and last duty assignment (to FFORCE-V) while in Vietnam.

I per your request above, I also sent you contact info via e-mail.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Wha, Wha, Wha…! Let’s all go dancing at the big military gala in Branson, Mo upcoming..? Quit tr4ying to side track the facts that I am who I say I am and I am not responsible for anything anybody else besides me write in heresay. You people know all this. But continue to harass and dishonor me.

Soooooo, let’s go dancing and see what all the rest of the country thinks about you young Iraq & Afghan War Veteran “Band of Bastards”. Stop trying to distract “THE LRP41″… I am cuming to Branson, Mo. See you all there.


Actually, Wittgenfeld, you are responsible for what reporters say about you two different ways.

First: if you were the source of any misinformation (e.g., if you lied to the reporter) about your decorations or qualifications – then you’re directly responsible for the misinformation. That’s a direct misrepresentation or misstatement of fact.

Second: papers get things wrong and publish corrections all the time. If you knew a reporter “got it wrong” and made no attempt to correct the record, you’re just as guilty as if you had lied directly to the reporter.

Now: quit sidestepping the issues with irrelevant smoke screens. Man up (if you know how), quit acting like a 6 year old boy, and answer the damn questions raised above.


Douchenozzle troll is douchnozzle-y.


Looks like yer right, NHSparky. And it also looks like ArmyJ was likely right in 180 above, too.


Has this clown ever been privy to a psych eval?

Scottys Hideaway

Hey Scotty..? I was so happy to receive the news about your “unemployment” fiasco… Lost your job again after a “suspicious fire incident”, again. Are you an arson also.

WTF are you talking about Dallas ? Are you trying to refer to the Sawmill I was working on in Mar. of 92 catching fire ? Newsflash dumb ass. The State Fire Marshall declared that an accident & no I didn’t lose my Job over it. In fact the owner of the mill rebuilt a double band mill from the insurance money & tripled his production. Now I know where you got this info & am wondering are you caught up in the same attempted extortion case that he is convicted of ? Yes that’s right dilly Dallas. I’m talking about another one of your poser buddies Navy SW poser Ray Hall. you see stupid one. I know who on f/b that I’ve told that story to & there has only been one.Now since you seem to know so much about my personal info. Tell me how many jobs I’ve had since that one & what do I do for a living now ? See if your buddy Ray Hall can find those answers for ya jack wagon.
Attached is Ray Hall’s Blog of Shame. The reason he knows of this is because he resides in the same county/state that I grew up in.


Well, looks like we have another Anus Maximus sighting.

What’s the matter, Wittgenfeld – looking for documents that don’t exist? Thinking up new and novel stories, or trying to come up with new smokescreens? You should have figured out by now that the ones you’re using are lame as hell.

Quit changing the subject, Wittgenfeld. Man up and answer the questions posed above.

If you’re not too much of a coward, that is.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey Scotty…. The reason you are blogging here is because you were shot-out of Face Book yet again. How many is that … 4,5,6,7,8,…?

BTW…. If you Band of Bastards can’t show a picture of me wearing a Bronze Star… You are fucked. If you valor vultures can’t hear an audio of me saying I have a Bronze Star… You are fucked again. See where you really are.?


Wittgenfeld: we have published articles showing that claim. What’s in question is whether you were the source of that bogus information. I suspect you were. And I also notice you sidestep that question every time it’s asked.

That doesn’t surprise me. Clowns and fools rarely give a straight answer to a difficult question. They always try to change the subject.


He’ll never provide copies of anything asked for, he is not a man. A liar, thief, and ugly. Nothing manly about those traits.


I think he used to sprinkle Agent Orange on his corn flakes.


SkySoldier: maybe he spent too much time at altitude w/o an oxygen bottle. I understand hypoxia can cause serious brain damage.

Old Trooper

@260: Really, Dallas? You’re going to eat all of us alive? Stop it!!! You’re scaring me!!!

I’m not, now, nor have I ever mentioned anything about your service record. The only things I have taken exception to are your jacked up class A uniform, your adolescent braggadocio about being called a hero, and your lack of class and integrity. I don’t give a shit about you calling yourself thunder lips the gay ass skydiving dealer of fluff, or whatever it is you call yourself these days, but you have no idea about who these commenters are at this site, so I would suggest that you leave your Billy Badass bragging out of any future posts, because some of these people have a whole helluva lot more time in combat than you did, yet they don’t brag about it or talk like some prepubescent school boy.


His life is probably all fallen apart around him, no more shows, no more jumps, no more free meal tickets, he has been reduced to posting pointless links that no one will click on. In the words of Nelson “HA HA”


My question is this: Why is his flipping name typed like some 12-y/o girl texted it to her bff????

Frankly Opinionated

I looked and looked and cannot find an FAA approval for a heavy drop event anywhere near Branson MO. So his jump there is probably just another of his lies.
Dipshits who falsely claim ownership of photos of MC-6 chute jumps by Rangers n SF types are losers for sure; and then to claim that the true owner of said photo “stole it from him”, seals the deal on his loserness.

Scottys Hideaway

It doesn’t matter how many f/b accounts you & your poser buddies report dilly Dallas. Nothing is going to change the fact that you lied about your Military career for 40 years now.You really need to seek professional mental health old man. Your acting more & more like a spoiled little child with each passing day.


Uh, ROS . . . maybe because he’s acting like a 13 y/o girl who’s jealous and has to tear others down to make herself look better?

Joe Williams

Name the date and time Dilly Windsock for Branson and we can discuss why you (an RTO) was in so many groups in such a short time. Good troops are kept in the same outfit.Will you produce the orders awarding your Air Medal?

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

GAME OVER for the Valor Vultures



So you admit you were lying all along? Well, awesome.

You can’t claim harrassment and continue to comment on the blog, you know that right?


Maybe that was the unintended consequence of his gloating? He finally outed himself.


Sounds like an admission of guilt to me.

Old Trooper


Yea, Dallas the cheese dick wins! Let’s see what you’ve won; shall we? You’ve won the scorn and ridicule from your fellow Vets with your over the top hero bullshit and your self absorbed Billy Badass talk. You’ve won the right to wear your class A uniform all cocked up like some spastic ritard in JROTC (that’s something to be proud of, fucknuts) all while pissing on the honor of all those that don’t/didn’t wear their uniform looking like someone that was rode hard and put away wet after a 3 day bender at a fisting festival.

You have no honor and I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on you if you were on fire.


Actually, Wittgenfeld – your past false claims of a Bronze Star for Valor wouldn’t have been covered by the SVA in any case. The Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws. (Look it up if you don’t know what that means. But there may be big words involved, so you might need to have someone read it to you and explain it.)

Sheesh, I’d have thought that even an arrogant fool and tool such as yourself would know that. Apparently you’re more ignorant than I thought. Perhaps we should start calling you DullAss instead of Dallas.

However, I would still be careful about what military decorations I wore if I were you. The Stolen Valor Act was essentially 18 USC 704b, plus certain penalty enhancements in 18 USC 704d. Wearing unauthorized medals is covered in a different part of Federal law – 18 USC 704a. That part of Federal law predates the SVA by about 45 years and wasn’t part of the SVA. Today’s SCOTUS decision was narrowly crafted and appears to have only struck down the verbal claims prohibition of the SVA contained in 18 USC 704b. It didn’t address 18 USC 704a, which prohibits unauthorized wear of military decorations. That legal prohibition appears to remain in effect.


But Old Trooper, the real question is: if you were drinking a bottle of 151 rum an saw him on fire, would you come to his aide and try to put out the fire with said rum? Or would you save that rum for its intended purpose? (smile)


@289- Hondo, you do make a very valid point. I’m just going to sit here gloating that he’s finally outed himself as a lying sack of equine excrement, though.


ROS: he’s also earned a couple of new medals. See comment 208 above. (smile)

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey let’s all go buy some Medals of Honor…. Big sale at Walmart tomorrow, I hear.. 🙂

Scottys Hideaway

That would be nothing new for you Dickweed Wittgenfeld !

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