Tim Poe: America’s Got Stolen Valor?
Editor Note: This post is stuck to the top of the blog, scroll for newer posts.
UPDATE x4: The audio interview with Tim Poe is up, it starts around 110 or so. Also more media coverage about this at Fox.
“I had volunteered for a team to go out and clear buildings and help out with the wounded,” Poe said during a taped interview on the show. “There was a guy who come up with a rocket-propelled grenade. I saw it coming down, and by the time I turned and went to jump on top of my guys, I yelled `grenade’ and the blast had hit me.”
It seems that Yahoo is reporting it as well.
NBC had no comment on the story, but if proven true, these accusations could turn a feel-good story into a serious scandal for the network. At the very least, it sounds as if someone at NBC didn’t do their homework before broadcasting Poe’s story into millions of homes. Poe got three “yes” votes from the judges and will presumably continue on in the competition; we’ll have to see how “Talent” addresses these very serious allegations in the weeks to come.
UPDATE x3: It seems that America Got Talent has finally responded about his military background. Thanks Chris for the link.
Got a second link to the America Got Talent about a ex-wife that talks about his past. Thank you to Parachute Cutie for the link.
UPDATE x2: I just spoke with a Major at the MN National Guard PAO who confirmed this press release. If he did all this heroic type crap, it wasn’t with this unit anyway, and he was assigned to the National Guard during the time he is claiming. So, unless he served in 2 units AT THE SAME TIME, this guy is full of crap. (cue Doggy Dog and his apology to me now.)
UPDATE: Insert Ace of Spades glowing skull here….
From a commenter, I have not verified yet, but this matches the other info leaked to me:
~~ Attributable to Lt. Col. Kevin Olson, Spokesman for the Minnesota National Guard ~~
Sgt. Timothy Michael Poe served in the Minnesota Army National Guard from Dec. 3, 2002 until May 26, 2011, and performed as a supply specialist.
His military records indicate that he served with the Minnesota National Guard in Kosovo from Oct. 10, 2007 until July 15, 2008, and was deployed to Afghanistan from July 28, 2009 to Aug. 30, 2009.
Sgt. Poe’s official military records do not indicate that he was injured by a grenade in combat while serving in Afghanistan in 2009, as he reports. The Minnesota National Guard can also confirm that he was not awarded the Purple Heart Medal for wounds sustained in combat.
Have emailed the LTC, will update when confirmed. (The LTC emailed me back and gave me a second confirmation on this press release.)
Original post:
According to this cat, he got hit by an RPG which led to TBI and a stuttering issue….
That same thing happened to me, or just about the same. I got hit with an RPG, but I was quick enough to catch it in my teeth, and though it exploded, all it gave me was an aching priapism. But, I spit out the remains of that RPG thing and yelled at the dude that shot me, “Oh man, you done screwed a Royal goat now!” And I called on teh power of Greyskull and Odin to help me. They were both busy, but Odin sent the Valykries who picked me up, one under wach arm, and a third carrying my prodigous member, and they flew me around the battlefield to smite mine enemies with major smitage. Then I cut off all their earlobes and made a really cool lampshade.
And, according to a host of folks showing up all over the ‘net today, my story is apparently just as factually based as this numbnuts…
Ole Poe here has one defender..
Benjamin A Beers
Really people don’t you think the show would do there research before televising his addition as well as the network. The net work dose full on back grounds on the contestant and there stories before the show even comes out let alone be put on air and I’m sure if your story was true about Tim Poe the US Military would of already came out to say he lying after all these addition were over a month ago. I do respect and support are troops but this just seems like bullying to me.
Um, no. I doubt they do any research at all. How many times has there been a contestant that appeared on some dopey reality TV show and then weeks later they have to boot them for porn or a criminal record? This publicity will only make more people tune in.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and declare this one busted. I have a friend who met this guy and said s/he suspected Poe was full of shite from minute 1. Either that gut instinct was right, or someone went through a lot of effort to invent people in the 114th transportation company and their Facebook pages.
Now, if you don’t mind, I’m heading out with my Valykrie friends for some BBQ and Mead in Valhalla.
UPDATE: ok, so now we have like 15 gazillion people coming from Facebook, so since the vast bulk are new to TAH, better explain some back story….
1) I have a source on this I trust implictely.
2) there are 15 names of folks from his unit that are on the Facebook page. I suppose it is possible they are all plants, but that would be one hell of an effort, since I went to each individual Facebook page, and they were all started WELL before yesterday.
3) I have documentation showing his claims of having a Bronze Star and a purple heart. Other folks are emailing and PMing me that these are not accurate.
Is this guy’s story real? I wasn’t with him, but gun to the head and Occum’s Razor suggest no. In order for his story to be real, there is a serious effort afoot to malign him. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely, no.
This stuff happens to us all the time. See for example Sergeant Major Mailahn who was the “youngest Marine Corps sergeant major in history.” We outted him, he threatened legal action, and months later admitted he was full of crap.
Would I like more info on this guy? Absolutely. For some reason all the principals have gone silent on this. I am told it is because the command of that unit told them to shut up for now as they work on a press release. I’d feel better with that press release, but go to the link I put in above. Come to your own conclusion, I’m just some dopey dude blogging. You have access to the folks saying he was lying, and his video. Assess for yourselves what you think.
Category: Phony soldiers
Doug: agreed. Where they tend to get in trouble is when they (1) get complacent or (2) start believing their own BS. I’d guess you’re correct here and that Poe got complacent.
Future IVAW official?
Damn it. I just finished posting a video about this bastard on my site.
I think what amazes me the most about this guy, though, is that most of these false valor assholes just either walk around in a fake uniform during a parade, or they go into a bar and pretending to be a soldier and looking to get laid, etc.
But this guy went balls to the wall. He’s faking a stutter. He’s faking TBI. He’s faking two purple hearts. He’s faking pretty much his entire service record. And he’s doing it all while on national television!
I would love to know what was going through his head when he decided that it was a good idea.
OEF_Veteran, e-mail me, Jonn has my email address. You’ve piqued my curiosity.
All I can do is shake my head in disbelief and disgust.
@1:37-40 he speaks perfectly fine. He is really nervous but doesn’t sound it bc I stutter when I’m nervous. And its the first word thats a record for me. But hey, wtf do I know?
The audio interview with Tim Poe is up.
Apparently he lied about taking up singing as recommended therapy for his TBI. He was in a band called “Crawlspace” for a minute and a bit:
He deserves an Academy award…best acting i’ve seen in a long time !
Waiting for Paul Mitchell to call the Pohan and help him fulfill his dreams of making hair silky smooth
Jonn, you want an ex wife? Well here ya go… (Seems there could be more than one ex wife)
Won’t these guys ever learn?
@ 162- Well done, Parachute Cutie. I’m especially proud that you didn’t deck him in Vegas. However, if you had, we could have started a bail bond fund for ya, lmao.
Update 4: So he’s sticking with it is he? Poor dumb bastard.
Leta!! You go, Girl.
I am sorry. Mental issues still don’t trump knowing right from wrong. Not buying into that one. I have a crazy person in my family and she does know right from wrong.
And that Know the Facts person must be a real winner,too. Oy.
Nice job, TSO.
And Congratulations on being sworn in!!
The things u miss while deployed. Ok TSO time for a new douchbag bracket.
“There was a guy who come up with a rocket-propelled grenade. I saw it coming down, and by the time I turned and went to jump on top of my guys”…..
Really dude!!! I think he read to many Medal of Honor citations. This oozes of retard.
I think this scumbag has now been thoroughly vetted and is now looking at a #1 seed in the tourney!! Congratulations! We still need to work on a name for him, but the one I have for him isn’t printable.
I am absolutely appalled, by this story and Mr. Poe. I watched the episode and was extremely moved by his story. I even got a little teary eyed thinking about my fellow service members that have been injured or even worse. I served seven years active duty and I am now serving as a US Army Reservists. I did two years in Iraq and I do have a purple heart from being struck by an RPG. I have had two really good friends killed overseas and my best friend is currently serving in Afghanistan.
When I re-watch this episode I can’t help but feel disrespected and outraged. Tim Poe should be kicked off the show and I know this isn’t within your control, but lose all his VA benefits. He is a disgrace to anyone who once or is still currently wearing the uniform. He has disrespected are military and those that gave their lives for us.
I have to be honest, but I don’t think I will watch America’s Got Talent again. For AGT and NBC not to do their research before airing this, is not as appalling as Mr. Poe lying, but is still shocking. AGT has insulted every current service member and past service member by not doing a little research. My wife, who is a little cynic, noticed that when he exited the stage and was talking to Nick he didn’t stutter once. She then decided to look his story up and couldn’t find it on the internet. That alone put suspicion in her mind. I am more than certain that NBC and AGT have the ability to do an in-depth background check on someone, especially with a story like this. It was extremely irresponsible for them not to do a background check. Since I am being honest, I hope your ratings drop to teach shows like this a lesson.
I’m with you on swearing off AGT Greg. The guy is a pathalogical liar, but if you listened to CJ’s interview, he also sounds easily manipulated. Question I have is, was AGT aware of/complicit in trying to re-create a “Susan Boyle Moment” using Poe? The whole phony bit just seems too well done and too orchestrated.
Walmart cowboy sounds good OT. Just a suggestion.
@171: Well, I don’t want to disgrace Walmart by associating them with this steaming turd pile. Although, that name does have a catchiness to it.
Damn, how does everybogy miss this HUGE RED FLAG ? “I think I broke my back again.How did he stay in or re-enlist with a back injury of any kind. mine ended my Marine careen. My DD-214 states no re-enlistment.The after action report does not mention my injury. My health record does all the way to my Discharge. Joe
@173: Joe, I have a friend that injured his back during pre-deployment training. He kept charging on and did his deployment, came back, and then had surgery to fix his back. He now is in the same boat as you i.e. no reenlistment.
If I had to divvy up the blame for this shenanigan, I’d go 90% Poe (his wife ought to have known better too), 10% AGT. Given he had completely invented a tour in Iraq, and a bullet wound to go with it, prior to appearing on AGT, I doubt he needed much encouragement to come up with this fantasy. AGT should be ashamed of themselves for buying it without any proof, but much better journalists and tv producers than them have fallen for bigger lies. I just hope they kick this tool off the show and make it well known to their audience that he’s a liar.
0311 and others, check out the update…
No matter what you think of Howard Stern, he does make a good statement here:
I know im totally late on this, but come on….Know the facts was in Mosul in 2007? Im certain that the chief complaint on camp liberty in 2007 was something like “my personal internet is too slow”. Not to say there werent guys still getting ripped apart on convoys and the like. Just saying.
I was a Citadel hat-thrower in For The Boys too, TSO.
I remember hearing that the producers wanted to have a keg party for us as payment, but the school would not allow it. Of course- most of us were on restriction that weekend and coerced into participating. Or, at least that was how it rolled in Charlie Co- “Hey knob- get your ass into full dress salt & pepper- you’re going to go stand on the parade deck for hours while they shoot a 10-second visual. Move, it screw!”
In the end, all I got was a crappy t-shirt (and my mug thankfully was cropped out of the shot) but hey- all a part of the Citadel experience!
Known the loser in Texas since end of 1996. His nickname back then was TALL TALE TIM
And he’s fixin’ to marry wife #4 at the end of the month.
I think Howard Stern should make him stand on the stage at the next show and force him to apologize to everyone. Belittle him in front of America, Simon Cowell would do it…..
No love for the Stolen Valor folks 🙁
If this is truly a hoax /lie/Bs this person, he is not a man should be sent for evaluation and then beaten to a pulp by Veterans who were injured in combat. His family should disown him and his veterans benefits forfeited. What a peice of shipppppppppp to use his service falsely. He could have been honest and just shared what he really did but he wanted to be a hero and now he is a ZERO!!! God bless our real veterans & their families!!!!!!!!!!!I am a psychologist who assists vets with PTSD email me at jackgrenan@netscape.net. i am a cnacer survivor of 4th statge colon cancer so I know about suffering and being blessed. I am not looking for money just helping those in need. i am in Michigan. Again God Bless all outr TROOPS!!!
I told you so: I wouldn’t be sure about that wedding taking place once his fiancee experience the shit-storm (and the aftermath thereof) caused by her prospective husband’s lies. If she’s got any common sense he might still be lookin’ – for a while.
Up North check your FB messages. I left you a message.
I wanna fart in his mouth and hold his nose shut
Poe, (He does not even deserve to be called SGT), is a complete liar of the very worst kind. Unfortunately I have known him for years while stationed with B Company, Wounded Warriors, BAMC. He was IN FACT sent back to the states for a minor injury due to a training exercise. He injured, and re-injured his back while taking Karate lessons so that he could receive increased amounts of pain medication. He is in fact a junkie, on top of a liar. He last roommate was a close friend of mine and the stories he told me about Poes misuse of narcotics, to include the purchase of Heroin in downtown SA, completely blows my mind. To claim that he in fact THREW HIMSELF on top of his friends so that they would not be casualties when a grenade went off is pathetic, and a horrible insult to those who do in fact shield their friends and pay the ultimate price in doing so. The FAKE stutter, yes FAKE, is solely used when he wants attention, or someone to feel sorry for him as he did on Americas Got Talent. After three and a half years in the same Battalion, I have NEVER heard him stutter before the airing of Mondays program. Many private donations are made to the Warrior and Family Support Center to help families of Wounded Soldiers, and many weekend trips are also provided. Purple Heart recipient, combat supply Sergeant Poe, never missed one of those trips even when it meant a double amputee couldn’t attend due to lack of space. During these outings Poe has the audacity to tell everyone how he saved the lives of other Soldiers, was injured by a grenade, blah, blah, and blah. His family should be absolutely ashamed of his behavior. There are true heroes out there and he is far from being one of them. Then there’s his girlfriend standing beside him like she really believes the crap that continues to come out of his mouth. Wake up miss girlfriend and get a grip on what’s really going on or… Read more »
OT, Iwas injured Jan 17,1967 was discharged on Jun 23,1972 with 3yrs left on my re-enlistment. Joe
I just listened to the interview.
He was with the Minnesota NG for almost 8.5 years and he “only knew two or three guys” and he can’t remember their names. That’s plausible.
Don’t think the link to agtnews is an official site of the show. Don’t think that website is affiliated with the show at all, just a third party site reporting on the show.
This is my first time at This Ain’t Hell. I’ve got to applaud you guys. You should go after TMZ next for claiming they had the exclusive.
I was just curious about the punishment for a former or active member of the military who blatantly lies about their service and injuries sustained during combat. Nobody should be able to get away with this.
[…] I just wanted to clarify something that I didn't include in this post. It wasn't intentional as TSO is a great guy and friend and I want to ensure that people understand my efforts to interview SGT […]
he is a sorry pathetic person to make stuff up like that. I am a 100% permanent and totally disabled veteran/service connected(from combat service i have my CIB(combat infantry badge) which only infantryman can get for combat service. This a disgrace adn i wish i could meet him to shoew him how it feels to really be hurt from combat- we haqd a person similiar to him who when we received orders to move in he took off running in the desert to claim mental illness so they awarded him his cIb and then tore it off his uniform,he was undeserving and a coward.I bet poe ran the other way when he shoild have went straight to the action.. what an insult and disgrace he is to us who have and deserved assistance from the va for service and injuries sustained
How did this douche think he was going to get away with this? I hope they dont let him continue on the show.
Damn I love you guys. As soon as I read about this ass-hat I jumped on here and TL to see if I could break some news. Sadly for me, TAH was days ahead of the story. As usual. Listening to the pod-cast episode 196 right now. Got it bookmarked for future reference. Great job guys! Semper-Fi!
Wow. Great interview Eric/Chad/Toby. I look forward to listening to more of your shows. I listened to the whole thing. Really good show. You kept it pretty easy on him.
@197: Your question has been the main one for a lot of people, including, I hear, Howard Stern.